Happy birthday, Gloria Steinem. May we all be as cool and composed as you.
- Brooke Hauser (10 months ago)
Radical Reads
\"Anything with a story, I just kept reading from beginning to end, with or without snatches of sleep. Happy 85th b
- Radical Reads (10 months ago)
Gina Vivinetto
Happy 85th birthday to Gloria Steinem. May she continue inspiring us for many more years.
- Gina Vivinetto (10 months ago)
NYC Mayor\'s Office
Happy birthday to Gloria Steinem! Gloria began working as a writer and journalist in New York City in 1960.
Here s
- NYC Mayor\'s Office (10 months ago)
Happy birthday Gloria Steinem. seeing them speak this year was uplifting and inspiring and serious AF. we continue
- Jenny (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to Gloria Steinem, the American journalist and activist best known for her work with the feminist mo
- FSCJ LLC (10 months ago)
Happy 85th birthday to one of our founding mothers, Your intersectional and intergenerational femin
- Ms.FoundationWomen (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday, The feminist, activist, and leading advocate of the women\'s liberation
- Britannica (10 months ago)
Rachael Myrow
Happy birthday, ! via
- Rachael Myrow (10 months ago)
Drunk History
Happy birthday, Gloria Steinem! Thanks for all the amazing work you\'ve done, and the incredible work to come.
- Drunk History (10 months ago)
Sexual Violence Centre Cork
Happy Birthday to Gloria Steinem.....
- Sexual Violence Centre Cork (10 months ago)
- - - - - -
Happy birthday to the activist, journalist and OG feminist trailblazer Gloria Stei
- NASTY WOMAN WINES (10 months ago)
\"Throughout her life as a public figure, Steinem has continued to reshape the way people view ageing.\"
We\'d like t
- Independent Age (10 months ago)
Happy 85th Birthday Gloria Steinem! via BOOM MAMA
- kevin (10 months ago)
Brooklyn Law Sch Lib
Happy Birthday Gloria Steinem! American feminist activist, co-founder of the Women\'s Media Center.
- Brooklyn Law Sch Lib (10 months ago)
How Gloria Steinem became the \'world s most famous feminist\' via <Happy 85th birthday,
- Charyn Pfeuffer (10 months ago)
Thank you Gloria Steinem for everything you have done for women everywhere! Ur work&dedication showed so many what
- WHAT NOW? (10 months ago)
Julie Farin
Happy Birthday, to my superhero, Gloria Steinem!
- Julie Farin (10 months ago)
Thanks for all the love on my birthday which I am honored to share with my cousin Julie Chapin, the late Queen of S
- ANITA GEVINSON (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to Gloria Steinem, feminist, visionary, role model, and legendary women s rights advocate. May you
- ResisterAtLarge (10 months ago)
\"At my age, in this still hierarchical time, people often ask me if I m \'passing the torch.\' I explain that I m kee
- Tribeca (10 months ago)
ET Canada
85 people have come together to wish a happy 85th birthday
- ET Canada (10 months ago)
Lisa Niver ✈️
Happy 85th Birthday Gloria Steinem!
Happy 85th Birthday Gloria Steinem!
We have not met yet in person but you have
- Lisa Niver ✈️ (10 months ago)
Liz Greenaway
Happy birthday, Gloria Steinem! For everything, for Ms which my parents gave me when I was 10, for your appearance
- Liz Greenaway (10 months ago)
Diane Elayne Dees
The great Gloria Steinem changed my life forever and will always be one of my heroes. Happy Birthd
- Diane Elayne Dees (10 months ago)
Katrina vandenHeuvel
Gloria Steinem at 85, happy birthday! She has persevered for decades, with verve and heart, fighting for our rights
- Katrina vandenHeuvel (10 months ago)
Christine Lahti
Happy Birthday to my dear friend. Thank you for lighting the way for all of us. Gl
- Christine Lahti (10 months ago)
Neal Katz
Happy birthday Gloria Steinem. I am a feminist too.
- Neal Katz (10 months ago)
WashCo Democratic Women
A writer, lecturer, political activist, and feminist organizer, a visionary, a fighter, and a role model - and so m
- WashCo Democratic Women (10 months ago)
Inspired Elephant
Happy Birthday Gloria Steinem, born on this day in 1934. To celebrate her 85th birthday we share our favorite quot
- Inspired Elephant (10 months ago)
Al Sussman
Happy 85th Birthday to feminist icon Gloria Steinem. From PBS\' Need To Know:
- Al Sussman (10 months ago)
Not the Mama
Happy 85th Birthday, Gloria Steinem!
- Not the Mama (10 months ago)
\"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.\"
Happy Birthday to Gloria Steinem, a true GOAT
- Iris (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Gloria Steinem will celebrate her 91 years old birthday in 1 month and 18 days! Send your greetings to her now!