Happy birthday Joseph Henri Gilles Villeneuve. Legend.
- Marcel Van Der Poll (12 months ago)
\" Gilles Villeneuve would have been 65 today, Happy Birthday Gilles.
- AutosportPics (12 months ago)
João Bernal M
Gilles Villeneuve would have been 65 today, Happy Birthday Gilles.
- João Bernal M (12 months ago)
Roberto Bejaran
\" Gilles Villeneuve would have been 65 today. Happy Birthday to a legend.
- Roberto Bejaran (12 months ago)
Formula One Retweets
Gilles Villeneuve would have been 65 today. Happy Birthday to a legend.: Gilles Villeneuve w...
- Formula One Retweets (12 months ago)
Jon Ridge
Also happy birthday Paul Keating, AA Milne, Cary Grant, Gilles Villeneuve, Pep Guardiola and the great Danny Kaye. I\'m in esteemed company.
- Jon Ridge (12 months ago)
Badger GP
Gilles Villeneuve would have been 65 today. Happy Birthday to a legend.
- Badger GP (12 months ago)
Opinionated F1
Happy birthday to Gilles Villeneuve. Whilst he never won a title, he was able to live on through son Jacques.
- Opinionated F1 (12 months ago)
F1 Images
Gilles Villeneuve would have been 65 today, Happy Birthday Gilles.
- F1 Images (12 months ago)
Akos Maros
Happy Birthday Gilles Villeneuve! Would be 65 today.
- Akos Maros (12 months ago)