Welcome to George A Romero's Birthday Celebration Page
George A Romero got 697 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Happy Birthday George A Romero. The man signed ALL of his films for free for me, just for being a fellow yinzer. Wh - Keenan (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Your Next Favorite Movie
Happy Birthday George A. Romero. This was 2006 at Poor hair choices. - Your Next Favorite Movie (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to the one and only, George A Romero! You are missed, thank you for all the great films! - themoviecellar (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Robby Steven
Happy Birthday to my all time favorite director George A. Romero who would ve been 82 today. He is greatly missed - Robby Steven (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Beckett Media
Happy BAS Birthday to Byron Nelson (1912) (d. 2006), George A. Romero (1940) (d. 2017), and Alice Cooper (1948). Do - Beckett Media (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Nick Bond
Happy Birthday to the one and only George A. Romero! Gone but never forgotten. - Nick Bond (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Split Tooth Media
Happy birthday to Split Tooth writer and the late George A. Romero! Snow can be heard talking about Rom - Split Tooth Media (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday George A. Romero! - BTO (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Charles A Smith
\"Well, what did you expect? A happy ending?\" - George A. Romero Happy Birthday George - Charles A Smith (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Christian Ascencio
Happy Birthday to the legendary George A. Romero! - Christian Ascencio (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Derrick Walker Jr
Happy Birthday George A Romero - Derrick Walker Jr (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

The Movie Vault
Happy Birthday George A. Romero - The Movie Vault (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday George A Romero, who would have turned 82 today. Godfather of the Dead. His zombie trilogy: Night, D - JayKeeley (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

The Monster Fam
Happy Birthday to the legend behind the creation of the modern zombie George A Romero!!! - The Monster Fam (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

The Romero Theatre
Happy Birthday to our Patron Saint George A Romero!! If you re not a supporter of the today would - The Romero Theatre (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to the late, great GEORGE A. ROMERO. What s your fav of his Living Dead series? How would you rank t - Amanda (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to the man, the myth, the legend, the dad of the dead himself - George A. Romero. Without you and yo - Preachzilla (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

The Rotten Report
Happy Birthday to the late, great George A. Romero. We miss you greatly sir! - The Rotten Report (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Peter From the Theater
Happy birthday to one of the greatest directors of all time, George A. Romero!! I don t know what else I can say ab - Peter From the Theater (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Bela Sobottke
Heute, am 04. Februar 2022, haben meine Oma und George A. Romero Geburtstag. Beide am gleichen Tag, wie üblich. Er - Bela Sobottke (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Killer Horror Critic
Happy birthday to the late master of horror, George A. Romero. He always brought a deep sense of humanity to his ho - Killer Horror Critic (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Space Zombie 2077
Happy Birthday to George A. Romero! The maker of some of my favorite horror movies. Rest well godfather of zombies. - Space Zombie 2077 (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Metal Rock Music
Happy Birthday, George A. Romero: Here s a Playlist of Awesome Metal Songs About Zombies Without George Romero, there\'d be no zombie horror - Metal Rock Music (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

The Bloody Disgusting Podcast
Happy Birthday to the late George A Romero! What s your favorite movie of his? - The Bloody Disgusting Podcast (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, George A. Romero: Here s a Playlist of Awesome Metal Songs About Zombies - MetalSucks (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Thomas Reed
Happy Birthday and THANK YOU to George A. Romero... - Thomas Reed (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday George A. Romero @ The Domain, Austin, Texas - DH CALLING (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to the Godfather of Zombie Movies, George A. Romero! Very few people can be credited with contributi - HalloweenYear-Round (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Horror Obsessive
Happy birthday George A. Romero, who was born in 1940, and who will forever be the king of zombies - Horror Obsessive (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Boris Randall
Happy Birthday George A Romero - Boris Randall (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Tom Fallows
New book arrived just in time to celebrate what would have been George A. Romero\'s 82nd birthday! Happy Birthday, G - Tom Fallows (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Ian McAndrew
Happy Birthday to a icon, a genius, a pioneer, one of the greatest filmmakers of all time and one of my heroes! Her - Ian McAndrew (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

W. Andrew Powell
82 years years ago today, George A. Romero was born in the Bronx. The Night of the Living Dead director was a legen - W. Andrew Powell (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

The Nostalgic Podblast
Happy Heavenly birthday to screenwriter/director George A. Romero who was the father of the on-screen Zombie. Born - The Nostalgic Podblast (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

