Welcome to George Takei's Birthday Celebration Page
George Takei got 1297 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Valda fletcher
Happy Bday, George Takei - Valda fletcher (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

ミ★ Spocko ★彡
Happy Birthday George Takei! - ミ★ Spocko ★彡 (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ellie Bellie
Happy birthday George Takei - Ellie Bellie (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mary McClain
Happy Birthday, George Takei! - Mary McClain (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Marcia Caro
Happy Birthday George Takei. - Marcia Caro (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jude Edwards
Happy Birthday George Takei!!!! - Jude Edwards (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Rene Remington
Happy Birthday George Takei. I appreciate your hard work as an activist and you are my Startrack Hero. - Rene Remington (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Shawn Michael May
Happy Birthday to George Takei who turns 86 today! - Shawn Michael May (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to George Takei, known for playing Hikaru Sulu in and subsequent films. Of his life acc - LadiesWhoTrek (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Lee Gulick Hillhouse-Resist!
Happy 86th Birthday, George Takei!! - Lee Gulick Hillhouse-Resist! (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

James Tate
GEORGE TAKEI - Happy 86th Birthday! Looking good! - James Tate (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Oliver Wisniewski
Happy birthday, George Takei! - Oliver Wisniewski (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

The G-Listed
Happy birthday to gay activist and actor George Takei. - The G-Listed (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

julie ✿
Just happened to open up youtube to watch the matt baume george takei video and it\'s his birthday?? HAPPY BIRTHDAY MR. SULU - julie ✿ (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Noman the Mad
Apparently I smoke just exactly the right amount of marijuana a day to always forget that it\'s George takei\'s birth - Noman the Mad (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, George Takei. - McMurphy (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Maryann Zaccone
Happy birthday Mr. George Takei may you celebrate many more - Maryann Zaccone (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

steven peters
Happy Birthday George Takei - steven peters (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Barbara’s Nostalgia
Happy 86th Birthday to American actor, author, & activist, George Takei! - Barbara’s Nostalgia (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Oh myyyy... Did you know today is George Takei\'s birthday? Happy Birthday George! More April bdays - Fandango (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy bday & much happiness to George Takei! - Robfromlalaland (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 4-20, everyone. And just as importantly, Happy Birthday to George Takei, Andy Serkis and Carmen Electra! We - KingfisherDC (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

DL Polonsky
HAPPY 86TH BIRTHDAY, GEORGE TAKEI!! \"George Takei as Sulu on Star Trek Circa 1967\" © 2012, by D.L - DL Polonsky (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Grumpy Old Gay Men And Their Dogs Podcast
Wishing a Happy 86th Birthday to gay actor George Takei. - Grumpy Old Gay Men And Their Dogs Podcast (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Also remessageing because George Takei is one of my most favorite actors and activists. Happy Birthday, Mr. Takei! - Irishcoda54 (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Gianluca Cirafici
Hi George Takei! It s me Gianluca Cirafici and I want to wish you a happy birthday! Have a wonderful birthday celebration! - Gianluca Cirafici (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to George Takei - 80sTees (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Join us in wishing a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to George Takei, best known for playing Mr. Sulu on Star Trek. - KENS 5 (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Richy Who
Happy birthday George Takei - Richy Who (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Arthur Breur, Composer
As always on this day, happy birthday to George Takei! - Arthur Breur, Composer (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Aileen Lee
Happy Birthday George Takei! - Aileen Lee (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

⚾ J. Daniel ⚾
Happy Birthday to George Takei! - ⚾ J. Daniel ⚾ (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Birthdays - April 20 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Robert DoQui George Takei Michael Brandon - ScoobyAddict (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Anne Donovan
The incomparable George Takei! Happy Birthday ! Thanks for all your work and wonderful humor. - Anne Donovan (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

