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Disney Wiki
Happy Birthday, Gerald Scarfe
For Disney, he served as a production and character designer for the 1997 Disney anim
- Disney Wiki (9 months ago)
Naomi Mitchell
Happy Birthday Gerald Scarfe!!! Incredible illustrator of the Wall for Pink Floyd!! Enjoy your day
- Naomi Mitchell (9 months ago)
Tony williams
Happy birthday Gerald Scarfe, best wishes & many happy returns for the day & always
- Tony williams (9 months ago)
James Wallace
Happy Birthday Gerald Scarfe, I hope you have a fantastic day today!
- James Wallace (9 months ago)
Spoiler of hounds
Happy Birthday to Gerald Scarfe. The artist behind the The Wall artwork.
- Spoiler of hounds (9 months ago)
21st Century Lage
Happy belated birthday to Mr. Gerald Scarfe
- 21st Century Lage (9 months ago)
86 anos para Gerald Scarfe!!!
Happy Birthday
O cartunista assinou toda a arte gráfica da ópera-rock \"The Wall\" (á
Steve Godsell
Happy birthday Gerald Scarfe. Cartoonist, illustrator and animator. Famously created graphics for Pink Floyd s 1979
- Steve Godsell (9 months ago)
Kate Stanton
Happy Birthday, Gerald Scarfe! Your iconic designs and illustrations for The Wall scared the sh*t out of
- Kate Stanton (9 months ago)
How Gerald Scarfe and Pink Floyd Built \'The Wall\' - Illustration Chronicles:
Happy Birthday to super talented Engl
- Illustration Chronicles (9 months ago)
Angelo CIOE\'
With my \"The Wall\" ffp2 Mask.
Happy Birthday mr. Gerald Scarfe!
- Angelo CIOE\' (9 months ago)
Alex Warren
Happy birthday to the awesome Gerald Scarfe
- Alex Warren (9 months ago)
Cartoon Art Museum
Happy birthday to English cartoonist and animator Gerald Scarfe.
- Cartoon Art Museum (9 months ago)
Glenn Moses
Happy Birthday to Gerald Scarfe! (I don\'t know why, I call him Gerald)
- Glenn Moses (9 months ago)
Hatty Burpday
June 1
Happy birthday today to
Pat Boone (85)
Gerald Scarfe (83)
Morgan Freeman (82)
René Auberjonois (79)
- Hatty Burpday (9 months ago)
Celebrity Birthdays
June 1
Happy birthday today to
Pat Boone
Gerald Scarfe
Morgan Freeman
René Auberjonois
Robert Powell
Frederica von
- Celebrity Birthdays (9 months ago)
Melanie VaughanSmith
Happy birthday today to Sylvia Syms (85), Gerald Scarfe (83), Morgan Freeman (82), Rene Auberjonois (79), Robert Po
- Melanie VaughanSmith (9 months ago)
Happy birthday Gerald Scarfe, I forgot your birthday yesterday
- Friginator (9 months ago)
Friginator is hotter\'n...A SHEARER\'S ARMPIT
Happy birthday Gerald Scarfe, I forgot your birthday yesterday
- Friginator is hotter\'n...A SHEARER\'S ARMPIT (9 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Sir John Tooley, Pat Boone, Peter Masterson, Gerald Scarfe, Morgan Freeman, Rosaleen Linehan, Toy
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (9 months ago)
CF Payne
Happy Birthday Gerald Scarfe. Me like your art.
- CF Payne (9 months ago)