Welcome to Jackie Chan's Birthday Celebration Page
Jackie Chan got 3797 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Happy Birthday To The The Legend Jackie Chan - PlushReviewsAndMore (4 years ago)
birthday balloon

Can t believe the one who always has my six is now six The sole reason I fear no one & no thing. My gratatata gra - sienna (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

My favorite was a Jackie Chan movie where they sang We Wish You a Happy Birthday to the tune of We - gospodyina (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

golden adonis (CPOP)
Jackie chan singing happy birthday and sending a kiss to him - golden adonis (CPOP) (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Clay Renfroe
Happy birthday to director John Woo who I once met at a signing in LA and then saw again the following weekend in a - Clay Renfroe (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, jackie chan - ⛥ (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

mayor andre dickless
Happy birthday to film star Jackie Chan (67)! - mayor andre dickless (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

cop city euthanasia clinic
Happy birthday to film star Jackie Chan (67)! - cop city euthanasia clinic (10 months ago)
birthday balloon

sladjana lukic
Jackie Chan\'s Birthday 2023 at Guangzhou via Happy Birthday J - sladjana lukic (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Obong Ikpaisong Comr. Chief Itaekpe
happy birthday Jackie Chan. you made my childhood full of fun - Obong Ikpaisong Comr. Chief Itaekpe (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

成龍 Asad Jackie
Jackie Chan Happy Birthday - 成龍 Asad Jackie (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Jackie Chan - ReacherRichard (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Xinderella Lee
Oh my god Happy Birthday to Jackie Chan. On April 7 - Xinderella Lee (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Lingnan Kungfu Culture
A late happy birthday to Jackie Chan! - Lingnan Kungfu Culture (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Chika Valentine onyegbula
A big happy Birthday to this Chinese actor Jackie Chan . He is 69 years old 2023. Thank God for adding anot - Chika Valentine onyegbula (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

WatsUp TV
Happy 69 birthday to Jackie Chan - WatsUp TV (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Belated Birthday To The Legendary Jackie Chan! He Turned 69th Yesterday. Which Jackie Chan Movie Was Your Fav - DEEN (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Sam Martinez
Happy birthday to Jackie Chan the best who could ever be at this entertaining part of our lives God has made a cha - Sam Martinez (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Lisa Cunningham
April is full of cool people! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKIE CHAN - Lisa Cunningham (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

DC Filmdom
RIDE ON ( ) A lovely tribute to Jackie Chan\'s legacy and filmography, and a heartfelt salute to th - DC Filmdom (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

This is the first Jackie Chan movie I\'ve watched as a kid! Instantly fell in love with the guy... happy birthday, J - Joe_The_Geek (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Aywon Williams
Happy 69th Birthday to Actor, Filmmaker, Martial Artist, and Stuntman Chan Kong-sang aka Jackie Chan!!! - Aywon Williams (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

David Hollingsworth
Happy 69th Birthday to Jackie Chan, the iconic and larger-than-life actor, filmmaker, martial artist, and stuntman! - David Hollingsworth (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

You have to watch Police Story 2, curious that your birthday is the same day as Jackie Chan\'s. happy - Rei (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Matt Rickard
Happy birthday to the martial arts legend! Jackie Chan is 69 - Matt Rickard (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday my hero Jackie Chan - Nobody (11 months ago)
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Kristian Polanco
Happy birthday, Jackie Chan! - Kristian Polanco (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

happy birthday Jackie Chan 69 - アウル (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Ahkili Daniels (Golden Ice)
Happy birthday to Jackie Chan!! - Ahkili Daniels (Golden Ice) (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jackie Chan turns 69 years old today, Happy Birthday - ElmanuelOfficial (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Princess Stella Solaria (Princess Solaria)
A very Happy 69th Birthday to the Iconic Jackie Chan - Princess Stella Solaria (Princess Solaria) (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Angela Douglas
(Happy Birthday) God/Allah Stated! Jackie Chan - IMDb - Angela Douglas (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Taylor Gibbs
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan - Taylor Gibbs (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 69th birthday to Jackie Chan! - Fandango (11 months ago)
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Machine Room Podcast
Happy birthday to the one and only Jackie Chan! - Machine Room Podcast (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

I didn\'t realise that it\'s Jackie Chan\'s birthday today. Happy Birthday to the GOAT - TheGreatJedi99 (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday Jackie Chan. - Samaures (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michel Tokombe
Bon anniversaire au légendaire Jackie chan qui fête ses 69 ans Aujourd hui - Michel Tokombe (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 69th birthday to my childhood hero Jackie Chan .! - nanis (11 months ago)
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Gary Lutz
Happy Birthday to great actor, martial artist, producer, & stuntman Jackie Chan! - Gary Lutz (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