If I have one celebrity regret it is Romero. He came to Ottawa Comic-Con and I didn\'t go thinking \"I don\'t want to - Andrzej (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday George A Romero, born in 1940 and died in 2017 - though best check his grave. Celebrate b - Cultpix (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Matt Croyle
Happy Birthday to George, on what would be his 82nd birthday. I\'m so very privileged to be able help maintain and b - Matt Croyle (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday George A. Romero!! Happy Zombie Pride Day!! - orgullozombi (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Michael Slack
Happy Birthday to the Late, Great, Legendary George A. Romero! (2/4/40) ~ - Michael Slack (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Filmography Of Fear
The Filmography of George A. Romero P.S. Happy Birthday, George. - Filmography Of Fear (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Alex Vorkov
Happy Birthday GEORGE A. ROMERO (1940 2017) Horror icon. - Alex Vorkov (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

菊池茂夫Shigeo Jones Kikuchi
Happy birthday George A Romero MISFITS PV 23 - 菊池茂夫Shigeo Jones Kikuchi (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Jerry Dennis
Happy Birthday in the afterlife to George A. Romero! - Jerry Dennis (6 days ago)
birthday balloon

Christian Divine
Happy BDay George A. Romero, who helped discover Academy Award winner Ed Harris and his dance moves in CREEPSHOW. - Christian Divine (4 days ago)
birthday balloon

Chris O\'Droski
Happy Belated Birthday George A Romero. I\'m grateful I was finally able to meet him before he passed. - Chris O\'Droski (4 days ago)
birthday balloon

Georgie Romero Is Done For
We were almost too late to wish George A. Romero a happy birthday! Without him, there\'s a good chance there would - Georgie Romero Is Done For (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Dejon LaQuake
A happy birthday to the great George A. Romero. An artist that broke the boundaries. Your films will live on forever. - Dejon LaQuake (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Tyler Boo
Happy Birthday George A. Romero; creator of masterpieces. - Tyler Boo (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

Sadie Satanas
Happy birthday George A.Romero (1940-2017), the Godfather of the Dead. - Sadie Satanas (5 days ago)
birthday balloon

North Trenton
Happy Birthday to George A. Romero (d. 2017), John Schuck, Ron Rangi (d. 1988), Jiri Raska (d. 2012), John Steel, A - North Trenton (5 days ago)

85 years old (Born on February 04, 1940)

Night of the living dead

George A Romero's Best Moments

Happy birthday to the one and only George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday George A Romero! 77 today.
Remembering and wishing a Happy Birthday to the late GEORGE A. ROMERO, born today in 1940!
I\ll never get sick of zombies. I just get sick of producers. - George A. Romero. Happy 75th Birthday, Sir!
Happy Birthday to the one and only Zombie Maestro, George A. Romero!
Today in Geek History: The Godfather of All Zombies was born. Happy Birthday, George A. Romero!
Happy 75th birthday to the one and only George A. Romero: 
What s your favorite Romero film?
Happy birthday to father of the living dead, George A. Romero, born on this day in 1940
Happy 77th my friend. Wishing George A. Romero a Happy Birthday. the master of
Happy Birthday George A. Romero 
Creator of the Living Dead series 
Born Feb 4 1940
Some of the films of George A. Romero. Happy 75th Birthday!
Happy 75th birthday to the one and only godfather of modern horror, George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday to the godfather of all legendary filmmaker George A. Romero!
Happy 77th birthday to George A. Romero. Night of the Living Dead, 1968.
A happy birthday to the great George A Romero. He would have been 79 today. Sleep well in R lyeh, good friend!
Happy Birthday to a genre defining icon, the king of terror George. A. Romero we miss you icon
Happy birthday to zombie overlord and genre master George A. Romero.
Happy Birthday to George A. Romero 4  Feb. 1940
George A Romero was born on this day a while back. Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday George A Romero
Happy birthday to the one and only George A. Romero who turns 75 today!
Happy 77th Birthday to one of the greatest horror directors of all time George A. Romero!
Happy 77th Birthday to \"The Godfather of the Zombie Genre\" , a true Master of , George A. Romero !
Happy Birthday George A. Romero. Dude turned 77 today.
A Very Happy Birthday to the Legendary George A. Romero!!!
Happy Birthday to George A. Romero. The genre would have been a very different landscape without him.
Happy birthday to the legend: George A. Romero.
 The Crazies (1973)
George A Romero

