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Hard to believe that Bernardo George Chakiris just turned 90 this weekend. Happy Birthday I am on his right
- JP (5 months ago)
Molly Silverman
It s George Chakiris s 90th birthday today so I gotta reshare the picture of when I met him in April! Happy birthda
- Molly Silverman (5 months ago)
Kathy Garver
Happy 90th Birthday George Chakiris! @ Holl
- Kathy Garver (5 months ago)
Dr. Rebecca Sullivan
Let\'s not forget his smouldering looks behind Marilyn Monroe in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes! Happy Birthday George Cha
- Dr. Rebecca Sullivan (5 months ago)
Happy birthday Movie Actor George Chakiris! Just wanted to be the first one to wish you happy birthday so I can fee
- (5 months ago) Original Movie Posters for Sale
Happy Birthday, George Chakiris!
- Original Movie Posters for Sale (5 months ago)
Time For A Film
Wishing George Chakiris a very Happy 90th Birthday.
- Time For A Film (5 months ago)
Harold’s Golden Age of Hollywood
September 19, 1932. Happy 90th Birthday to George Chakiris. He won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for West
- Harold’s Golden Age of Hollywood (5 months ago)
Mel Vaughan Smith
1/2 Happy birthday today to George Chakiris (90), Russ Abbott (75), Kenney Jones (74), Ed Begley Jr. (73), Loyd Gro
- Mel Vaughan Smith (5 months ago)
Moving Pictures
Sep 16 Happy Birthday part 1: Janis Page, Linda Kaye Hennings, George Chakiris, Linda Miller, Susan Ruttan,
- Moving Pictures (5 months ago)
Christian Alsis
This is awkward. I just accidentally wished a happy birthday to George Chakiris.
- Christian Alsis (6 months ago)
Linda Robinson
Happy birthday to George Chakiris. I\'ve enjoyed GC spotting over the decades in every musical I watch. Spotted him
- Linda Robinson (5 months ago)
Deny Fear
Happy birthday George Chakiris Giancarlo Botti, 1966
He was so good in Jacques Demy\'s Les Demoiselles de Rochef
- Deny Fear (5 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SEPTEMBER 16... Actress Alexis Bledel,40; Actor George Chakiris,87; Singer Nick Jonas,29; Singer Bet
- BRONX POET (5 months ago)
Steve Hayes
Happy Birthday, George Chakiris! Dynamite as Bernardo in WEST SIDE STORY - a Golden Globe & the Oscar for Best Su
- Steve Hayes (5 months ago)
Happy 87th birthday to George Chakiris!
- Karen (5 months ago)
Nacho M. Martín
Hoy cumple 87 años un actor que a pesar de tener orígenes griegos supo hacer de manera fenomenal su papel de jefe d
- Nacho M. Martín (5 months ago)
Happy birthday George Chakiris! West Side Story is his claim to immortality, such a great performance in one of my
- jhpcine (5 months ago)
The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of
Happy Birthday to George Chakiris, here in WEST SIDE STORY!
- The Stuff That Dreams Are Made Of (5 months ago)
Michael Zwolanek
Happy Birthday, George Chakiris-- best Greek leader of a singing, dancing Puerto Rican gang EVER. Prove me wrong.
- Michael Zwolanek (5 months ago)
Nosta 60\'-70\'-80\'
\"Le Soleil italien\"... Happy birthday to Il fête ses 87 ans en ce
- Nosta 60\'-70\'-80\' (5 months ago)
More Movies
Happy birthday to the amazing George Chakiris
- More Movies (5 months ago)
George Schmidt (G)
Happy 87th Birthday to GEORGE CHAKIRIS
- George Schmidt (G) (5 months ago)
Dídac Alcántara Buguñá
Happy 8 7 birthday to George Chakiris Oscar y Globo de Oro al mejor actor de reparto por \"West Side Story\" (1
- Dídac Alcántara Buguñá (5 months ago)
Sept 16 Happy Birthday part 1: Janis Paige, George Chakiris, Jim McBride, Linda Henning, Linda Miller,
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (5 months ago)
Kenneth Johnson
Wishing a very Happy Birthday to Academy Award winner George Chakiris of West Side Story , Diamond Head , and man
- Kenneth Johnson (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday George Chakiris
- 帰ってきたパンク (5 months ago)
Career years: 1947 1996
Retired American dancer, singer, and actor. He is
- Spacereporternews (5 months ago)
What the Shot?