David Torok Official
The Story of a Hero I m forever grateful you gave me the opportunities to be a part of your movie legacy Happy B - David Torok Official (11 months ago)
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8-Bit Massacre
NEW VIDEO Jackie Chan: Most Stunts by a Living Actor | Guinness World Records | Happy Birthday, Jackie!!! - 8-Bit Massacre (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Peter John Cindanai
Jackie Chan celebrates his 69th birthday today,Happy birthday - Peter John Cindanai (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Totally Boomer
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan (4.7.54) - Totally Boomer (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

The Daily Jaws
Hopefully that isn\'t a Chan-eater. Happy 69th birthday to Jackie Chan, seen here in First Strike (1996) wi - The Daily Jaws (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Hasan Topal
Happy birthday Efsane Jackie Chan do um günün kutlu olsun mutlu sa l kl y llar dilerim (68) - Hasan Topal (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jay Digiovanni
Happy Birthday to my favorite actor Jackie Chan!!! We love your movies and you as a person. Stay a - Jay Digiovanni (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Christopher Evans
Happy Birthday - Christopher Evans (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

KAMR Local 4 News
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Join us in wishing Jackie Chan a happy 69th birthday and let us know which project of Chan\'s is you - KAMR Local 4 News (11 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jason Isaiah
Happy April 7th Birthday Jackie Chan, Gracie Haschak, Monroe Capri Bryant,Kyra Smith, April Athena, Sydney - Jason Isaiah (11 months ago)

70 years old (Born on April 07, 1954)

Martial arts star

Jackie Chan's Best Moments

Today is Jackie\s birthday. I want to wish my boy Jackie Chan a Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan! Which franchise deserves a new installment, Shanghai Noon or Rush Hour?
Happy birthday, jackie chan!
     Wishing a very Happy Birthday to legendary actor, martial artist, stuntman, and comedian Jackie Chan!
Happy 69th birthday to Jackie Chan!
Jackie Chan turns 63 today. Happy birthday, via
Happy birthday, Jackie Chan
Happy birthday, Jackie Chan!
Happy 66th Birthday to Jackie Chan
Happy 67th birthday to legendary actor Jackie Chan
Happy 67th birthday, Jackie Chan!
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan
Happy birthday menswear style icon jackie chan a legend from top to toe
Happy Birthday to the legend Jackie Chan!!! Changed my life growing up in so many ways.
                                                   Happy Birthday Jackie Chan!!!
Happy 57th Birthday Jet Li.

Remessage for Jackie Chan & Like for Jet Li.
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan!
It is my distinct pleasure to wish Jackie Chan a happy 69th birthday.
Happy birthday, Jackie Chan! You are definitely going to Heaven.
Jackie Chan! Also doubles as a late Happy Birthday to the greatest martial arts actor of all time!
His name spells entertainment, entertainment, entertainment! Happy birthday Jackie Chan!
Jackie Chan turns 69 years old today, Happy Birthday!
Happy 65th birthday to martial arts cinema icon Jackie Chan! What is his most iconic role?
Happy birthday to film star Jackie Chan (66)!
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan! 

A true legend.
Happy 65th Birthday Jackie Chan!
\"I like action but I hate violence. It\s kind of a dilemma.\"
Happy Birthday to my childhood hero, Jackie Chan!
Happy 68th Birthday Jackie Chan
Happy birthday sister!!! I hope today was amazing !can\t wait for summer beach days! Love you Jackie chan!
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan Stuntmaster!

March 28
Happy birthday to film star Jackie Chan (68)!
Happy Birthday to the one and only Jackie Chan
Donald trump\s bullshit almost made me forget that today is jackie chan\s birthday HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKIE
Happy 64th birthday to the legendary Jackie Chan!
I got the balloons Happy birthday to me! sowore Bruce Lee 
Jackie Chan
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan
Happy birthday to actor, martial artist, director, singer and producer Jackie Chan!
Happy Birthday, Jackie Chan!

Drunken Master 2 - Dir. Lau Kar-leung, Jackie Chan [uncredited]
Happy Birthday to the legendary Jackie Chan!
Good Morning! Happy 67th Birthday Jackie Chan!
Happy birthday to a true living legend, Jackie Chan!
Happy bday to my Jackie Chan, Lupita, crazy girl, main squeeze  I luhhhh you
Happy 66th birthday to Jackie Chan!
  4 7  ...                Happy birthday Jackie Chan !!!
April 7, 1954
2021 APRIL
*Picks up gun. Throws it at the bad guy*  Happy Birthday JACKIE CHAN
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan Stuntmaster!

