Welcome to Jay Mckee's Birthday Celebration Page
Jay Mckee got 7 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Vintage Hockey Showcase
Happy birthday to former NHLers born ON THIS DAY in hockey history (September 8th) Part 2: Jay McKee (45) Marco St - Vintage Hockey Showcase (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Buffalo Twenty/20
Jay McKee was a wonderful Sabres defenseman, even if it didn\'t show on your stat sheet. - Buffalo Twenty/20 (3 months ago)
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Happy Birthday Jay McKee, Buffalo Sabres defenseman 1995-96 to 2005-06. Born on this date in 1977. - ThisDateInBuffaloSportsHistory (3 months ago)
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North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Gerald Drummond, Jervis Drummond, Sjeng Schalken, Jay McKee, Gerard Autet, Emanuele Ferraro and Gil Meche. - North Trenton (3 months ago)
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Christine Garner lem
Happy birthday Jay McKee. Hope you have a great day - Christine Garner lem (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

\"Happy Birthday\'s\" Today Mike Lankshear / Jay McKee / Paul DiPietro / Reid Boucher / Rogie Vachon.... - BobbyMurray (3 months ago)
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The Best Athletes
Happy 38th birthday to the one and only Jay McKee! Congratulations - The Best Athletes (3 months ago)

47 years old (Born on September 08, 1977)

Defender who made his NHL debut in 1996, and is best known for his time with the Buffalo Sabres.

Jay Mckee's Best Moments

Happy 38th birthday to the one and only Jay McKee! Congratulations
Happy Birthday Jay McKee, Buffalo Sabres defenseman 1995-96 to 2005-06. Born on this date in 1977.
Jay Mckee sexy 0
Jay Mckee dating 1
Jay Mckee sexy 2
Jay Mckee full body 3

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, Jay, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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