Happy Birthday Tel telling one of his many funny stories from his life on tour, this one featuring hi
- The Tour Experience (2 months ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Buff Bagwell, Alisa Maric, Mohammed Benzakour, Glenn Robinson, Felix Trinidad, Ryan Drummond, Aka
- Teewhy Nyema (1 month ago)
Hatty Burpday
January 10
Happy birthday today to
Gunther von Hagens (75)
Rod Stewart (75)
George Foreman (71)
Pat Benatar (67)
- Hatty Burpday (1 month ago)
Enrique G. Barredo
Happy Birthday, Ian Poulter
- Enrique G. Barredo (1 month ago)
Mark Townsend
Happy 44th birthday \'Poults\'.....
Reliving the best bounce-back bogey of all time
- Mark Townsend (1 month ago)
What are we watching? Some classic of course.
Happy Birthday here\'s to a great 2020!
- GOLFPASS UK & Ireland (1 month ago)
Celebrity Birthdays
January 10
Happy birthday today to
Gunther von Hagens
Rod Stewart George Foreman
Pat Benatar
Eddie Che
- Celebrity Birthdays (1 month ago)
Happy birthday Ian Poulter
- SBAT+ (1 month ago)
Sport In Genes
Wishes Happy Birthday to an English Professional Golfer \"Ian Poulter\"
- Sport In Genes (1 month ago)
The Golf Shop
12 European Tour wins 3 PGA Tour wins 5x Ryder Cup champion Happy birthday to the Postman
- The Golf Shop (1 month ago)
Scott Mair
Happy birthday to Ian Poulter skilled golfer may you have a wonderful day and many more wonderful
- Scott Mair (1 month ago)
2004 2010 2012 2014 2018
The Postman always delivers.
Happy birthday, Ian Poulter
- 888sport (1 month ago)
2004 2010 2012 2014 2018 The only postman that delivers on a Sunday.
Happy Birthday, Ian
- bet365 (1 month ago)
Grosvenor Sport
Golfer Ian Poulter turns 43 today
He may not have won a major tournament yet, but he certainly played his part for
- Grosvenor Sport (1 month ago)
Michael Pimentel
Happy Birthday to my favourite golfer of all time Ian Poulter. A ryder cup legend have a great day my man.
- Michael Pimentel (1 month ago)
National Club Golfer
12 European Tour wins 3 PGA Tour wins 5x Ryder Cup champion
Happy birthday to the Postman
- National Club Golfer (1 month ago)
Spreadex Sports
Happy 43rd birthday to Ian Poulter:
12 x European Tour wins
5 x Ryder Cup wins (22 matches played. 15 points delive
- Spreadex Sports (1 month ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Buff Bagwell, Alisa Maric, Mohammed Benzakour, Glenn Robinson, Felix Trinidad, Ryan Drummond, Aka
- North Trenton (1 month ago)
Happy 42nd birthday to Ryder Cup legend, Ian Poulter
- sillothgolfclub (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Ian Poulter page from 2012
(use code message1 for 24hr free
- UKPressOnline (1 month ago)
Today In History
Happy bday:[2] Curt Kirkwood[Meat Puppets]59, Evan Handler 57, Ian Poulter 42, Sarah Shahi 38, Emily Meade 29
- Today In History (1 month ago)
Richard Foster
Text from a mate Happy Birthday to a football and golf legend! Today is Marouane Chamakh\'s & Ian Poulter\'s birthday! What a nobhead
- Richard Foster (1 month ago)
12x European Tour wins 5x Ryder Cup wins 2x PGA Tour wins Happy birthday Ian Poulter
- Ladbrokes (1 month ago)
The GateWayGolf App
Happy Birthday Ian - European Ryder Cup legend
- The GateWayGolf App (1 month ago)
Golf Monthly
Wishing a happy birthday to European Ryder Cup legend Here are his 12 best celebrations:
- Golf Monthly (1 month ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Ian Poulter celebrated his 49 years old birthday 1 month ago. It might be a bit too late but... Send your greetings to him now!