daily sulu
Happy Birthday, George Takei! - daily sulu (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Gary M Thoren Jr
Happy Birthday to George Takei!! Wonderful Queer Figure - Gary M Thoren Jr (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Biodegradable Occupant of Space
Happy Birthday George Takei! Who could turn two words into a brand better than you? Good health and happiness always. - Biodegradable Occupant of Space (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ypsi-chick ☮️
George Takei Happy Birthday - Ypsi-chick ☮️ (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Robert L. Smoot
A Most Happy & Special Birthday Greeting to George Takei aka Mr. Sulu. - Robert L. Smoot (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Robert Brezinski
Happy Birthday to you. You share your birthday with such famous people as jazz musician Lionel Hamp - Robert Brezinski (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Brandon Robinson
Happy birthday Mr. Sulu! George Takei is turning 86 today. He, along with William Shatner who recently celebrated h - Brandon Robinson (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to George Takei - Geneanet (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Star Trek Wine & Spirits
Happy 86th birthday to George Takei! Drop your favorite Sulu quotes in the comments - Star Trek Wine & Spirits (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Retro Rewind 80s
Retro Rewind 80s Happy Birthday to George Takei! Ooooooh, my! In the mid 80s I was a comic book/sci-fi fan g - Retro Rewind 80s (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

A Christian Resistance
Happy Birthday to George Takei! - A Christian Resistance (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday George Takei and take the time to really enjoy your day. - cwr32 (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Good Morning! Happy birthday George Takei - lynnwoodprice (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Famous Baiday Today! Happy Baiday to Captain Sulu, George Takei ( To healthier days! Like, remessage - Baiday (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mariam Skywalker
Happy Birthday to the legendary George Takei he voiced Neimoidian General Lok Durd in Clone Wars - Mariam Skywalker (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Keener 13
Happy Birthday to: 1937 George Takei 1941 Ryan O\'Neal 1949 Jessica Lange 1949 Veronica Cartwright 1951 - Keener 13 (10 months ago)

87 years old (Born on April 20, 1937)

played Sulu on Star Trek (original television series and movies one through six)

George Takei's Best Moments

Happy birthday
Happy Birthday to this great actor.  Happy Birthday to George Takei
Happy birthday, Thank you for inspiring us with your humor and bravery!
GEORGE TAKEI - Happy 86th Birthday! Looking good!
Happy 84th birthday to George Takei!
Happy birthday to George Takei      who turns 86 today
Happy Birthday to George Takei who turns 84 today.
Happy 84th birthday to George Takei.
Happy birthday George Takei, 80 today!
  Happy Birthday George Takei. Hope you have an awesome day. Bailey sends Birthday Hugs
Happy Birthday to Honorary Member George Takei ( May The Force Be With You!
Happy 85th birthday to the legendary George Takei!
Happy 78th birthday George Takei!
Happy Birthday, George Takei. April 20th 1937, (85)
Happy birthday, George Takei
Happy Birthday George Takei from one Taurus to another!
Happy Birthday to George Takei. you rock x
Oh My! Happy 80th Birthday,
Happy Birthday George Takei aka Sulu. 78 years old today and still winning the internet. Ohh Myyy!
20 avril... (je sais, j\ai 24h de retard )

Happy birthday (83) à George Takei
Happy Birthday to the legendary George Takei he voiced Neimoidian General Lok Durd in Clone Wars
Happy Birthday to George Takei who turns 81 today!
Happy 92nd birthday to Bill Shatner! All your fans send their regards! George Takei says Go F*ck yourself!
A happy birthday to Star Trek icon George Takei, who turns 80 today.
Happy Birthday to George Takei, who turns 84 today!
  Whaaa??? Happy Birthday George Takei!!
Happy 81st birthday, George Takei!   (photo taken at Creation Con; Los Angeles, CA, summer, 1986)
 Happy Birthday George Takei.  It\s hard to believe you are 81.  Live long and prosper.
Happy Birthday, George Takei!
And a very happy TOSS Birthday to Mr Sulu, George Takei!
Happy birthday George Takei!!
Happy Belated Birthday to George Takei. 85 years and counting!
Happy Birthday George Takei! We hope you have a great day and many more.
Happy Birthday George Takei!
Live long and prosper, my friend!
Happy 86th Birthday to American actor, author, & activist, George Takei!
Join us is raising a toast and wishing George Takei a happy birthday today
Happy 80th birthday George Takei!
Happy birthday to American actor, author, and activist George Takei, born April 20, 1937.
Happy birthday, George Takei!
Happy Birthday to George Takei... the legend! 
OH MY!!!
Happy Birthday George Takei!
Happy Birthday George Takei! you precious soul!
Happy birthday to our favourite cheeky Sulu, George Takei, 84 today
Happy birthday, George Takei
Happy Birthday to activist, philanthropist, and actor, George Takei
Oh, we\re ready! Happy Birthday Can\t wait to celebrate with you on May 1:
Happy Birthday to  Hikaru Sulu, who turns 80 years old today.
Happy Birthday Remember your high school track days?
  Happy Birthday George Takei!
Happy Birthday to George Takei who turns 83 today! Pictured here as Mr. Sulu on Star Trek.
\"Life is too short not to order the bacon dessert.  George Takei

