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He was out former Prime Minister and my favourite leader
- Shaziah (2 months ago)
The Hill Times
Happy 89th Birthday, Jean Chrétien, from Sheila Copps Chrétien needs to write another book. This time he
- The Hill Times (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday Mr. Prime Minister Jean Chretien. Many, many more. You are a treasure.
- @Intention (1 month ago)
Gary Hillyard
Happy 89th birthday to Jean Chrétien. Was lovely meeting and chatting with you in Toron
- Gary Hillyard (1 month ago)
A Milton
Those fools who threw gravel at JT woulda been throttled by this guy.
Happy Birthday Jean Chrétien
- A Milton (1 month ago)
I didn\'t agree with his neoliberal policies, but he stayed out of the Iraq War, defeated the Quebec separatists (2x
- SPQR (1 month ago)
Christopher Cornish
JEAN CHRÉTIEN IS BORN (The Globe and Mail (Ottawa/Quebec Edition)), Jan 11, 2023
Happy Birthday Boss
- Christopher Cornish (2 months ago)
Irek Kusmierczyk
Wishing a very Happy Birthday to Prime Minister Jean Chrétien!
- Irek Kusmierczyk (2 months ago)
Brian Grant Duff
Happy 89th Birthday Jean Chretien
- Brian Grant Duff (2 months ago)
Mark Marissen
Happy birthday, Jean Chrétien!
- Mark Marissen (2 months ago)
Steven Hogue
Happy birthday to the Right Honourable Jean Chrétien, 89 years old today! Always a sports enthusiast, he recently d
- Steven Hogue (2 months ago)
Jim Munson
The art of living in the moment . There is one person I know who does it so well. A remarkable man with an abundan
- Jim Munson (2 months ago)
Prime Ministers\' Row/L\'Allée des premiers ministre
Happy birthday to the Rt. Hon. Jean Chrétien who turns 89 today. PM of Canada for 10 years between 1993 - 2003.
- Prime Ministers\' Row/L\'Allée des premiers ministre (2 months ago)
Andrew Joe Potter
Happy 89th birthday to former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien.
Hoping he enjoys a big plate of pepper today.
- Andrew Joe Potter (2 months ago)
Breen Ouellette (he/him)
Happy belated birthday yesterday Jean Chretien!
I wish you many more years.
I\'m hopeful that you\'ll be around to
- Breen Ouellette (he/him) (2 months ago)
Andrew Perez
A belated happy birthday to former PM Jean Chretien, who turned 88 years young yesterday!
I have to say, it always
- Andrew Perez (2 months ago)
Jake with the Ob
Happy birthday to Amanda Peet (50), Malcolm D. Lee (52), Alyson Reed (64), Jeremy Herzig (25), Jean Chrétien (88),
- Jake with the Ob (2 months ago)
Métis Nation Alberta
We would like to wish Canada s 20th Prime Minister a Happy 88th Birthday! Jean Chretien was a good friend and suppo
- Métis Nation Alberta (2 months ago)
Francesco Sorbara
Happy birthday to former PM Jean Chrétien!! To first meeting the PM in 1989, when he visited Prince Rupert, BC & fa
- Francesco Sorbara (2 months ago)
It\'s 2 PMs\' b-days! Today is Sir John A. Macdonald Day, which celebrates the birthday of Canada\'s first Prime Minis
- CJPAC (2 months ago)
Bernadette Jordan
Happy Birthday Jean Chrétien
- Bernadette Jordan (2 months ago)
JOKEOFTHEDAY: Happy Birthday to former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien, who turns 88 today. While respected,
- A BRECKENRIDGE (2 months ago)
Andy Fillmore, MP
Former PM Jean Chrétien turns 88 today. A formidable leader who has dedicated his life to serving Canada, he helped
- Andy Fillmore, MP (2 months ago)
Matt Hopkins
Hard to believe but today is Jean Chretien\'s 88th Birthday. Happy Birthday to the big JC.
