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Heather & Jessica
Today is Jackie Collins\'s birthday! Here she is, typing on the floor in a bikini, as one does.
- Heather & Jessica (5 months ago)
My first novel I read was Poor Little Bitch Girl & I was hooked! I found about Jackie from a
- AspenCavalli (5 months ago)
Writer\'s Relief
Happy birthday to English romance and Jackie Collins! She wrote 32 all of which appeare
- Writer\'s Relief (5 months ago)
Mont Co Pub Library
Happy Birthday, Jackie Collins. (October 4, 1937 - September 15, 2015) Over 500 million copies sold. Translated in
- Mont Co Pub Library (5 months ago)
Ashley Lazenbury
Happy Birthday to Jackie Collins and Anne Rice. Mistresses of their craft and much missed by readers around the wor
- Ashley Lazenbury (5 months ago)
Erich Schultz
Happy birthday to: Dakota Johnson, Charlton Heston, Jackie Collins, Buster Keaton,
- Erich Schultz (5 months ago)
Anak Ng AnjBrent (Part Two)
The biggest critics of my books are the people who never read them. Jackie Collins
- Anak Ng AnjBrent (Part Two) (5 months ago)
aidy parker-boulle
I swear I was thinking much of beautiful sadly departed Jackie tonight..I didn\'t realise it is this magnificent la
- aidy parker-boulle (5 months ago)
Modern Library
Happy Jackie Collins\'s birthday too!
We\'re not quite certain she actually said \"My weakness is wearing too much l
- Modern Library (5 months ago)
The Fussy Librarian
It s a good day to be born if you want to be a bestselling author, apparently happy birthday to Anne Rice and Jac
- The Fussy Librarian (5 months ago)
Megan Abbott
I have this theory that people in Hollywood don\'t read. I think I can basically write about anybody without gettin
- Megan Abbott (5 months ago)
Donald Peebles Jr.
Happy Heavenly Birthday, Jackie Collins! She is my favorite author of all-time. I miss her very much.
- Donald Peebles Jr. (5 months ago)
Jackie Collins
Happy Birthday to the legendary Lady Boss herself: Jackie Collins 1982
- Jackie Collins (5 months ago)
Listening Books
Happy birthday to author of The Power Trip, The Santangelos and Confessions of a Wild Child All
- Listening Books (5 months ago)
Yesterday (Oct 4) in 1941, two literary powerhouses were born! Happy birthday(s) to Anne Rice, famous for her Vampi
- SuperSummary (5 months ago)
Tauro Publishing
Happy birthday to English novelist, Jackie Collins! She wrote 32 novels, all of which appeared on The New
- Tauro Publishing (5 months ago)
Kare Thompson
Happy 83 birthday to Jackie Collins up in heaven. May Rest In Peace.
- Kare Thompson (5 months ago)
Ed Hanley
4th October Happy birthday Jackie Collins 1937
- Ed Hanley (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday Jackie Collins my beautiful guardian angel, I m celebrating today at Chanel and Vivienne s and I ll
- Lanica DaVey (5 months ago)
B&N Yonkers, NY ☕️
Happy Birthday to Jackie Collins, author of 32 romance novels. While Collins said \"she never pretended to be a lit
- B&N Yonkers, NY ☕️ (5 months ago)
Joseph Finder
Happy birthday to the late Jackie Collins.
- Joseph Finder (5 months ago)
Happy birthday today to Susan Sarandon (72), Armand Assante (69), Anneka Rice (60), Chris Lowe (59), Jon Secada (5
- Melanie VaughanSmith (5 months ago)
Festival for HORROR
Happy Birthday: Jackie Collins (1937 2015)
- Festival for HORROR (5 months ago)
News Dingo
Joan Collins wishes late sister Jackie happy birthday in moving tribute: \'Missing you\'
- News Dingo (5 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Dimosthenis Sofianos, Charlie Hurley, Giles Radice, Jackie Collins (d. 2015), David Crocker and Gail Gilmore (d. 2014).
- North Trenton (5 months ago)
IMDb. October 4th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Paco Leon, Sam Earle, Soha Ali Khan, Mark Powley, Anne Rice, Dennis Gansel, Jackie Collins.
- GSmith (5 months ago)
Happy birthday to English writer Jackie Collins (October 4, 1937), author of the 2008 novel \"Married Lovers\" and many other works.
- Book_Addict (5 months ago)
Happy Birthday in heaven Jackie Collins! How I love and miss you!
- SapphireSong91 (5 months ago)
jeffrey rowley
Happy Birthday
Derick Rose 29
Alicia Silverstone 41
Russell Simmons 60
Charlton Heston
Jackie Collins
AC Green 54
Tony LaRusso 73
- jeffrey rowley (5 months ago)
Nigel May
Happy birthday to the late great Jackie Collins. Still my ultimate. I shall be whipping on my leopard print later.
- Nigel May (5 months ago)
Strong Women Squad
Happy Jackie Collins month! We\'ll be celebrating the late, great super woman\'s birthday with features, prizes & a w
- Strong Women Squad (5 months ago)