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday, George Takei!
Schauspieler, Aktivist, Legende: Ein herzliches Happy Birthday an den fantastischen George Takei!
Happy birthday, George Takei
Happy birthday George Takei
Oh myyy! A very happy 78th birthday to the one and only George Takei!
Happy Birthday George Takei, actor (Sulu-Star Trek, Green Berets), born in Los Angeles, California
Happy 80th birthday today to Star Trek\s Mr Sulu.

The actor George Takei

Happy Birthday George
Oh. My.
Happy birthday to George Takei,
Happy birthday to George Takei today! Hope you have a great day George!
 April 20, 1937 - Happy Birthday George Takei!
Happy Birthday, George Takei!
 Happy Birthday George Takei
Happy birthday to former child actor George Takei.  (Star Trek)
  Happy birthday George Takei.
   Happy birthday George Takei!! I\ve been a fan since episode 1.
Happy birthday to great entertainer and great American George Takei!
Happy Birthday to actor and Star Trek legend George Takei who turns 83 today!
Happy Birthday George Takei!
    Happy Birthday to the one and only George Takei
Happy Birthday to the inimitable George Takei ~ born 1937.
Happy Birthday to George Takei who turns 84 today!
Happy birthday to the one and only George Takei
Oh My! Happy Birthday George Takei
Happy Birthday to George Takei!
Happy 85th birthday to George Takei, seen here at a 2020 tea at Yale\s Pauli Murray College.
Happy 85th Birthday to the great George Takei! Movies Ranked:
Happy 85th Birthday George Takei. Super ReSister!
 Happy Birthday..George Takei
Happy 85 Years younger..
Happy birthday George Takei
  Happy birthday George Takei
A Most Happy & Special Birthday Greeting to George Takei aka Mr. Sulu.
Happy Birthday to   George Takei
 Happy birthday Mr. George Takei    may you celebrate  many more
Happy birthday to gay activist and actor George Takei.
  Happy Birthday, George Takei!
Happy Birthday George Takei!
Happy Birthday to George Takei, who turns 78 today!
Happy Birthday! George Takei!!! Will See Him at Comicpalooza!!!
Happy Birthday, George Takei!
Happy Birthday! George Takei Turns 78 Today
Japanese American actor, director, author, and activist George Takei turns 78 today. ... -
Japanese American actor, director, author, and activist George Takei turns 78 today. Happy birthday, George!
Happy Birthday George Takei !
Happy TML artist birthday to George Takei, on this, his very special day!
Happy Birthday! Turns 78 Today
  Happy birthday George Takei!
Happy Birthday to the wonderful George Takei, Star Trek\s Sulu.
Happy belated birthday George Takei!
4-20 Happy birthday to George Takei.
Happy Birthday to George Takei, who turns 80 today!
Oh my! Happy Birthday George Takei!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Sulu! George Takei turns 80 today.

