Happy 45th birthday to Freddy Sanchez, who was born with a club right foot and a pigeon-toed left foot. Doctors sai
- Umpires and Eyeliner (1 month ago)
Jimmy T
Happy Birthday to Freddy Sanchez, was born on this date in 1977 in Hollywood, CA. Freddy won the N.L. batting titl
- Jimmy T (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday number 42 to forner Pgh Pirates infielder Freddy Sanchez . Sanchez won the 2006 NL batting crown h
- pittsburghpirateguru (1 month ago)
Sully Baseball
Happy Birthday to Freddy Sanchez, a batting champ, a World Series champ and 3 time All Star... a better resume than
- Sully Baseball (1 month ago)
John Perrotto
And a happy 41st birthday to former Pirates infielder Freddy Sanchez.
- John Perrotto (1 month ago)