Happy Birthday Horror Maestro!
Happy Birthday to late horror movie director George A. Romero
Happy 77th birthday to George A. Romero! Or as calls him, \"The OG of
Happy Birthday to George A. Romero born February 4th 1940 ^_^
Happy Birthday, George A. Romero and Ida Lupino!
Happy bday George A Romero the father of all Zombies movies
Happy birthday, George A Romero:
Born this day in 1940, the zombie king GEORGE A. ROMERO! Happy Birthday! What s your favorite Romero movie?
Happy Birthday George A. Romero. This was 2006 at Poor hair choices.
Happy Birthday, Mr. George A. Romero!
Happy birthday George A Romero. May your zombies be ever slow and foreboding.
Happy Birthday ! George A. Romero
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, George A. Romero!
This Day in Horror: Happy Birthday George A. Romero -
Happy BDay George A. Romero, who helped discover Academy Award winner Ed Harris and his dance moves in CREEPSHOW.
Happy Birthday, George A. Romero!
   Happy birthday George A. Romero! ¡Feliz cumpleaños !
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! GEORGE A. ROMERO. Creador del arquetipo
Happy birthday to one of the true maestros of the genre! George A. Romero turns 77 today
Happy Birthday to the legend George A Romero!
Happy Birthday to the late George A. Romero Dawn of the Dead is in my top ten movies of all time.
Happy birthday to the man who changed horror for the better! 
George A. Romero
Happy Birthday today to George A. Romero!
Happy bday George A Romero
Happy Birthday George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday George A Romero.  My man. One in B & W just cuz.
Happy birthday, George A. Romero!
Happy birthday to one of the most legendary masters of horror.
The father of zombies.
George A. Romero
Happy Birthday George A Romero!  One of the greatest filmmakers ever.
Happy Birthday to the Horror Master George A. Romero!!! Pic circa 2002
Happy Birthday: George A. Romero 2/4/1940
Happy birthday to the late, great George A. Romero. He was such a lovely guy...
Happy Birthday in Heaven to George A Romero
Happy Birthday to the late, great George A Romero
Happy Birthday, George A. Romero! (Feb 4, 1940) Poster art by Via
Happy birthday George A Romero
Happy 75th Birthday today Febuary 4th to George A. Romero.

Thanks for everything George, xxx
And many more!!!
Happy Birthday to the Godfather of the genre, the brilliant George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday, George A. Romero!
Wishes a happy birthday to one of our favorite directors George A. Romero.
Happy birthday, George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday to icon George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday to Mr. George A. Romero.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, George A. Romero!
Happy birthday Mr. George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday to George A. Romero, who turns 77 today!
Happy birthday to the legendary director of Night Of The Living Dead 
George A. Romero
Happy Birthday to the Godfather of horror and zombies, George A. Romero
Happy birthday George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday George A Romero
Happy Birthday to the legendary George A. Romero!
Happy birthday mr. George A. Romero, we sure do miss you!!!! February 4th 1940
Happy Birthday George A.Romero February 4, 1940 July 16, 2017
Happy Birthday to the late George A. Romero!!!
Happy birthday to to the late, great George A. Romero. Born February 4, 1940. An amazing talent, and a great friend.
Happy Birthday to the late great George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday to the Zombie Grandfather, RIP 
George A.Romero
Happy birthday to the late George A. Romero! What\s your favorite film of his?
Happy birthday Master of Horror George A. Romero! 
 animated tribute
Also happy birthday to another one of my favorite filmmakers, George A. Romero. Quite the stunner himself.
Happy birthday to the Godfather of independent horror cinema, George A. Romero! What is your favorite Romero flick??
Happy Heavenly Birthday to the master George. A.Romero
Happy Birthday to the father of the modern zombie, George A. Romero 

His contribution to horror is immeasurable
\"They\re us, that\s all...\" Happy birthday to the father of zombie horror, George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday in the afterlife to George A. Romero!
Happy birthday George A. Romero!!
Happy Zombie Pride Day!!
Happy birthday George A. Romero, who was born in 1940, and who will forever be the king of zombies
Happy Birthday to the legendary George A. Romero!
Happy birthday George A. Romero.  You would of been 83 today.
Happy Birthday to the late George A. Romero.  

