Welcome to Gerard Depardieu's Birthday Celebration Page
Gerard Depardieu got 157 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Jennifer Long ☮️
Happy Birthday to Gérard Depardieu, John Amos, Aaron Stanford, - Jennifer Long ☮️ (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

steve krueger
Happy birthday to Gerard Depardieu! Please check out \'Jean de Flourette\'! - steve krueger (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Out of Touchstone
Happy 74th Birthday to Gérard Depardieu - star of two Touchstone Pictures: GREEN CARD (1990) and MY FATHER THE HERO - Out of Touchstone (2 months ago)
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Disney Wiki
Happy Birthday, Gérard Depardieu For Disney, he portrayed Jean-Pierre Le Pelt in the 2000 film, and - Disney Wiki (2 months ago)
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Happy birthday, Gérard Depardieu. Bon anniversaire - Melinda (2 months ago)
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Catherine Fischer
Happy Bday Gerard Depardieu! What a wonderful actor you are! Keep working - Catherine Fischer (2 months ago)
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Agnes C. Poirier
Happy birthday Gérard - Agnes C. Poirier (2 months ago)
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Happy Bday Gérard Depardieu , dans un de ses plus beau rôles - Laurence (2 months ago)
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Happy birthday to French actor, filmmaker, businessman and vineyard owner Gerard Depardieu - wellyousaythat© (2 months ago)
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Cinema Forensic
Happy Birthday, Gérard Depardieu Born: 27 December 1948 (age 73) \"Hollywood exists only for the B-movies. The - Cinema Forensic (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, Gégé ! 27 décembre 1948 Il vaut mieux faire des conneries que s\'économiser. Gérard Depardieu ( - Anton_ (2 months ago)
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Purple Radio Athens
Happy Birthday to French actor, Gérard Depardieu (27 December 1948). - Purple Radio Athens (2 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to Gerard Depardieu - Peter (2 months ago)
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DECEMBER 27; Actress Barbara Crampton(Young & The Restless),63; Actress Maryam D\'Abo(Living Daylight - BRONX POET (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Virginie Pronovost
Happy 73rd birthday to French actor Gérard Depardieu who was born on this day, December 27th (1948) in Châteauroux, - Virginie Pronovost (2 months ago)
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Blanche DuBois
Feliz cumpleaños a Gérard Depardieu Happy birthday Bon anniversaire - Blanche DuBois (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to actor Gerard Depardieu born December 27, 1948 - Space-reporter-news (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Gérard Depardieu. He was superb in Le femme d à côté, a love affair-turned thriller-turned drama, wh - jhpcine (2 months ago)
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Tevfik Erarslan
Happy 73rd birthday Gérard Depardieu - Tevfik Erarslan (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 73rd Birthday Gérard Depardieu - VIMOOZ (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Movie Actor Gerard Depardieu! Cheers on your birthday. One step closer to adult underpants. - AllFamous.org (2 months ago)
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Michael W. Freeman
Happy birthday Gérard Depardieu, France\'s legendary actor. I loved him as peasant communist Olmo Dalcò in 1900, the - Michael W. Freeman (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

\"LA FEMME D\'A CODE\" Csena Finale - Ni avec toi, ni sans toi / Ne seninle, ne sensiz: Happy - Interfree (2 months ago)
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Comic Book Cinephile
Happy birthday to acclaimed French actor Gérard Depardieu, who portrayed Obelix in the 1999 release \'Asterix & Obel - Comic Book Cinephile (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Maddison Quinn
Happy Birthday 2 (The Man in the Iron Man\'s) Gerard Depardieu who turned 72 yesterday. - Maddison Quinn (2 months ago)
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Deirdre Ní Laochdha
Great news 57,195,214 people worldwide have recovered from Coronavirus thank you very much everyone, stay saf - Deirdre Ní Laochdha (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dec 27 Happy Birthday part 1: John Amos, Gerard Depardieu, Maryam d Abo, Mark Humphre - WmsbgNostalgiaFest (2 months ago)
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Solo Juan
Happy Birthday Gérard Depardieu - Solo Juan (2 months ago)
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Juan Hernández
Happy birthday Gérard Depardieu. He was superb in Le femme d à côté, a love affair-turned thriller-turned drama, wh - Juan Hernández (2 months ago)
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George Schmidt (G)
Happy 72nd Birthday to GERARD DEPARDIEU - George Schmidt (G) (2 months ago)
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Andrei Bondoc
Happy birthday to Johannes Kepler, Louis Pasteur (these two ded), Gérard Depardieu (72 now), (49 now - Andrei Bondoc (2 months ago)
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Groovy History
Happy Birthday to Gerard Depardieu who turns 72 today. - Groovy History (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

