Happy Birthday, to the late Jay Thomas
For Disney, he played Dan in the Easter Bunny in
- Disney Wiki (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday Jay Thomas (Jon Thomas Terrell)
- virgiliocorrado (7 months ago)
THS Bulldogs Baseball_official
Happy Birthday to Bulldog Jay Thomas! We hope you have a great day!
- THS Bulldogs Baseball_official (7 months ago)
Happy heavenly birthday to you actor Jay Thomas !! You are so sorely missed & loved by so many . Th
- Rana (7 months ago)
Love to all of the cast and crew from the Jay Thomas show. Happy Birthday Jay, I love you.
- SHULI (7 months ago)
Groovy History
Happy Birthday to the late Jay Thomas born today in 1948.
- Groovy History (7 months ago)
fat matt
Happy birthday Jay Thomas. Thanks for the laughs and wisdom like this gem: Dick, dick, in your butt. Ha ha ha, so what.
- fat matt (7 months ago)
Kracker Jones
Happy birthday Milton Berle(1908-2002)Curly Joe DeRita(1909-1993)Bill Cosby(82)Brock Lesnar(42)Richard Simmons(71)C
- Kracker Jones (7 months ago)
Maria \"Sicily\" Guido
Happy Birthday To My Country
Happy Birthday \"...home of the brave!\"
Happy Birthday Founding Fathers: John Adams,
- Maria \"Sicily\" Guido (8 months ago)
This is one of my favorites of all time! He had me crying! Happy Birthday Jay Thomas!
- BL (7 months ago)
David Roberson
Happy Birthday 7/12: Jay Thomas (Cheers, Murphy Brown) - In Memory.
- David Roberson (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday! Jay Thomas!! Still going through the tapes....awesome!
- @cbenson (7 months ago)
Buzz Knight
Today my dear friend Jay Thomas would have been 70. This would have been another of many legendary parties with him
- Buzz Knight (7 months ago)
Jacksonville University Alumni
Today would have been the late, great Jay Thomas 70th birthday. This c/o \'72 lived his entire life like
- Jacksonville University Alumni (7 months ago)
Frank Pace
--- Today would have been my pal Jay Thomas\' 70th Birthday. David Letterman called him the funniest man in America
- Frank Pace (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday Jay Thomas!
- Elsie (7 months ago)
WILDsound Festival Review
Happy Birthday: Jay Thomas
- WILDsound Festival Review (7 months ago)
Jennifer Long
Happy Birthday to Richard Simmons, Jay Thomas, and
- Jennifer Long (7 months ago)
IMDb. July 12th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Jamey Sheridan, Aure Atika, Gordon Pinsent, Mel Harris, Lisa Nicole Carson, Keith Andes, Jay Thomas.
- GSmith (7 months ago)
FREE Poetry Festival
Happy Birthday: Jay Thomas
- FREE Poetry Festival (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday: Jay Thomas
- Popculturemadness (7 months ago)
Festival for Comedy
Happy Birthday: Jay Thomas
- Festival for Comedy (7 months ago)
Fantasy/Sci-Fi Fest
Date of Birth 12 July 1948, Kermit, Texas, USA Birth Name Jon Thomas Terrell Height 5\' 8\" (1.73 m) Starred with...
- Fantasy/Sci-Fi Fest (7 months ago)
Groovy Reflections™
Happy 69th birthday actor and comedian Jon Thomas Terrell aka Jay Thomas.
- Groovy Reflections™ (7 months ago)
Happy birthday actor and comedian Jay Thomas (July 12, 1948). Screenplay: Talker (2011) (with Perry Lang ).
- Book_Addict (7 months ago)
Old School 80s
Happy Birthday to Richard Simmons(69), Jay Thomas(69), Christine McVie(74) & Cheryl Ladd(66)
- Old School 80s (7 months ago)
Thorsten Alteholz
Wed, 12 Jul 2017, let us all send Jay Thomas the best Happy Birthday wishes today ( (69)
- Thorsten Alteholz (7 months ago)
Happy 69th Birthday to actor Jay Thomas.
- TReese82 (8 months ago)
brent monroe
happy birthday Jay Thomas!
- brent monroe (8 months ago)
Eddie Lebec
Happy Birthday Jay Thomas
- Eddie Lebec (7 months ago)
cristina palumbo
This guy.. What would I do without him?! Happy birthday jay Thomas!
- cristina palumbo (7 months ago)
Happy birthday actor and comedian Jay Thomas (July 12, 1948). Screenplay: Talker (2011) (with Perry Lang ).
- Book_Addict (7 months ago)
Old School 80s
Happy Birthday to Richard Simmons(67), Cheryl Ladd(64), Jay Thomas(67) & Fleetwood Mac\'s Christine McVie(72)
- Old School 80s (7 months ago)
Today In History
Happy bday: Bill Cosby 78, Christine McVie 72, Richard Simmons 67, Jay Thomas 67, Cheryl Ladd 64, Kristi Yamaguchi 44, Topher Grace 37
- Today In History (7 months ago)
Thorsten Alteholz
Sun, 12 Jul 2015, let us all send Jay Thomas the best Happy Birthday wishes today ( (67)
- Thorsten Alteholz (7 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Jay Thomas will celebrate his 77 years old birthday in 4 months and 6 days! Send your greetings to him now!