Happy 83rd birthday Gloria Steinem!- \"a woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.\" Ms.Steinem, I love you, like a lot.
- MaizyHills (10 months ago)
Job One For Humanity
Happy Birthday, Gloria Steinem!
\'Forced Childbirth Single Biggest Cause of |
- Job One For Humanity (10 months ago)
Larry Ladd
Empathy is the most radical of human emotions. Happy 83rd birthday to Gloria Steinem.
- Larry Ladd (10 months ago)
Paul Jimerson
\"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off.\"
Happy Birthday, Gloria Steinem!
- Paul Jimerson (10 months ago)
Troy-Miami County PL
Happy Birthday to Gloria Steinem, political activist and editor. She was born on March 25, 1938.
- Troy-Miami County PL (10 months ago)
Cheryl Smallman
Happy Birthday Gloria Steinem (being photographed by Eddie Vedder) Thx for inspiring all those
- Cheryl Smallman (10 months ago)
Happy birthday Gloria Steinem!!!
- Bernadette Joseph (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to Gloria Steinem inspiration for our festival.
- CWM (10 months ago)
Happy birthday, Thank you for being a strong voice & speaking out against animal cruelty
- PETA (10 months ago)
Gloria Steinem, Aretha Franklin, and Sir Elton John all have birthdays today. So, a very happy birthday to these three queens!
- KeyboardCaptain (10 months ago)
Kay Rae Chomic
Happy Birthday, Gloria Steinem! You have been one of the most positive influences in my life. Thank you!!
- Kay Rae Chomic (10 months ago)
happy birthday Gloria Steinem... and you are correct Alicia my shero Mrs. keys
- Melissa (10 months ago)
Katy Stegall
Happy birthday to my mom, Gloria Steinem.
- Katy Stegall (10 months ago)