Thursday, October 27, 1949: Detroit, MI, Garry Wayne Tallent(It was 71 years ago when the foundation of E Street na
- Paul Campbell Haider (3 months ago)
Bruce Springsteen Happy Birthday Garry Tallent
- Toni Black (3 months ago)
Randi Scott
Happy 68th birthday to Bruce and the E Street Band bassist Garry Tallent.
- Randi Scott (3 months ago)
North Trenton
And Happy Birthday to Carrie Snodgress (d. 2004), Peter Martins, Steven R. Nagel (d. 2014), Ivan Reitman and Garry Tallent.
- North Trenton (3 months ago)
Barry Schneier
Happy Birthday Garry Tallent. A true gentleman and fantastic musician
- Barry Schneier (3 months ago)