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Vince Staskel
What a great pic Herbie and Happy Birthday to Frankie Avalon.
- Vince Staskel (5 months ago)
Matt Jisa
Happy 82nd birthday Frankie Avalon; Born September 18, 1940. beach hair looks like it was done
- Matt Jisa (5 months ago)
Jonathan H. Liu
Happy birthday to Frankie Avalon. Here he is singing \"Beauty School Dropout\" in \'Grease.\' I grew up listening to th
- Jonathan H. Liu (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to you Frankie Avalon and have many more Birthdays to come and a Healthy one too
- Sheldon (5 months ago)
Killer Cosmonaut
Happy birthday to American actor, singer, and former teen idol Frankie Avalon, born September 18, 1940, whose film
- Killer Cosmonaut (5 months ago)
Robert P Coronado
Happy Birthday to Frankie Avalon ..
- Robert P Coronado (5 months ago)
Wishing Frankie Avalon a very Happy 82nd Birthday. Photographed in 1976 for the TV special Easy Do
- Time For A Film (5 months ago)
Dave Kitteridge
Happy Birthday to Frankie Avalon, 82 today
- Dave Kitteridge (5 months ago)
The Saturday Hop (Susanne) Status: Happily Married
Happy 82nd Birthday to Frankie Avalon
Avalon still performs his music live sometimes with his own show, and someti
- The Saturday Hop (Susanne) Status: Happily Married (5 months ago)
Harold’s Golden Age of Hollywood
September 18, 1940. Happy 82nd Birthday to Frankie Avalon.
- Harold’s Golden Age of Hollywood (5 months ago)
Mel Vaughan Smith
1/2 Happy birthday today to Frankie Avalon (82), Peter Shilton (73), John Aldridge (64), John Fashanu (60), Tara Fi
- Mel Vaughan Smith (5 months ago)
Happy birthday to Frankie Avalon
- Vamxqawlis (5 months ago)
WPEN - The Station of the Stars!
September 18th Happy 81st birthday to South Philly s-own Frankie Avalon, who made his network television debut pl
- WPEN - The Station of the Stars! (5 months ago)
Homeschool Programs and Fine Art Book
Happy Birthday Frankie Avalon!
- Homeschool Programs and Fine Art Book (5 months ago)
Happy belated 81st birthday to singer-actor-surfer dude Frankie Avalon, who had 31 singles on the Billboard charts
- HotfromOldHollywood (5 months ago)
Gerald A Johnson
Happy birthday: Gospel Singer-Radio-TV Host Dr. Bobby Jones (82)-Bobby Jones Gospel Hour, Pop Singe
- Gerald A Johnson (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Frankie Avalon born 9/18/1940
- Classic Movie Rev (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Frankie Avalon who turns 81 today!
- Space-reporter-news (5 months ago)
Nina L. Diamond
Happy 81st Birthday, Frankie Avalon! THREAD [5/5]
Beauty School Drop Out ~ Grease [Film]
- Nina L. Diamond (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Frankie Avalon, the teen heart-throb singer and actor famed for his big hit \'Venus\' and several b
- MagellanMusic (5 months ago)
Lisa A Carlile
Happy Birthday to the teen angel from Grease Frankie Avalon
- Lisa A Carlile (5 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEPTEMBER 18... SInger Frankie Avalon,81; Actor Robert Blake ,88; Jazz Singer Michael Franks,77; Act
- BRONX POET (5 months ago)
Lisa K. Dalmaso
Happy Birthday Frankie Avalon!!
- Lisa K. Dalmaso (5 months ago)
John Siracusa
Happy Birthday to Frankie Avalon.
- John Siracusa (5 months ago)
September 18 and everyone at wishes a very happy birthday to FRANKIE AVALON!
- RealGilbertACP (5 months ago)
Rebecca Clester
Singer Frankie Avalon turned 81 yrs old today. He was famous for songs like Venus & Beauty School Dropout from Grea
- Rebecca Clester (5 months ago)
Erin Mefford
Happy birthday Frankie Avalon I loved him Annette in those beach party movies
- Erin Mefford (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to Fred Willard, Jason Sudeikis, James Gandolfini, Jack Warden, Frankie Avalon, Xzibit, and Dee Dee
- Happy Birthday (5 months ago)
A Very Happy Birthday Frankie Avalon who starred in Horror House (1969,) Panic in Year Zero! (1962,) and Blood Song
- TheReviewThatDrippedBlood (5 months ago)
Chrissi Nielsen
Happy 81st birthday to Frankie Avalon. We still thankfully have Frankie with us.
- Chrissi Nielsen (5 months ago)
Rob Christensen
Happy Birthday to Frankie Avalon!
Remembering Dee Dee Ramone and P.F. Sloan.
- Rob Christensen (5 months ago)
Bing\'s Basement
Happy 81st Birthday to Frankie Avalon here with Annette Funicello in Beach Party (1963)
- Bing\'s Basement (5 months ago)
Purple Radio Athens
Happy Birthday to to American actor, singer, and former teen idol, Frankie Avalon
(September 18, 1939).
- Purple Radio Athens (5 months ago)
Sept 18 Happy Birthday part 1: Robert Blake, Frankie Avalon, Veronica Carlson, Nina Wa
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (5 months ago)