58 years old (Born on September 25, 1966)
British, Actor; He is famous from Darren on Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels ; Netley, the Coachman on From Hell; Dr. Henry Jekyll / Edward Hyde on The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.
Once worked as a bar tender Speaks French. Once worked as a bar tender. Son of Dr. Who and the Daleks (1965) director, Gordon Flemyng. It took 8 hours to put him into the prosthetic suit for his role as Mr. Hyde in The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003) and 3 hours to take the suit off.Jason Flemyng's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Jason Flemyng
Attended the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts
Dated actress Lena Headey (1994-2003)