Happy 76th Birthday to Fran Brill! The actress who played Sally Hayes in Being There, Dana Mardukas in Midnight Run
- Jake with the Ob (5 months ago)
PBS Kids Sprout TV Wiki
Happy happy birthday to Fran Brill, the original Muppet performer of Zoe and Prairie Dawn. The latt
- PBS Kids Sprout TV Wiki (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Fran Brill!
- HIATUS (HURRICANE IAN) (5 months ago)
Next Avenue
Happy Jim Henson\'s birthday! Here, Henson\'s first woman employee, Fran Brill, shares candid memories with
- Next Avenue (5 months ago)
Paul McGinnis
Happy Birthday, Fran Brill!
- Paul McGinnis (5 months ago)
The Muppet Show no context
- The Muppet Show no context (5 months ago)
Stephanie D\'Abruzzo
Happy birthday to the great Fran Brill.
Long may she wave.
- Stephanie D\'Abruzzo (5 months ago)
Muppet Wiki
A Very Happy 75th Birthday to Sesame Street puppeteer and actress Fran Brill!
In tribute, we\'ve put together a lis
- Muppet Wiki (5 months ago)
Daily Muppet OTD
Today s bonus muppet of the day is Vicki from The Jim Henson Hour!
Happy Birthday, Fran Brill!
- Daily Muppet OTD (5 months ago)
Spooky Muppet OTD
Today s bonus muppet of the day is Vicki from The Jim Henson Hour!
Happy Birthday, Fran Brill!
- Spooky Muppet OTD (5 months ago)
North Trenton
And Happy Birthday to Jimmy Johnstone (d. 2006), Red Robbins (d. 2009), Richard Edwin Hills, Ehud Olmert, Fran Bril
- North Trenton (5 months ago)
Puppet Tears Podcast
Wishing a very Happy Birthday to our recent guest Fran Brill .
- Puppet Tears Podcast (5 months ago)
Osmosis Jones Rules Est 2003
Happy 74th Birthday To Fran Brill! The Actress Who Played Lilly Marvin Wiley In What About Bob, And The Voice Of Mr
- Osmosis Jones Rules Est 2003 (5 months ago)
Jon Brangwynne
Happy Birthday Fran Brill!
- Jon Brangwynne (5 months ago)
Lolly Lardpop
Happy Jolly Lolly Sunday Buddy Pals. Today Is the lovely and talented Fran Brill\'s birthday so I thought I would s
- Lolly Lardpop (5 months ago)
IMDb. September 30th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Mate Haumann, Sheena Shaw, Won Joo, Fran Brill, George Bancroft, Cristina Plazas, Marilyn McCoo.
- GSmith (5 months ago)
Jesse Oliver
Sesame Street - The First and Last Cookie with Prairie Dawn and Cookie M... via Happy Birthday Fran Brill!
- Jesse Oliver (5 months ago)
Muppet Quotes
\"I may not be a major motion picture star, but that\'s OK. I\'ve done all right.\"
Happy Birthday to a major Muppet s
- Muppet Quotes (5 months ago)
James Nobes
Happy Birthday to Fran Brill, the incredibly talented and kind puppeteer for Prairie Dawn, Zoe, Little Bird, and Ro
- James Nobes (5 months ago)
Jamie Roxx
Happy Birthday. Today, Sept 30, 1946 Fran Brill, American actress, singer, and puppeteer was born....
- Jamie Roxx (5 months ago)
James Nobes
Happy Birthday to Muppeteer Fran Brill, the puppeteer of Zoe, Prairie Dawn, Roxie Marie, and Little Bird. Enjoy it!
- James Nobes (5 months ago)
IMDb. September 30th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Candice Michelle, David Hill, Seth Smith, Tammy O\'Rourke, Rula Lenska, Fran Brill, Sean Buchanan.
- GSmith (5 months ago)