George Takei
Happy Birthday to George Takei! The actor turns 80 today! -
Happy Birthday George Takei
Happy Birthday/Feliz Cumpleaños George Takei!! (Mr Sulu - ST TOS)
Happy Birthday to George Takei who turns 80 today!
Happy Birthday, George Takei!!
Happy 80th Birthday to George Takei!
Happy birthday george takei
Star Trek legend GEORGE TAKEI!
BOB4USA salutes George Takei on his birthday.Happy Birthday Captain Sulu.
Happy birthday George Takei. 7 Times He Set His Phasers To \"Savage\"!
Happy Birthday to Star Trek s George Takei, born on the planet Earth on April 20, 1937.
Happy    Birthday to Mr Sulu himself George Takei
Live Long and Prosper George Takei: Happy 80th Birthday!
 Fans please wish Happy 80th Birthday to  the wonderful
Haha we all know what day it is. Happy birthday 2 George Takei
Happy birthday George Takei.
 Happy Birthday George Takei
Happy belated Birthday dear George Takei!
Happy 80th Birthday, George Takei.
A very Happy Birthday to George Takei, who turns 81 today. Live long and prosper
Happy birthday George Takei 81 today.
Happy Birthday, George Takei!
Happy Birthday
George Takei!
  Happy Birthday. George Takei.
Happy Birthday George Takei!
Happy Birthday George Takei!
Happy Birthday George Takei Live Long and Prosper
Happy 82nd birthday, George Takei!
Happy Birthday, George Takei!
Happy birthday to George Takei. What a beautiful soul. Wow.
April 20: Happy Birthday George Takei
  Happy Birthday Mr. George Takei  Happy Dance
 Happy Birthday, the great George Takei
The Unstoppable George Takei___ Happy Birthday Mr. Sulu .   GT-82
Happy birthday  George Takei
Wir sollten den 20. April wieder positiv besetzen.

Happy 83rd Birthday to GEORGE TAKEI
Happy birthday to George Takei          (   )             ( ´ ` )
Happy birthday to George Takei!
 Happy Birthday George Takei.
 Happy Birthday Aries George Takei
Happy birthday George takei! 
My fave role that George did is this guy from kubo and the two strings.
 Happy Birthday George Takei!
 Happy birthday George Takei !!
Happy 83rd birthday to Star Trek: The Original Series actor George Takei!
Happy Birthday, George Takei!
 Happy Birthday George Takei!!
Keep being amazing!
Happy birthday to George Takei, aka Sulu on
Happy Birthday to the original Mr. Sulu.  Actor and activist George Takei turns 83 years young today.
Alpha Trion (Transformers Prime)

Happy Birthday George Takei!!!
Happy Birthday George Takei live Long & Prosper Mr Sulu!
Happy Birthday, Hosato \"George\" Takei {April 20}!  Oh myyy!
\"Mr. Sulu,\" George Takei is 84 years old!  Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday George Takei!!!
Happy 84th birthday, George Takei
Happy Birthday to George Takei! George Takei | People | Pioneers of Television | PBS:
Happy birthday, George Takei
Hoy cumple años el actor George Takei (84) Happy birthday ! Aquí mi Ranking:
Happy Birthday, George Takei!
Happy Birthday George Takei!
Happy Birthday George Takei
Happy Birthday George Takei
Happy Birthday to George Takei
Happy Birthday to you, George Takei!
Happy Birthday George Takei!
Happy birthday to the great George Takei!
Happy birthday to actor & writer George Takei aka Hikaru Sulu  in the television series & films Star Trek!
Happy Birthday George Takei
Oh Myyyy 85 years and still faboo!
 Happy Birthday George Takei!
Happy Birthday to previous passenger Takei!

Picture taken Aug, 2016
\"Standard orbit, Mr. Sulu.\"
Happy 85th Birthday to George Takei.
Happy Birthday to the iconic George Takei.
OH MYYYYY. Happy 85th birthday, George Takei! Amy Sussman / Staff | Getty Images Entertainment
 Happy Birthday to you George Takei! Love you dearly!
 When I think of George Takei:

Happy birthday, George. Nichelle
Happy 86th Birthday George Takei

Have a great day!
Happy Birthday George Takei
Happy birthday to George Takei!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! George Takei, who is known for his role as Mr. Sulu on Star Trek, turns 86 today!
Happy 87th Birthday George Takei!
Happy 86th birthday to George Takei!  Drop your favorite Sulu quotes in the comments
Happy Birthday to George Takei!
Happy Birthday to George Takei!
  Happy Birthday George Takei
george takei oh my 0
george takei wedding 1
george takei young 2
george takei husband 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, George, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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