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Doug Lambert
Happy Birthday, Glenn Close! Born March 19th, 1947, in Greenwich, CT.
- Doug Lambert (9 months ago)
Mike Mazda
Happy Birthday to
Bruce Willis
Glenn Close
- Mike Mazda (9 months ago)
ideario Cruyff
Happy birthday.Glenn Close.ocho veces nominada al Oscar.Amistades peligrosas su papel cumbre ¿Opináis igual?
- ideario Cruyff (9 months ago)
Virginia Stevenson
Happy Birthday to Miss Glenn Close! Hope she has a wonderful and blessed birthday weekend
- Virginia Stevenson (9 months ago)
My favorite is Glenn Close- Garics Katalin
My favorite actress Glenn Close was born on March 19, 1947.
Dear Glenn!
I wish you a very happy birthday, may you h
- My favorite is Glenn Close- Garics Katalin (9 months ago)
Cinema Forensic
Celebrity is death - celebrity - that\'s the worst thing that can happen to an actor. Happy Birthday, Glenn Close
- Cinema Forensic (9 months ago)
Monique White
Happy Birthday Glenn Close
- Monique White (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Bruce Willis, Glenn Close, Jake Webber, Dan Walker, Maria Friedman, G
- BRMGradio (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday , Glenn Close
- Jerry (9 months ago)
Georgette Hohl
Amen! LOL And what about no shows on message! So disappointed she didn\'t mention Son on his bd. Le
- Georgette Hohl (9 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARCH 19th; Model Arabella Chi,31; Soccer Hector Bellerin,27; Actress Glenn Close,75; Singer Jawan H
- BRONX POET (9 months ago)
@Noah Palm
Happy Birthday Glenn Close
- @Noah Palm (9 months ago)
Royal Rich Bxtch
I\'ve been in love with this woman for a long time. I have a screenplay I wrote almost two decades ago and one of th
- Royal Rich Bxtch (9 months ago)
David Villafrade from MinionFan1024
Happy 75th Birthday to Glenn Close!
- David Villafrade from MinionFan1024 (9 months ago)
Michael Cooper
Happy Birthday to Glenn Close who is, hands down, the finest actress of our time, of ALL time.
- Michael Cooper (9 months ago)
Happy 75th birthday to the most deserving non-Oscar winner Glenn Close. Wishing you all health and happiness. May y
- Jayele (9 months ago)
Kyle Triola
Wow! I can\'t believe that Glenn Close is 75 today! She doesn\'t look a day over 39. Happy Birthday to Glenn Close!
- Kyle Triola (9 months ago)
Celebrity Movie News™
HAPPY BIRTHDAY To Fatal Attraction s Glenn Close (75)!
- Celebrity Movie News™ (9 months ago)
David Hines
Happy birthday to Glenn Close, who gave one of the best performances ever seen in any movie.
- David Hines (9 months ago)
Happy 75th birthday Glenn Close.
Here is Glenn Close with Jeremy Irons in \"Reversal of Fortune\".
One of the best
- Chrissi Nielsen (9 months ago)
Bess THE BESST / Cursive
When I tell you that I almost shit myself when I saw Glenn Close was trending.
Not dead, but birthday celebration!
- Bess THE BESST / Cursive (9 months ago)
What the Shot?
Glenn Close is now 75 years old, happy birthday! Do you know this movie? 5 min to answer!
- What the Shot? (9 months ago)
Rebecca Clester
Actor Glenn Close turned 75 yrs old today. Happy Birthday Glenn!
- Rebecca Clester (9 months ago)
Disney Wiki
Happy Birthday, Glenn Close
For Disney, she portrayed Cruella De Vil in the live-action adaptation of 101 Dalmatian
- Disney Wiki (9 months ago)
Jacob Ullman
Happy Pisces March 19th Birthday to some of the greats in history - Bruce Willis, Glenn Close, WWE Legend
- Jacob Ullman (9 months ago)
Wishing a happy birthday to the woman, the myth, the legend Glenn Close
- Reelist Reviews (9 months ago)
10 Tampa Bay
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 8-time Oscar-nominated actress Glenn Close, known for roles in Fatal Attraction, The Wife and Dang
- 10 Tampa Bay (9 months ago)
School of Feminism
el 19/3/1947 nació e estadounidense, nominad
- School of Feminism (9 months ago)
Isaiah Anne
Happy Birthday Glenn Close I Hope U Have A Terrific Day Today And My Favorite Performance Of All Time Was Fatal Attraction
- Isaiah Anne (9 months ago)
Designing the Movies
Happy 75th birthday to Glenn Close.
We love AOF THE CHARACTER, the book of her 800+ piece career-spanning costum
- Designing the Movies (9 months ago)