George Chakiris is now 86 years old, happy birthday! Do you know this movie? 5 min to answer!
- What the Shot? (5 months ago)
Bing\'s Basement
Happy 86th Birthday to George Chakiris!
- Bing\'s Basement (5 months ago)
Celebrity Biograph Channel on YouTube
Happy 86 BIrthday to West Side Story\'s, Bernardo, George Chakiris.
- Celebrity Biograph Channel on YouTube (5 months ago)
Melanie Ktorides ✨⭐️✨
Happy Birthday George Chakiris, Award winning, Dancer, Singer, Actor BOTD 1934. His role and dancing in \'West Side
- Melanie Ktorides ✨⭐️✨ (5 months ago)
Celebrity and Movies : News International
September 16, 2020
Happy birthday to American actor George Chakiris 86 years old.
- Celebrity and Movies : News International (5 months ago)
Lindsay Nicole
Happy 86th Birthday to George Chakiris! Pictured here in West Side Story (1961)
- Lindsay Nicole (5 months ago)
Evelyne De Zilah
Happy Birthday, George Chakiris
- Evelyne De Zilah (5 months ago)
Jerome Robbins
Today we wish George Chakiris a happy birthday! Working with Robbins was the greatest experience I ever had...He s
- Jerome Robbins (5 months ago)
Juan Hernández
Happy birthday George Chakiris. West Side Story is his claim to immortality, one of the greatest musicals ever film
- Juan Hernández (5 months ago)
Suzanne Noa
Happy Birthday actor George Chakiris
- Suzanne Noa (5 months ago)
Becky Yerak
Happy 87th birthday to George Chakiris. Lord, I developed a big crush on him when as a kid I saw WEST SIDE STORY, w
- Becky Yerak (5 months ago)
The Tinseltown Twins
Happy Birthday to Oscar-winning actor and dancer George Chakiris (September 16, 1934 - Present).
- The Tinseltown Twins (5 months ago)
Bobby Rivers
Happy Birthday, George Chakiris. He danced in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES, WHITE CHRISTMAS, THE COUNTRY GIRL and, of c
- Bobby Rivers (5 months ago)
Miguel Coballes
Happy birthday to George Chakiris who turns 85 today!
Won 1 Oscar(West Side Story)
- Miguel Coballes (5 months ago)
Cristian Milla
Happy 85th Birthday to GEORGE CHAKIRIS!
(Photo : The 34th Academy Awards, 1962. Rita Moreno, best actress in a sup
- Cristian Milla (5 months ago)
Terence Towles Canote
Happy birthday to George Chakiris
- Terence Towles Canote (5 months ago)
Happy birthday George Chakiris!!
- ClassicActorsOfHollywood (5 months ago)
Al Sussman
Happy 85th Birthday to Academy Award-winning actor/ dancer/singer George Chakiris:
- Al Sussman (5 months ago)
jax ☘️
Happy birthday to George Chakiris! *snap snap snap*
- jax ☘️ (5 months ago)
JC Allen
Happy 85th Birthday George Chakiris~~~\"West Side Story\" with George Chakiris in Conversation with Susan Haskin...
- JC Allen (5 months ago)
Hatty Burpday
September 16
Happy birthday today to
George Chakiris (85)
Rosemary Casals (71)
Kenney Jones (71)
Julia Donaldson (
- Hatty Burpday (5 months ago)
Dance Gear
Happy Birthday - George Chakiris
He is now a retired American dancer, singer & actor. He is best known for being in
- Dance Gear (5 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
George Chakiris will celebrate his 91 years old birthday in 6 months and 3 days! Send your greetings to him now!