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James Halford
Happy 80th birthday to you, sir!
- James Halford (1 month ago)
Gary Lutz
Happy Birthday to great actor Gil Gerard aka Buck Rogers!
- Gary Lutz (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Gil !!!!!
- Patrick (1 month ago)
Jennifer Long ☮️
Happy Birthday to Mariska Hargitay, Richard Dean Anderson, Gil Gerard, Robin Zande
- Jennifer Long ☮️ (1 month ago)
Happy birthday Gil Gerard
- Vivian (1 month ago)
She Who Remains
Buck Rogers (Gil Gerard) is 80 years-old?!?! Wow... Happy Birthday to him!
- She Who Remains (1 month ago)
Anthony Radford
Happy Birthday!!! I hope you have a wonderful day. Thanks for your time that you spend with your fans,
- Anthony Radford (1 month ago)
Back To The 80s
Happy 80th birthday to Gil Gerard (born January 23, 1943). He is an American actor, whose roles include Captain Wil
- Back To The 80s (1 month ago)
Dvd Daddy
Happy Birthday to actors Rutger Hauer ( Mariska Hargitay ( Tiffani Thiessen (
- Dvd Daddy (1 month ago)
Mike Mazda
Happy Birthday to
Mariska Hargitay
Gil Gerard
The late great Rutger Hauer
- Mike Mazda (1 month ago)
Joe McCartney
Happy 80th Birthday to Gil Gerard, born January 23rd, 1943.
- Joe McCartney (1 month ago)
Rob Matsushita
- Rob Matsushita (2 months ago)
take that, vaccines! vaccinated & adoptable!
I never knew my birthday was the day after Buck
- take that, vaccines! vaccinated & adoptable! (2 months ago)
Ron Ziegler
I hope you have a wonderful birthday thank you for being my friend and being Captain Buck Rogers my her
- Ron Ziegler (1 month ago)
Vic Hillyar
Happy Birthday from England Hope you had a great day
- Vic Hillyar (1 month ago)
Vic Hillyar
Happy Birthday from England Hope you had a great day
- Vic Hillyar (1 month ago)
Dave Blass
Happy Birthday
- Dave Blass (1 month ago)
I Have A Nerdy Mind #Blacklivesmatter
Happy birthday to\"Airport\'77,\" \"Buck Rogers in the 25th Century\" and \"Sidekicks\" star, Gil Gerard.
- I Have A Nerdy Mind #Blacklivesmatter (1 month ago)
JN Live Tweets
Happy 79th Birthday to Gil Gerard!
- JN Live Tweets (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday to actor Gil Gerard born on January 23, 1943
- Space-reporter-news (1 month ago)
Today In Nerd History
Happy birthday Gil Gerard was born January 23, 1943
- Today In Nerd History (1 month ago)
Charles G
Happy birthday and many many more
- Charles G (1 month ago)
Jason Horvath
Happy Birthday, Buck. All the best
- Jason Horvath (1 month ago)
Jauntworks Studio—Erik J. Kreffel
Happy Birthday to THE Buck Rogers, Gil Gerard! Thanks for a fun Gen X childhood!
- Jauntworks Studio—Erik J. Kreffel (1 month ago)
David A. Goodman
Happy birthday Gil Gerard!
- David A. Goodman (1 month ago)
Harry Knowles
Happy Birthday Gil Gerard
- Harry Knowles (1 month ago)
Dave Sundstrom
Happy Birthday to Gil Gerard! The actor who is best known for his role in \"Buck Rogers in the 25th Century\" was bo
- Dave Sundstrom (1 month ago)
Alan Lantz
Happy Birthday from Arkansas !
- Alan Lantz (1 month ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JANUARY 23; Actress Frances Bay (1919-2011)\"103\"; Actress Mariska Hargitay,58; Actor Gil Gerard(Buck
- BRONX POET (1 month ago)
David Hamilton
Happy Birthday Chita Rivera, born on J
- David Hamilton (1 month ago)
Jankie old broke hobo Spider-man
Gil Gerard\'s birthday dropped recently. The man is a significant pillar of my childhood, but I was terrified to loo
- Jankie old broke hobo Spider-man (1 month ago)
Andrei Bondoc
Happy birthday to Randolph Scott, Rutger Hauer (both ded), (78 now), (36 now), (29
- Andrei Bondoc (1 month ago)
Andrew Island
Happy birthday, Mr. Gerard. I remember Buck Rogers with fondness.
- Andrew Island (1 month ago)
Cory Farr
Happy Birthday God bless you
- Cory Farr (1 month ago)
Steve Villanueva
Happy Birthday Gil Gerard! You re 78 Years Old Now!
- Steve Villanueva (1 month ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Alan Cheuse (d. 2015), Joe Dowell (d. 2016), Jock R. Anderson, Joao Ubaldo Ribeiro (d. 2014), Lau
- North Trenton (1 month ago)
Veggie Yeti
A year ago I tagged him and he liked it! Happy Birthday!!!
- Veggie Yeti (1 month ago)
Denise Lima
Happy Birthday Gil. I hope that you had a fabulous that leads to a fabulous year! xoxo
- Denise Lima (1 month ago)
Dave\'s Comic Heroes Blog
Remember, a happy birthday to Gil Gerard!
- Dave\'s Comic Heroes Blog (1 month ago)