Dawn of the Dead (1978)
Happy birthday to the masterful director of NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD (1968), George A. Romero.
Happy Birthday George A Romero &
Happy Zombie Birthday, my hero, George A. Romero! Stay scared and I love you so much!! x
Happy Birthday to George A Romero, creator of my all time favourite film. Watch \Dawn of the Dead\ to celebrate!
Happy Birthday George A. Romero
75 años cumple hoy George A. Romero, uno de los grandes maestros del terror del cine.
Happy Birthday George
Happy birthday George A Romero and thanks for making it clear how to survive a
A very Happy Birthday to the brilliant George A Romero x.
I may like cute things I love zombies XD Happy 75th birthday George A.Romero!
Happy 75th Birthday to the one, the only, George A Romero!
Happy Birthday to George A. Romero! What a legend!
Happy Birthday George A. Romero
Happy birthday GEORGE A. ROMERO! Love horror? Love zombies? Love indie film? Then you should love this man.
Today we want to wish a happy 75th to horror legend, George A. Romero! Happy Birthday!
Happy 75th Birthday to Horror Icon George A. Romero
Happy Birthday George A. Romero (aka Godfather of the Dead)!
Happy birthday to the zombie legend, George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday George A. Romero
Happy Birthday George A. Romero 75 today
Happy Birthday George A. Romero. The Zombie genre patriarch who started it all in 1968 with Night of the Living Dead.
George A. Romero a 75 ans ! Happy birthday Master of the dead !
Happy 75th Birthday George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday George A. Romero
GEORGE A. ROMERO - Happy birthday
Happy 75th Birthday to George A. Romero! I fucking love the ending of \"Martin\" - probably my favorite horror ending!
Happy birthday to one of the cutest guys in the business, George A. Romero.
Happy birthday, George A. Romero!
Happy birthday, George A. Romero. Zombie movies that will make you hungry for more
                     ! Happy 75 Birthday George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday! The master of George A. Romero
Happy birthday! George A. Romero

My poster for \"Dawn of the Dead

George A. Romero
Happy birthday to George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday to George A. Romero
Happy Birthday to Godfather of the Modern Horror Film, George A. Romero.
Happy Birthday of the Living Dead to George A. Romero.
HalloweenDaily: THETomSavini: Happy Birthday George A. Romero. (Who\s not on message or Instagram.)
Happy Birthday To The Great George A. Romero!
They\re coming to get you... Happy 77th Birthday to Director George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday to George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday George A. Romero Director of the Dead
Happy Birthday to the legendary George A. Romero (who\s not on message - spread the word.)
Happy birthday, George A Romero! Where would the genre be without you?
Happy Birthday to the Godfather of the Dead. George A. Romero!
Happy 77th Birthday George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday to Godfather of the Modern Horror Film, George A. Romero.
Happy birthday to George A Romero!
Happy Birthday George A. Romero
A happy birthday to the legendary godfather of the undead, George A Romero. Missed by all fans.
Happy Birthday to the late George A. Romero
  Happy Birthday... George A.Romero Lives
Happy Birthday, George A. Romero!
Happy Birthday to the master of horror ... George A Romero
Happy Birthday George A. Romero!
 Happy Birthday George A Romero
Happy birthday George A Romero
Happy Birthday, George A. Romero!
Happy birthday to the grandfather of all things zombie: George A. Romero. You are greatly missed.
Happy Birthday to the late George A. Romero.
Happy birthday George A. Romero!
Happy birthday George A Romero
Happy Birthday  George A Romero
Happy birthday George A. Romero!!
Happy birthday, wherever you are George A. Romero!!!!! Thanks for everything!
Happy 81st birthday to the late George A. Romero
Happy Birthday to the Godfather of zombie apocalypses, legendary horror filmmaker George A. Romero
Happy Birthday to George A. Romero. A true visionary in horror cinema.
Happy Birthday George A Romero, we miss you
Happy Birthday George A. Romero; creator of masterpieces.
Happy Birthday to the Late, Great, Legendary George A. Romero! (2/4/40) ~
Happy Birthday George A Romero
Happy Birthday to the late George A Romero! What s your favorite movie of his?
Happy Birthday to my all time favorite director George A. Romero who would ve been 82 today. He is greatly missed
Happy Birthday George A. Romero
Happy birthday George A. Romero. You inspired a generation of film makers with your work. Thank you
Happy Birthday to the Legendary George A Romero!           Godfather of
Happy Heavenly Birthday to legendary horror director George A. Romero!
GEORGE A. ROMERO happy birthday ! you are the
best person for me    1940
Happy birthday to George A Romero.
george a romero black ops 0
george a romero zombie 1
george a romero young 2
George A Romero exclusive hot pic 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, George, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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