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Phil Nobile Jr.
Happy birthday to George Lazenby!
- Phil Nobile Jr. (4 months ago)
Stuart Webb
So it\'s not just the birthday of But also and George Lazenby.
There\'s some pattern the
- Stuart Webb (4 months ago)
George Schmidt (G)
Happy 81st Birthday to
- George Schmidt (G) (4 months ago)
Mark Fowler
British and Irish film/TV birthdays for 5 September
Happy birthday to George Lazenby
(born 5 September 1939)
- Mark Fowler (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday you Legend, George Lazenby!
- Fazzles (4 months ago)
Licence To Phil: Whitfield On Bond
Wishing George Lazenby a very happy birthday
- Licence To Phil: Whitfield On Bond (4 months ago)
Netto Lage
Happy Birthday George Lazenby!
- Netto Lage (4 months ago)
MARK O\'CONNELL - Writer, Author, Bond fan.
\'I can think of something more sociable to do.\'
Catching bullets and gold balls with the other fellow himself... H
- MARK O\'CONNELL - Writer, Author, Bond fan. (4 months ago)
Ron Kenchington
Happy Birthday Today to George Lazenby
- Ron Kenchington (4 months ago)
Corneel Vanfleteren
Happy birthday to George Lazenby, who packed some serious punch as Bond, but also delivered immensely in one of the
- Corneel Vanfleteren (4 months ago)
Adrian Escudero
George Lazenby cumple 81 años hoy. Aquí lo vemos en tiempos de pandemia, cargando combustible a su Mercedes SUV. ¡L
- Adrian Escudero (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday Mr George Lazenby
- NUZ (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to George Lazenby. When James Bond Likes your message, it really makes your year
- Lou (4 months ago)
Imran Sheikh
Happy birthday George Lazenby. My favourite film and soundtrack!
- Imran Sheikh (4 months ago)
James Bond: On This Day...
Happy birthday to George Lazenby!
- James Bond: On This Day... (4 months ago)
Killer Cosmonaut
Happy birthday to Australian actor, martial artist and model George Lazenby, born September 5, 1939.
- Killer Cosmonaut (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to George Lazenby! On Her Majesty\'s Secret Service remains one of my favourite Bond films. Artwork b
- NothingAndNothingAgain (4 months ago)
Mainly Bond
Happy 81st birthday to the legend that is George Lazenby. Such a monumentally underrated James Bond. If only we got
- Mainly Bond (4 months ago)
Mike Royle
Happy 81st birthday to George Lazenby, a fantastic all action James Bond in one of my favourite 007 films On Her Ma
- Mike Royle (4 months ago)
Mark Redfield
A very happy 81st birthday to Lazenby, George Lazenby. Me, with pals Luciana Paluzzi, George, and Martine Beswicke
- Mark Redfield (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday! George Lazenby
- design.tiger.railmap (4 months ago)
Sarah Janes
Happy Birthday BEST Plus the Bond were decided today - is the BEST obvs, being
- Sarah Janes (5 months ago)
Happy 90th birthday to Sean Connery - the nation\'s favourite Bond!
The top 5:
1. Sean Connery - 26%
2. Daniel C
- YouGov (5 months ago)
TV and Film Stars
Happy Birthday Jenny Hanley. Daughter of actress Dinah Sheridan. Jenny was a Magpie presenter from 1974-1980. She w
- TV and Film Stars (5 months ago)
Ow mates Super happy Birthday to James Bond George Lazenby and Superman Christopher Reeves!Thankyou for the fun sho
- JodoFett (4 months ago)
Nick Payne
Happy Birthday George Lazenby!
- Nick Payne (4 months ago)