Wishing the great Gelsey Kirkland a happy birthday. Memoir \'Dancing on My Grave\' painfully honest,
- Movie Bungalow (2 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEC.29; Actor Ed Flanders (Dr.Westphall, St Elsewhere)(1934-1995)\"87\"; Ballerina Gelsey Kirkland(Nut
- BRONX POET (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday to American ballerina Gelsey Kirkland born on December 29, 1952
- Space-reporter-news (2 months ago)
spacewoman reporter Happy Holidays
Happy Birthday to American ballerina Gelsey Kirkland
Born: December 29, 1952 (age 67 years), Bethlehem, Pennsylva
- spacewoman reporter Happy Holidays (2 months ago)
spacewoman reporter Happy New Year 2020
Happy Birthday to American ballerina Gelsey Kirkland
Born: December 29, 1952 (age 67 years), Bethlehem, Pennsylva
- spacewoman reporter Happy New Year 2020 (2 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Yvonne Elliman, Gelsey Kirkland, Thomas Bach, Alan Rusbridger, Kate Schmidt, Stanley Tookie Willi
- North Trenton (2 months ago)
Happy birthday to ballerina Gelsey Kirkland (December 29,1952), author of Dancing on My Grave: (1986) (with Greg Lawrence) et al.
- Book_Addict (2 months ago)
Yuka Kodama Ballet
Happy 65th birthday to Gelsey Kirkland!
Kirkland was born in Pennsylvania and was studying at
- Yuka Kodama Ballet (2 months ago)
The Sweat Spot
Happy Birthday to one of our all-time favorite ballerinas, Gelsey Kirkland!
- The Sweat Spot (2 months ago)
IMDb. December 29th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Tarita, Gelsey Kirkland, Sean Stone, Nick Jones Jr, Ed Flanders, Alexa Ray Joel, Kimberly Russell.
- GSmith (2 months ago)
Jon Maas
Happy Birthday to America\'s greatest ballerina, Gelsey Kirkland
- Jon Maas (2 months ago)
Happy birthday to ballerina Gelsey Kirkland (December 29,1952), author of Dancing on My Grave: (1986) (with Greg Lawrence) et al.
- Book_Addict (2 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Gelsey Kirkland will celebrate her 73 years old birthday in 9 months and 18 days! Send your greetings to her now!