Happy birthday Hirohiko Araki!! You are one of the greatest mangaka of all time, your art is out of this world. Tha
- Kentachi ⭐ CR: One Piece (6 months ago)
(Also I wanna do a draw over of this image someday)
- GRE_Guy (Taking a break kinda sorta kinda) (6 months ago)
Daily Kira Yoshikage
Today, Hirohiko Araki, the creator of JoJo\'s Bizarre Adventure turns 62.We at Kira Yoshikage page want not only to
- Daily Kira Yoshikage (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to a writer, artist, entertainer, genius, master who taught us how you can implement the most beauti
- poposwag (6 months ago)
アリ ⚜️
June 7th Japan!!
It s Hirohiko Araki s Birthday Happy birthday to my favorite manga artist
- アリ ⚜️ (6 months ago)
Happy birthday to Hirohiko Araki, by the way
- Connor (6 months ago)
『Stand Appreciation Day』
Hirohiko Araki Appreciation Day!
Let s spend today to appreciate the mastermind behind all the stands that we hav
- 『Stand Appreciation Day』 (6 months ago)
- مون (6 months ago)
(tablo) goes well in dark mode
Happy 62nd birthday to the goat Hirohiko Araki
- (tablo) goes well in dark mode (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday my idol, Hirohiko Araki!!! (with a 2-day delay but those are details)
- MrPlata (6 months ago)
Dumbass me forgot to post this
Happy birthday Hirohiko Araki
- JustVacc (6 months ago)
One-Eyed Ghoul
Happy birthday to one of the greatest managaka in the history of animanga, Hirohiko Araki. Your work has helped me
- One-Eyed Ghoul (6 months ago)
Happy birthday Hirohiko Araki the creator of jojos
- Albert_Dinero (6 months ago)
IG: @supremeshonen
Happy Birthday to Hirohiko Araki the creator of Jojos, which is one of the best manga/anime to ever exist
- IG: @supremeshonen (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the author of JoJo s Bizarre Adventure, Hirohiko Araki!
- Nosferatu (6 months ago)
arlo ☆ loves polnareff!
I don t think i made my own personal araki message so happy birthday hirohiko araki you have singlehandedly ruined my
- arlo ☆ loves polnareff! (6 months ago)
Kyle Viveiros
Happy birthday to the creator of my favorite anime/manga series of all time, Hirohiko Araki!!
- Kyle Viveiros (6 months ago)
Oh shit I forgot to mention, Happy Birthday to my favorite mangaka, Hirohiko Araki, the creator of Jojo\'s Bizarre A
- Aeon (6 months ago)
Today isn t the bday of an anime character, but a creator of manga/anime characters! Our creative friend Hirohiko A
- ProGamingBros (6 months ago)
Lacerator Liam
Having made the trip myself, I like hearing people\'s reactions as they go through JoJo\'s Bizarre Adventure.
- Lacerator Liam (6 months ago)
Known for his bestselling JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga series, he also worked on the Baoh, Oingo Boingo Brothers Adventure, and Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan Japanese cartoon series.