March 28
\"I never wanted to be the next Bruce Lee. I just wanted to be the first Jackie Chan.\"

Happy Birthday Jackie!
Happy Birthday to the King of Action JACKIE CHAN  !!!
Happy birthday Jackie chan
A happy 63rd birthday to a beloved movie icon, the unique, charming and totally badass Jackie Chan.
 Jackie Chan! Happy birthday to the hardest working man in show business!
It\s officially April 7th right now in Hong Kong, so..........

Happy 68th birthday to Jackie Chan!
Un joyeux anniversaire à Jackie Chan qui célèbre aujourd hui ses 68 ans. 

Happy Birthday to Chinese actor, martial artist and stuntman Jackie Chan who turns 68 today
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan :)
Happy birthday, Jackie Chan! 64 today.
Happy Birthday to one of the greats Tell us your favorite Jackie Chan film
Happy 66th Birthday to the man Jackie Chan
Did y all wish Jackie Chan a happy birthday today?
Happy birthday to Jackie Chan
Happy birthday to legend jackie chan   April 7
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan!
Happy 68th birthday to the ONE and ONLY Jackie Chan!
Happy Birthday to the one and only Jackie Chan!
Happy Birthday to the action Legend  Jackie chan
Happy Birthday  Jackie Chan
Happy 67th birthday to the living legend, Jackie Chan!
Happy birthday to Jackie Chan!

Police Story (1985)
Happy Birthday to my brother! You\re the Jackie Chan to my Chris Tucker  Funnest Man I know, love YA Alec!
Happy birthday to my boy Jackie chan.
Happy birthday to Jackie Chan one of the greatest stunt and martial artist we\ve ever had!!
Happy birthday Jackie Chan
Happy birthday baby girl! Unending joy, is what I pray for you. Love you, Dzifa the Jackie Chan.
Happy birthday to my dad the action martial arts legend..... Sir Jackie Chan
Happy 67th birthday to the legendary -- truly legendary -- Jackie Chan!
Happy birthday to the best to ever hit the scaffolding, Jackie Chan
Happy  birthday to the legendary Jackie Chan who turn 67 today.
Happy Birthday to this fabulous actor.  Happy Birthday to Jackie Chan
Happy 68th birthday Jackie Chan! This picture: oil and ink on acrylic paper, 21cm x 30cm.
Happy birthday Jackie Chan!
Happy 68th Birthday to Jackie Chan. What\s your favorite film?
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan
Happy 69 birthday to Jackie Chan
Happy birthday to the one and only Jackie Chan Avila
  QT Happy Birthday Jackie Chan
\" Action film legend Jackie Chan turns 61 today. Happy Birthday to this awesome action star!!
Happy birthday, Jackie Chan!
Jackie Chan turns 61 today. Happy Birthday Jackie!
Happy Birthday Chan Kong-sang! (if you didn t know that s Jackie Chan s birth name) ;)
Happy birthday to jackie chan and director stanley tong
Happy Birthday to movie icon Jackie Chan!
Happy birthday to the GOAT Jackie Chan
Happy birthday Jackie Chan
Happy birthday Jackie Chan as he celebrates his 64th birthday today! You are a legend!
Happy birthday Jackie Chan! Semoga bisa terus beraksi walau umur sudah tidak muda lagi.
Happy Birthday, Jackie Chan. I\m still waiting for a live action Jackie Chan Adventure movie.
Happy 66th birthday to Jackie Chan
Wish U a Happy Birthday Jackie Chan sir from fans!
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan! Which of his films are your favorites?
Happy birthday Jackie Chan  From
    - Police Story (1985)    Directed by Jackie Chan

Happy 67th birthday to the great Jackie Chan
Happy birthday to Jackie Chan and his magnificent thighs
Jackie Chan turns 68 years today and still looks healthy. Happy birthday
A big Happy Birthday to Jackie Chan!

Go check out MIRACLES, it\s my personal favorite Chan movie!
Happy birthday jackie chan !
Happy birthday to the Clown Prince of Kung Fu, JACKIE CHAN, who is 61 today
Happy Birthday
Jackie Chan april 7th. 1954
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan
It\s April 7th, Happy Birthday Jackie Chan.
Happy birthday Jackie Chan! Coolest of the cool. Celebrate by watching Drunken Master or Police Story tonight!
Happy Birthday to Jackie Chan!
Happy Birthday to my all time favourite star JACKIE CHAN!
\" Jackie Chan turns 61 today. Happy Birthday Jackie! 

Happy Birthday Jackie Chan!
Happy Birthday to Jackie Chan! 

