35 years old (Born on July 21, 1989)
English actor; He is famous from Harry Potter.
If he had only one book with him it would be Harry Potter He is thankful for everything. His favorite sound is Crash. His favorite world is bonif. If he could spend the day with a historical figure it would be Martin Luther King.Jamie Waylett's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Jamie Waylett
He would like to work with I Am Billy
His favorite food is Chinese.
What he would like to change about the world is war.
If he could sspend the day with one celebrity it would be
He smokes cocaine (community.livejournal.com)
The sport that he would like to master is boxing.
What makes him laugh is everything
He would like to visit New Zealand
If he could eat one food it would be Indian.
If he couldn`t be an actor the career he would have is a director.