Happy Birthday Floyd Cramer born on October 27, 1933. He was an American Hall of Fame pianist who wa
- JeffJ1961 (3 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Leo Baxendale (d. 2017), Barry Supple, Nawal El Saadawi, Anatoliy Zayaev (d. 2012), Jean-Pierre C
- Teewhy Nyema (3 months ago)
Andrew Williamson
Born on this date10/27...
Theodore Roosevelt
26th U.S. President
Floyd Cramer American H
- Andrew Williamson (3 months ago)
Larry in Missouri
Happy Birthday to the late Floyd Cramer; pianist and one of architects of the Nashville Sound, known for his slip
- Larry in Missouri (3 months ago)
Janine Bennett
On The Rebound - Floyd Cramer ( 1961 ) via Happy 86th Birthday in Heaven Floyd Cra
- Janine Bennett (3 months ago)
Marshall of Rock
Happy Birthday - October 27
Floyd Cramer (Worked with Elvis Presley on Heartbreak Hotel and other hits, solo) b
- Marshall of Rock (3 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Leo Baxendale (d. 2017), Barry Supple, Nawal El Saadawi, Anatoliy Zayaev (d. 2012), Jean-Pierre C
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (3 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Harry Gregg, Dolores Moore (d. 2000), Sylvia Plath (d. 1963), Floyd Cramer (d. 1997) and Ryo Hanmura (d. 2002).
- North Trenton (3 months ago)
Sharon Powell King
*HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND R.I.P.* Floyd Cramer (October 27, 1933 December 31, 1997) was an American Hall of Fame...
- Sharon Powell King (3 months ago)
ron sandgren
Happy birthday today to legendary pianist Floyd Cramer who was born on this date in 1933 and he played piano on...
- ron sandgren (3 months ago)
Happy birthday to pianist Floyd Cramer (October 27,1933), author of The Piano Magic of Floyd Cramer (2014).
- Book_Addict (3 months ago)
BlackSheepSoul Radio
Happy Birthday to Floyd Cramer, Lee Greenwood, Garry W Tallent, Simon Le Bon & Keri Hilson!
- BlackSheepSoul Radio (3 months ago)
October 27, Happy Birthday to the legendary Floyd Cramer.
- KalineCountry (3 months ago)
Saturday\'s Radio
Happy Birthday to Simon Le Bon and Gary Tallent!
Remembering Sylvia Plath, Scott Weiland, and Floyd Cramer.
- Saturday\'s Radio (3 months ago)
October 27th Happy Birthday to Floyd Cramer (1933), Byron Allred - Steve Miller Band (1949), Garry Tallent -...
- TodayinMusicHistory (3 months ago)
Salvador E. Prado
Oct 27th Happy Birthday to Floyd Cramer (1933),...
- Salvador E. Prado (3 months ago)