- ali (10 months ago)
Patrick A. Reed
Yes, things are CRAZY right now, but I\'d like to stop and recognize how wonderful it is that we\'ve shared a world w
- Patrick A. Reed (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Now more than ever, we turn to her books for
- Early Bird Books (10 months ago)
Alice Paul Institute
Happy birthday Gloria Steinem!
- Alice Paul Institute (10 months ago)
\"We need to remember across generations that there is as much to learn as there is to teach.\" Gloria Steinem I
- Carmen (10 months ago)
Pam Grier Ph.D
Gloria Steinem was the editor of Ms. Magazine and put me on the cover with an in-depth interview. She has shared h
- Pam Grier Ph.D (10 months ago)
Brandon Cwalina
A big hand washin\' happy birthday to Gloria Steinem, Aretha Franklin, Lee Pace, and Elton John. This song works bot
- Brandon Cwalina (10 months ago)
Therese Shechter
Happy birthday to feminist world-changer Gloria Steinem! Everybody with a womb doesn\'t have to have a child anymor
- Therese Shechter (10 months ago)
Pamela S. Wight
Celebrating Gloria Steinem, Feminist Icon by da-AL via Happy Birthday...and thanks... to Gloria Steinem
- Pamela S. Wight (10 months ago)
Dawn Thruman
Happy Birthday Gloria Steinem! Have a wonderful day!
- Dawn Thruman (10 months ago)
The Little Market
Happy Birthday, Gloria Steinem! Thank you for your unwavering dedication to help make life fairer for women everywh
- The Little Market (10 months ago)
Brenda Klassen
Happy birthday to you Gloria Steinem
- Brenda Klassen (10 months ago)
Jack Lorts
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GLORIA STEINEM! A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle. --Gloria Steinem
- Jack Lorts (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to award-winning journalist & tireless feminist organizer We\'re celebrating by revis
- ChicagoHistoryMuseum (10 months ago)
Happy birthday, Gloria Steinem. Photo 1: Lynn Gilbert
Photo 2: Caitlin Ochs for The New York Times
- UnitedStateofWomen (10 months ago)
A Mighty Girl
Happy 86th birthday to women\'s rights activist and journalist Gloria Steinem! Steinem was one of the major leaders
- A Mighty Girl (10 months ago)
Signs Journal
Happy Birthday, Gloria Steinem! In honor of Steinem s contributions to feminism, read our Short Takes on her book,
- Signs Journal (10 months ago)
HAPPY 86th birthday to Gloria Steinem one of my great friends and mentors for understanding manho
- Kevin Powell (10 months ago)
2020 Women\'s Vote Centennial Initiative
Happy birthday, Gloria Steinem! On this day in 1934, Steinem was born in Toledo, OH. Steinem is known and recognize
- 2020 Women\'s Vote Centennial Initiative (10 months ago)
We\'ve Got Issues, Girl
Happy birthday to Gloria Steinem! Thank you for paving the way for us.
One of our favorite quotes from Gloria:
- We\'ve Got Issues, Girl (10 months ago)
Sydney Stern
Happy Birthday to two important people -- in the world and in my writing life: March 25, 1934 (See
- Sydney Stern (10 months ago)
Aishah S. Simmons (she/her)
Happy 86th Birthday, I knew Gloria s feminist words & activism for decades before friend
- Aishah S. Simmons (she/her) (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to who is still owed the world s biggest apology for stating the absolute truth on
- femalepersuasion.net (10 months ago)
Melanie Jackson
\"At my age, in this still hierarchical time, people often ask me if I m passing the torch. I explain that I m kee
- Melanie Jackson (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to feminist leader Gloria Steinem! We were lucky enough to sit down with her for an interview in 201
- NNEDV (10 months ago)
Taylor 2021
Happy Birthday Gloria Steinem! American feminist, journalist & activist who became nationally recognized as a leade
- Taylor 2021 (10 months ago)
Centro Sefarad-Israel
Hoy queremos felicitar por su cumpleaños a la periodista, escritora y activista feminista Gloria Steinem
Today we
- Centro Sefarad-Israel (10 months ago)
Hatty Burpday
March 25
Happy birthday today to
Jim Lovell (92)
Gloria Steinem (86)
Tom Monaghan (83)
Richard O\'Brien (78)
Kim Wo
- Hatty Burpday (10 months ago)