Jeffrey Dahmer, 63 years ago, my love how much I wish you were alive, to tell you how much I love you and I wish yo
- MissDahmer (8 months ago)
Schmaul from Proof
Happy Birthday Laura! You share this day with my girlfriend and serial murderer Jeffrey Dahmer!
Keep fighting the good fight.
- Schmaul from Proof (8 months ago)
Today is May, 21 - Jeffrey Dahmer s birthday. Today he would turn 63, but will always be 34. A tragic, pathetic, an
- J.D. - Jeffrey Dahmer (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday Gretchen from Gigi and I. . You are right Francis G\'s always the first to l
- TheDeanOfMontreal (8 months ago)
Today, May 21st is my birthday and I found out that it s also Jeffrey Dahmer date of birth, so happy birthday too, lol
- ✰ (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to Jeffrey Dahmer and me
- S (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to and Jeffrey Dahmer !! :]
- RC (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to Jeffrey Dahmer! Ik its not 21 may yet for everyone but still
21 May, 1960
- 11x (8 months ago)
Happy birthday jeffrey dahmer you were such an inspiration to me for my horror story
- valerie (8 months ago)
Wow, finally I found a cool celebrity who I can say I am proud to share my birthday with.
- Nitin (8 months ago)
da twoof!
Saying happy Birthday Donald Trump is like saying bon appetit to Jeffrey Dahmer
- da twoof! (8 months ago)
Lights, Camera, History!
We here at LCH would like to wish a very special Happy Birthday to American serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, b 1960.
- Lights, Camera, History! (8 months ago)
Billy Moll
Happy birthday man! Annual reminder of the power hitters we share it with.
You, me, Ricky Williams,
- Billy Moll (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to me, Julia Vins, and Jeffrey Dahmer; \"The Hat Trick\"
- dopce (8 months ago)
Help why did someone I know make a happy birthday post for Jeffrey dahmer
- alex (8 months ago)
I told my family at my uncles 70th birthday dinner that I would have let Ted Bundy and Jeffrey Dahmer RAIL ME! No o
- Chandler Jez (9 months ago)
frankie kiffin
Happy birthday, make a video about Jeffrey Dahmer please lol
- frankie kiffin (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to me and also Jeffrey dahmer - legends only!!!!!
- Mer (8 months ago)
Santa\'s Little Helper
I hope Jeffrey Dahmer is burning in hell. If any twisted bitch wishes him a happy birthday, you should go to hell w
- Santa\'s Little Helper (8 months ago)
I\'m a farmer at Herthacoochie Farm
I hope Jeffrey Dahmer is burning in hell. If any twisted bitch wishes him a happy birthday, you should go to hell w
- I\'m a farmer at Herthacoochie Farm (8 months ago)
Jim Ballard
Happy Birthday to Luke Ratliff and Jeffrey Dahmer
- Jim Ballard (8 months ago)