Happy 40th birthday to former closer He has the 35th best save percentage among the 161 pitc
- Twins Gems (10 months ago)
The Scott A. Carter Bobblehead Collection
It\'s March 2nd and that\'s Twins All_Star and full-on Minnesotan Glen Perkins\' birthday, happy birthday
- The Scott A. Carter Bobblehead Collection (10 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Chris Barker, Rebel Wilson, Bryce Dallas Howard, Hisafumi Oda, Lance Cade (d. 2010), Kevin Kurany
- North Trenton (10 months ago)
Twins Birthdays
Happy 37th Birthday to alum, alum and alum Glen Perkins ( T
- Twins Birthdays (10 months ago)
Tom Thress
Happy 36th birthday to former pitcher and 3x Glen Perkins
- Tom Thress (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Chris Barker, Rebel Wilson, Lance Cade (d. 2010), Bryce Dallas Howard, Kevin Kuranyi, Henrik Lund
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (10 months ago)