DEC.27 B-DAYS: Happy 72nd Birthday to Actor Gerard Depardieu! - TReese82 (2 months ago)
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December 27: John Amos 79, Gerard DePardieu 71, Savannah Guthrie 48, Wilson Cruz 46. Happy Birthday! Today is National Fruit Cake Day. - JM007JM (2 months ago)
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Suzanne Noa
Happy Birthday /Birthday Remembrances: Masi Oka, Gerard Depardieu, Tovah Feldshuh, Maryam d Abo,Bil - Suzanne Noa (2 months ago)
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The Tinseltown Twins
Happy Birthday to Oscar-nominated French star Gérard Depardieu (December 27, 1948 - Present). Here in THE LAST MET - The Tinseltown Twins (2 months ago)
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Cristian Milla
Happy Birthday to Gérard Depardieu who turns 71 today! - Cristian Milla (2 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Gerard Depardieu 71. - Anthologion (2 months ago)
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Hatty Burpday
December 27 Happy birthday today to John Amos (80) Janet Street-Porter (73) Gérard Depardieu (71) Maryam d\'Abo (59 - Hatty Burpday (2 months ago)
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Happy birthday, Gérard Depardieu! Today the French actor turns 71 years old, see profile at: - OneMovies (2 months ago)
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spacewoman reporter Happy Holidays
Happy Birthday to actor, filmmaker, businessman and vineyard owner Gerard Depardieu Born: December 27, 1948 (age 71 - spacewoman reporter Happy Holidays (2 months ago)
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spacewoman reporter Happy New Year 2020
Happy Birthday to actor, filmmaker, businessman and vineyard owner Gerard Depardieu Born: December 27, 1948 (age 71 - spacewoman reporter Happy New Year 2020 (2 months ago)
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David Noh
Happy birthday Gerard Depardieu-seen here in my two favorite films of his- going places and cyrano de bergerac - David Noh (2 months ago)
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Happy Birthday to the legend that is Gerard Depardieu! Every performance perfectly given, seemingly effortlessly, b - enCAST (2 months ago)
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Celebrity Birthdays
December 27 Happy birthday today to John Amos Janet Street-Porter Gérard Depardieu Maryam d\'Abo Eva - Celebrity Birthdays (2 months ago)
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Healthy Celeb
Happy Birthday to Gérard Depardieu ( Today he turns 71. - Healthy Celeb (2 months ago)
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Barry Kowal
1)December 27:Happy 71st birthday to actor,Gérard Depardieu (\"Green Card\") - Barry Kowal (2 months ago)
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Martine genevet
Happy birthday Gérard Depardieu ! - Martine genevet (2 months ago)
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Harald Bulling
Happy Birthday - Harald Bulling (2 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday, Gérard Depardieu! Der Ausnahmekünstler und Extremmensch ist heute 70 geworden. Darauf zwei Meerrett - Reprodukt (2 months ago)

76 years old (Born on December 27, 1948)

Les valseuses / Goin` places Asterix and Obelix

Gerard Depardieu's Best Moments

Happy Birthday to Gerard Depardieu who turns 72 today.
Happy birthday Gerard Depardieu.

Read my post his performance in Under The Sun of Satan...
Happy birthday Gérard Depardieu !
Happy Birthday Gerard Depardieu
Happy birthday, Gérard Depardieu! Today the French actor turns 71 years old, see profile at:
Happy Bday Gérard Depardieu , dans un de ses plus beau rôles
Gerard Depardieu  Happy Birthday Gégé!
Happy 70th birthday Gérard Depardieu
Happy Birthday to Gérard Depardieu who turns 71 today!
Happy Birthday to Gerard Depardieu who turns 69 today
| Happy Birthday Gérard Depardieu! |
Happy birthday to French actor, filmmaker, businessman and vineyard owner Gerard Depardieu
 Premiere.fr: Happy Birthday... Gérard Depardieu : le monument français en 20 rôles marquants
Happy birthday to \"le French\", Gerard Depardieu!
Happy birthday Gérard Depardieu!
December 27th happy birthday GERARD DEPARDIEU
Happy Birthday to Gerard Depardieu, who turns 69 today!
Good evening & happy birthday Gerard Depardieu, 69.
Happy 69th Birthday, Gerard Depardieu!
Happy Birthday dear Gerard Depardieu!
Happy Birthday-Gérard Depardieu
Happy Birthday Gérard Depardieu!
Happy birthday - Gérard Depardieu
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GERARD DEPARDIEU - 27. December 1948.  Châteauroux, Indre, France
Happy birthday Gérard Depardieu
Happy Birthday to Gérard Depardieu who turns 70 today! Name the movie of this shot. 5 min to answer!
1)December 27:Happy 71st birthday to actor,Gérard Depardieu (\"Green Card\")
Happy 72nd Birthday to 
Happy 73rd Birthday Gérard Depardieu
Happy 73rd birthday Gérard Depardieu
Feliz cumpleaños a Gérard Depardieu Happy birthday
Bon anniversaire
Happy Birthday to Gerard Depardieu
Happy Birthday to French actor, Gérard Depardieu 
(27 December 1948).
Happy birthday Gérard
Happy birthday to Gerard Depardieu! Please check out \Jean de Flourette\!
gerard depardieu movies 0
gerard depardieu speedo 1
gerard depardieu cyrano 2
gerard depardieu green card 3

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Gerard, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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