Happy harris wittels\'s birthday to all of you
- Rachel Taenzler (10 months ago)
Clay Peppiatt
We are all horrible and wonderful and figuring it out. Man, I miss Harris Wittels.. Happy Birthday, Harris
- Clay Peppiatt (10 months ago)
Jon Hillman
Happy birthday to harris wittels. he would have done so much hilarious stuff these stuff past 5 years and it contin
- Jon Hillman (10 months ago)
AK Lingus In Cartoon Form
Happy birthday to the late great Harris Wittels. Here is a playlist of all of the Harris Foam Corner segments on C
- AK Lingus In Cartoon Form (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Harris Wittels, the world is measurably worse without him
- LL COOL HAY (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Harris Wittels, the world is measurably worse without him
- hayley (10 months ago)
Happy Harris Wittels\' birthday here is the paper I wrote about his life and career. It\'s a bit hodgepodge but it wa
- Lea (10 months ago)
Natalie ACAB
Happy Birthday Harris Wittels, you are missed
- Natalie ACAB (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Harris Wittels. The Comedy community misses you. Video by
- All Things Comedy (10 months ago)
cant think of a new bit mike
Happy birthday to the holy trinity:
Harris Wittels Adolf Hitler
- cant think of a new bit mike (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday Harris Wittels. I m gonna remessage my thread from February of my favorite jokes of his so be prepared to laugh/cry
- KG (10 months ago)
Maggie Umber
Happy Bday Harris Wittels! I hope you\'re enjoying the cosmos...sorry.
- Maggie Umber (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to Harris Wittels. It\'s such bullshit that we have to put up with President Ding Dong without you.
- Elissa (10 months ago)
Patrick Cosgrove
Happy Birthday Harris Wittels.
- Patrick Cosgrove (10 months ago)
Stephanie Pattison
Happy birthday Harris Wittels hope people burn one for him today a comedy legend
- Stephanie Pattison (10 months ago)
arlo’s dad
Happy Birthday, Harris Wittels
- arlo’s dad (10 months ago)
Big EG
Happy Birthday Harris Wittels. You are still my fave.
- Big EG (10 months ago)
Mark Um Asylum
So much talent in the cast & crew of but from all I\'ve learned about him Harris Wittels may be the best. Happy birthday Harris
- Mark Um Asylum (10 months ago)
A candid talk with a comedic genius about the addiction that took him too soon. Happy Birthday and
- Geoffrey McPhail (10 months ago)
Evan Matthew Hodge
Happy Birthday Harris Wittels. The funniest person to have ever walked the earth. Even though I
- Evan Matthew Hodge (10 months ago)
Happy birthday Harris Wittels your humor will always be missed
- mackie (10 months ago)
Tokubetsu Evansville
Happy Birthday Harris Wittles. The funniest person to have ever walked the earth. Even though I never had the...
- Tokubetsu Evansville (10 months ago)
Happy birthday harris wittels I think about u a lot :(
- gillian (10 months ago)
Andrea Streeter
Happy birthday Harris Wittels. Sorry weed folks, 4/20 is Harris day, now & forever.
- Andrea Streeter (10 months ago)
Cameron T Long
Happy birthday harris wittels
- Cameron T Long (10 months ago)
Happy birthday Harris Wittels :( thanks for the laughs that truly got me through some dark times.
- Jacklemore™ (10 months ago)
Yeah I know what day it is but like, happy mf birthday to harris wittels cause like I don\'t think I\'ll ever be over it
- brookehuncho (10 months ago)
Matt Wilstein
Happy 420, here is the late, great Harris Wittels on
- Matt Wilstein (10 months ago)
Happy birthday/RIP to one of my all-time favorite comedians, Harris Wittels AKA Now I\'m gonna a bunch of his jokes
- Joe (10 months ago)
The Laugh Button
Happy birthday, Harris Wittels - we miss you every day.
- The Laugh Button (10 months ago)
The Laugh Network
Happy birthday, Harris Wittels via
- The Laugh Network (10 months ago)
zac little
Happy Birthday, Harris Wittels
- zac little (10 months ago)
Happy 420/Happy birthday Harris Wittels
- Jacob (10 months ago)
Ramiro P.
- Ramiro P. (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Harris Wittels will celebrate his 41 years old birthday in 1 month and 16 days! Send your greetings to him now!