Happy birthday, poet of all poets and my late mentor. Celebrate him with me today by buying a book
- Listening in the Dark ✨Amber Tamblyn (1 month ago)
Corey Mesler
Happy Jack Hirschman\'s birthday. He said,
\"This is not a cynical or pessimist
or nihilist poem. Join death
to you
- Corey Mesler (1 month ago)
Amber Tamblyn
Happy birthday, Jack Hirschman. You taught me how to be a poet. You taught me everything. You changed my life and I
- Amber Tamblyn (1 month ago)
Today\'s Famous Birthday
Happy birthday! Jack Hirschman (Poet), 87 years old.
A simple celebration, a gathering of friends; here wishing you
- Today\'s Famous Birthday (1 month ago)
Dr. Ψ
Happy birthday, Jack!
- Dr. Ψ (1 month ago)
Birthday Greetings to the legendary Jack Hirschman - Happy 84th! - from The Allen Ginsberg Project - Check out ou
- AllenGinsbergEstate (1 month ago)
City Lights Books
Our good friend Jack Hirschman turns 84 today. Join us in wishing him a happy birthday!!!
- City Lights Books (1 month ago)
Alessandra Bava
Happy Birthday to poet Jack
- Alessandra Bava (1 month ago)
Poet and social activist who was part of the San Francisco Renaissance. His numerous poetry collections include Lyripol, A Correspondence of Americans, and The Bottom Line.