FACT: He speaks 7 languages and began his career as a stuntman in Bruce Lee films.
Happy Birthday to my bro Jackie chan  ILY
Happy birthday Jackie Chan . My fav  scene from Rush Hour 2
Happy birthday to Jackie Chan seen here kicking some serious ass in \Rumble in the Bronx\ (1995):
Happy birthday to living legend and a big brother Jackie Chan!
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan
Happy birthday Jackie Chan!
Happy birthday to the GOAT How are you 63?!

What\s Jackie\s best movie?
Happy Birthday Jackie chan hope you have a fab day miss you
Wishing a very happy birthday to Great legendry Actor sir......
Happy 64th Birthday to  Jackie Chan
Happy birthday Jackie Chan
Happy 65th birthday to Jackie Chan.
Happy Birthday to the man, the myth, the legend that is Jackie Chan!
Happy birthday to Jackie Chan, officially a senior citizen
Happy  Birthday \"Jackie Chan\"
 wish you Happy birthday THAlaivaa   JACKIE CHAN...    greatest Human being.. World legendary Actor..
\"Anyone can be a superman,but nobody can be Jackie chan.\"  Happy 66th Birthday
Happy Birthday to movie legend Jackie Chan who is 66 today .
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACKIE CHAN The one & only actor who have no haters.
Jackie chan my childhood hero, at 66, happy birthday

Like if he is your childhood hero
Jackie chan
Happy 66th birthday.
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan  The man who inspired me a lot  Stay happy
Happy birthday Jackie Chan ! Apa filem lakonan beliau yang anda suka ?
Wishing a very happy birthday Jackie chan
Happy 67th Birthday to the LEGEND 
Jackie Chan
Happy 67th birthday to one of my favorite actors and people ever, Jackie Chan!
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan
Happy Birthday to the funny, ass kicking, legendary, Jackie Chan!
Happy 69th birthday to the legend, Jackie Chan.
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan
Happy Birthday, dear Jackie Chan!
A very Happy 69th Birthday to the Iconic Jackie Chan
Happy Birthday you gangsta jackie chan hopes you\re having a great day
Happy Birthday success woke me us up today, hope u have a good day Jackie Chan and head up bud
                         Happy birthday, Mr.Jackie Chan!
 Happy birthday buat Jackie Chan!! apa sih dari Jackie Chan yang bikin kamu ngefans sob?
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan! Global Listeners, film Jackie Chan yang paling lo suka apa sih ?
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan
61 years ago, Jackie Chan was born
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to my number one. Have a fab day Jackie Chan!!
Siany here! Happy Birthday Jackie Chan 60 today Who do YOU think is tougher Jackie Chan Sly Stallone or Chuck Norris?
Wish the Kungfu Legend Jackie Chan who turns 61 today a Happy Birthday,Get his series on(Star Kungfu CH 150),
Happy birthday Jackie Chan
Bruce Lee wishing Jackie Chan a very Happy Birthday! You\re the man, Jackie.
Happy Birthday to Rush Hour costar Jackie Chan! The actor is 61 today!
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan!
Happy birthday to Jackie chan!!
Happy Birthday to the man Jackie Chan!!!
Happy Birthday to my dad, Jackie Chan.
\"I have a dilemma... I love action, but I hate violence.\" - Happy 61st birthday, Jackie Chan
Happy birthday to Jackie Chan!
Happy Birthday to the legend Jackie Chan
  Happy birthday Jackie Chan  Lmao. Empty Brain. Just fight.
Happy happy birthday to my partner in crime (Jackie chan) we\ve had some good old adventures
Happy Birthday to that nigga Chris aka Jackie chan
Hey happy birthday jackie chan lover!!! Glad we\ve become close this year and I hope your day is great :]
Take it easy on the stunts today, Jackie Chan! Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday to the KING of Kung Fu, Jackie Chan!
Happy birthday to Jackie Chan, who turn 62 years old today! Stay humble and stay gold!
Happy birthday to Jackie Chan!
Happy 63rd Birthday Jackie Chan - here\s our pick for your movie ever!
Happy birthday to action superstar Jackie Chan who turns 63 today!
Happy birthday to the legend of arts martials and my idol Jackie Chan
Happy Birthday! Jackie Chan,   April 7, 1954
Happy Birthday to Jackie Chan!
Happy freaking birthday to Jackie Chan, one of the coolest guys on earth!
                                       Happy birthday Jackie Chan
Ezhumin Team Wishes Happy Birthday to The Legend Jackie Chan
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan! We reckon he\s been on the Protection Cream here - enhances grip.
Happy 64th birthday Jackie Chan
Happy Birthday Jackie Chan!!
Happy birthday Jackie Chan. Thanks for making my childhood awesome
jackie chan movies 0
jackie chan dead 1
jackie chan 2013 2
Jackie Chan sexy 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Jackie, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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Minimum 8 words. The card background will change when you enter a word.