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I think a man and a woman who do not like the same films,will eventually divorce Happy birthday to the legend J
- 8½ (2 months ago)
Rachel Merrill -looking for work!
Happy Birthday to Jean Luc Godard on what would have been on his 92 birthday!
- Rachel Merrill -looking for work! (2 months ago)
Wil Munny (I stan films with POC in lead roles)
I was a movies fan until I watched jean luc godard\'s film I then became a fan of cinema. Happy birthda
- Wil Munny (I stan films with POC in lead roles) (2 months ago)
Happy birthday jean luc godard
- zie (2 months ago)
Happy birthday jean luc godard
- croissant (2 months ago)
anja (un-ya)
Happy birthday to jean luc godard, thank you for making me the most pretentious person ever xxxxx much appreciated
- anja (un-ya) (2 months ago)
yarah | ia bcs class
Happy birthday jean luc godard thank you for making me fantasize about paris even though it s like the worst city ever
- yarah | ia bcs class (2 months ago)
El Wafflo
Kein Happy Birthday an dieser Stelle an Jean Luc Godard deine Filme sind so Scheiße hör auf
- El Wafflo (2 months ago)
Jean Luc Godard 91 Happy Birthday
- Dee (2 months ago)
Happy birthday jean luc godard thank you for giving us anna karina on the big screen
- ً (2 months ago)
christa fuller
Jean Luc GODARD ...88 ...happy birthday
- christa fuller (2 months ago)
john slotkin
Happy 91st birthday to the great movie Director Jean Luc Godard
- john slotkin (2 months ago)
dan loaiza
Happy birthday Jean Luc Godard.
- dan loaiza (2 months ago)
Happy Dec. Birthday to Jean Luc. Godard. Turned 90 The photo by Richard Dumas from article about Godard\'s cont
- RobertFredeKenter (1 month ago)
3/12 = JEAN-LUC GODARD A 90 ANS - liste de lecture de Potemkine PARIS Happy Birthday M Godard!
- llull (1 month ago)
Jack Corey
Happy Birthday Jean Luc Godard. Band of Outsiders, Breathless and Contempt were excellent.
- Jack Corey (2 months ago)
It goes through the air, Bob
Once at the NY Film Festival, I went to see Jean Luc Godard speak. Afterwards, outside, I passed him as he waited f
- It goes through the air, Bob (2 months ago)
m. h. murray
Oh and happy birthday jean luc godard...... love you
- m. h. murray (2 months ago)
Happy birthday jean luc godard i have u have a nice evening
- frankie (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday Jean Luc Godard, the silly French cigarette man oui oui
- London (2 months ago)
Michael Glover Smith
Happy 90th birthday to Jean-Luc Godard, the world s greatest living filmmaker. According to his DP Fabrice Aragno,
- Michael Glover Smith (2 months ago)
whit strub
Happy 90th birthday to the world\'s greatest living filmmaker, Jean-Luc Godard, problematic old crank that he is!
- whit strub (2 months ago)
Werewolf Bar Mitzvah
Happy bday Jean Luc Godard if I ever meet you I m gonna immediately beat your ass for standing up Agnes Varda and m
- Werewolf Bar Mitzvah (2 months ago)
Waldemar Feifer
\"Um einen Film zu drehen, brauchst du nur eine Frau mit einer Waffe\" Eigeninterpretation. Weil das auch stimmt.
- Waldemar Feifer (2 months ago)
Abed is sleeping
Happy bday jean luc Godard thank you for your films!
- Abed is sleeping (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Jean-Luc Godard!
- Original Movie Posters for Sale (2 months ago)
International Film Festival of Kerala
Happy Birthday Jean Luc Godard turns 90 today.
\"The more we talk, the less our words make sense
- International Film Festival of Kerala (2 months ago)
Blake Leyh
Happy birthday to Jean Luc Godard
- Blake Leyh (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday Jean Luc Godard!
- jenniferrhm (2 months ago)
Rus Khomutoff
Happy birthday to the great Jean Luc Godard! Here\'s my Godard poem
- Rus Khomutoff (2 months ago)
Happy Birthday JLG! 89 and still going strong. Our bio:
- NewWaveFilm (2 months ago)
Music That\'s Grand
New Wave Party Happy birthday Jean Luc Godard. Viva Cin ma, Viva Nouvelle Vague
- Music That\'s Grand (2 months ago)
Göknur Satur
Happy birthday Jean Luc Godard. Viva Cin ma, Viva Nouvelle Vague
- Göknur Satur (2 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Jean Luc Godard will celebrate his 95 years old birthday in 10 months and 0 day! Send your greetings to him now!