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Happy Birthday Ira Glass! May you be gifted with life s biggest joys and never-ending bliss.
- (1 day ago)
March 3 & everyone at wishes a very happy birthday
- RealGilbertACP (1 day ago)
Joan Middleton
Lots of lovely people born on this day but I am especially excited to see in a few weeks at the royal fes
- Joan Middleton (1 day ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Andy Murray, Heizo Takenaka, Rudy Fernandez (d. 2008), Robyn Hitchcock, Zico, Keith Fergus, John
- North Trenton (18 hours ago)
Philip Glass
A very happy birthday to
- Philip Glass (1 day ago)
Teewhy Nyema
Happy Birthday to Andy Murray, Heizo Takenaka, Rudy Fernandez (d. 2008), Robyn Hitchcock, Zico, Keith Fergus, John
- Teewhy Nyema (18 hours ago)
Happy Birthday to Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Tone Loc, Ira Glass, and more!
- Dlisted (1 day ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Andy Murray, Heizo Takenaka, Rudy Fernandez (d. 2008), Robyn Hitchcock, Zico, Keith Fergus, John
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (20 hours ago)
Scott Mair
Happy birthday to Ira Glass I hope you have a great day, Thanks for reading,SM
- Scott Mair (21 hours ago)
Sundance Now
Happy birthday, The talented and thoughtful host of turns 59 today. We hope it\'s a good on
- Sundance Now (1 day ago)
Ian Smith
For birthday, he gets some insight into how I see the part of me that writes.
- Ian Smith (1 day ago)
Jordan Wildon
Also with Ira Glass and Charlie Brooker, but you probably dislike both for one reason or another.
- Jordan Wildon (1 day ago)
Ben Steelman
And a happy birthday to Ira Glass, creator of \"This American Life.\"
- Ben Steelman (21 hours ago)
Happy Birthday Ira Glass! you help make the world a better place
- toryc (1 day ago)
Hayward Library
Happy 58th to Ira Glass! If you haven\'t listened to This American Life yet, now\'s your chance:
- Hayward Library (1 day ago)
Ira Glass (This American Life host) has a birthday today! Wish him a good one + celebrate by playing the
- CHIRPRadio (1 day ago)
\"We live in a world where joy and empathy and pleasure are all around us, there for the noticing.\"
Happy Birthday, Ira Glass.
- Cor (1 day ago)
Happy birthday to of him in action here
- Witnify (1 day ago)
Chase\'s Calendar
Happy Birthday! Jessica Biel, Julie Bowen, Ira Glass, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, Lee Radziwill, Miranda Richardson, Herschel Walker
- Chase\'s Calendar (1 day ago)
IMDb. March 3rd. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Diana Barrymore, Ira Glass, Carla Bonner, Sandy Greenwood, Teddy Newton, John Carter Cash, Laura Ziskin.
- GSmith (1 day ago)
Kristen Bolden
Happy birthday to my dream bf, ira glass!
- Kristen Bolden (1 day ago)
Brooklyn Daily Eagle
Wish a happy birthday to and more!
- Brooklyn Daily Eagle (1 day ago)
Terrance Griep
From one storyteller to another--Happy 58th Birthday to Ira Glass:
- Terrance Griep (1 day ago)
Happy Birthday to my favorite NPR host, Ira Glass!
- superpowersactivated (1 day ago)
Andi Butler
Happy Birthday to Ira Glass
- Andi Butler (1 day ago)
Karyn Nadler
We live in a world where joy and empathy and pleasure are all around us, there for the noticing~Ira Glass~Happy 58th birthday
- Karyn Nadler (1 day ago)
Jamie Roxx
Happy Birthday. Today, Mar. 3, 1959 Ira Glass, American radio host and producer was born.
- Jamie Roxx (1 day ago)
We live in a world where joy and empathy and pleasure are all around us, there for the noticing.
-Ira Glass
Happy birthday, !
- Nathalia (1 day ago)
Tom Victor
Happy birthday to Ira Glass and Zico
- Tom Victor (1 day ago)
NGO News
Friday MP3 Shuffle: Happy Birthday Ira Glass Edition. Read Blog:
- NGO News (1 day ago)
Helaan Örth
Happy 58th birthday, Ira Glass!
- Helaan Örth (2 days ago)
Happy 58th birthday, Ira Glass!
- Genitalien (2 days ago)
\"You\'ll hit gold more often if you simply try out a lot of things.\" -Ira Glass
Happy 56th birthday, Ira Glass!...
- TheRelentlessReader (1 day ago)
Prescott Robinson
Happy Birthday Ira Glass!
- Prescott Robinson (1 day ago)
Jessica Frampton
Happy Birthday Ira Glass! How the f are you 56? You sound like you\'re 25.
- Jessica Frampton (1 day ago)
Happy birthday to Ira Glass, the host of one of our favorite radio programs,
- TuneIn (1 day ago)
Happy Birthday to This American Life host Ira Glass! Watch him talk about the show and his career a Google:
- learnoutloud (1 day ago)
Karyn Nadler
You\'ll hit gold more often if you simply try out a lot of things~Ira Glass~Happy 56th Birthday
- Karyn Nadler (1 day ago)
Happy birthday to favorite host of him in action here:
- Witnify (1 day ago)
Happy Birthday, Ira Glass! He\'s my favorite voice on NPR\'s \"This American Life.\"
- superpowersactivated (1 day ago)
Happy birthday today to Jessica Biel, Ira Glass, Alexander Graham Bell, Scotty, Jean Harlow, Jack\'s wife from LOST, and Ton Loc.
- Llama (1 day ago)
You\'ll hit gold more often if you simply try out a lot of things.
Ira Glass
Happy 56th birthday, Ira Glass!...
- litebeing (1 day ago)
Quote Queen
\"You\'ll hit gold more often if you simply try out a lot of things.\" -Ira Glass, happy birthday
- Quote Queen (1 day ago)
Geek Zodiac
You\'ll hit gold more often if u simply try out a lot of things. Happy Bday Ira Glass, host of NPR\'s This American Life, GZ Treasure Hunter
- Geek Zodiac (1 day ago)
Michelle Miller
You\'ll hit gold more often if you simply try out a lot of things. ~Ira Glass
Happy 56th birthday, Ira Glass! The...
- Michelle Miller (1 day ago)
Tada Jo
\"You\'ll hit gold more often if you simply try out a lot of things.\"
Ira Glass
Happy 56th birthday, Ira Glass!...
- Tada Jo (1 day ago)
Jamie Roxx
Happy Birthday. Today in 1959 Ira Glass, American radio host was born.
- Jamie Roxx (1 day ago)
You\'ll hit gold more often if you simply try out a lot of things. Ira Glass Happy 56th birthday, Ira Gla...
- Archaeolibrarian (1 day ago)
Jessie Snow
You\'ll hit gold more often if you simply try out a lot of things. - Ira Glass
Happy 56th birthday, Ira Glass!...
- Jessie Snow (1 day ago)
Sheldon Elementary
Happy birthday, Ira Glass!
- Sheldon Elementary (1 day ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Ira Glass just celebrated his 66 years old birthday 1 day ago. It's still not too late to say happy bday. Send your greetings to him now!