- Matt Hopkins (2 months ago)
Happy birthday World Leader Jean Chretien! Hoping every one of your long-held dreams and 88th birthday wishes come
- (2 months ago)
National Newswatch
Today in Canada s Political History: Happy Birthday to Jean Chrétien and Sir John A. Macdonald | National Newswatch
- National Newswatch (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday Day PAPA Jean Chrétien
- HELÉN HELEN (2 months ago)
Barry Kowal
January 11:Happy 88th birthday to former Canadian Prime Minister,Jean Chretien(\"1993-2003\")
- Barry Kowal (2 months ago)
Terry Cooke
Happy 87th birthday to former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien. This remains a favourite family photo & great memory.
- Terry Cooke (1 month ago)
Happy Belated Birthday to Jean Chretien! My (grown) daughter\'s birthday is on the same date (although a different y
- Sharlene (1 month ago)
Ph Yusuf Dahir SL CN
Happy Birthday Prime Minister Jean Chrètìen
Wishing him many happy returns
- Ph Yusuf Dahir SL CN (1 month ago)
This is such a beautiful example in this age of bitter politics. Having grown up in an age where we respe
- Pam (1 month ago)
Happy birthday Prime Minister Jean Chretien
- OurVote (1 month ago)
Bob Rae
Happy Birthday to Jean Chrétien - 87 this week !
- Bob Rae (1 month ago)
Millennials 4 World Peace
Happy Birthday Jean Chrétien !!!!!!!!!
- Millennials 4 World Peace (2 months ago)
I had no idea Jean Chrétien and John MacDonald shared a birthday. Interesting. Happy birthday to you, too.
- Tucker (2 months ago)
Word from Canada
Definitely a Great PM...Happy Birthday Rt Honorable Jean Chretien
- Word from Canada (2 months ago)
Sven Spengemann
A very Happy Birthday to our former Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Jean Chrétien! My very best wishes, and thank you
- Sven Spengemann (2 months ago)
Shawn Mullin
Happy Birthday to Jean Chrétien! A great leader who led from the middle over one of the most prosperous times in ou
- Shawn Mullin (2 months ago)
Shawn P. Rayson
Happy Birthday to The Right Honourable Jean Chrétien, one of Canada s best Prime Ministers!!!
- Shawn P. Rayson (2 months ago)
Adam C. Sieracki
Happy Birthday to Sir John A. Macdonald and Joseph Jacques Jean Chrétien. Both bad and good PMs, in some measure
- Adam C. Sieracki (2 months ago)
Jill Ross
Happy Jean Chrétien\'s birthday, !!
- Jill Ross (2 months ago)
Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
Wishing the Right Honourable Jean Chrétien a Happy 87th Birthday! I had the honour and privilege to serve the peopl
- Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua (2 months ago)
Rob Maguire, B.Comm., MBA, PSgov
Sir John A birthday today I think but I sure do wish former PM Jean Chretien a happy birthday also.
- Rob Maguire, B.Comm., MBA, PSgov (2 months ago)
Paul Nixey
Happy birthday to Jean Chrétien only.
- Paul Nixey (2 months ago)
Dr. Nikki Macdonald
A Happy Birthday for the Rt. Hon. Jean Chrétien. It was a honour to serve you as PM. Your public service has been a
- Dr. Nikki Macdonald (2 months ago)
Simon Alvey
It is the 87th birthday of both my grandma and Jean Chretien, so I am going to sing happy birthday down the phone to one of them
- Simon Alvey (2 months ago)
Dr Caroline Bomo
Joseph Jacques Jean chretien is plus one today!
Happy birthday to the 20th Prime Minister of Canada
- Dr Caroline Bomo (2 months ago)
Chisanga Puta-Chekwe
Happy Birthday to Jean Chretien, former Canadian Prime Minister who was born on this day in 1934 at Shawinigan.
- Chisanga Puta-Chekwe (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday Jean Chrétien! This Albertan gave you full support and still do!
- JG (2 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Jean Chretien celebrated his 91 years old birthday 2 months ago. It might be a bit too late but... Send your greetings to him now!