Happy birthday, Jeffrey Dahmer. Can anyone make a cake out of human flesh for this boy?
- teddy boi (8 months ago)
Dreamland ✨
Happy birthday to my soul Jeffrey Dahmer! Jeff I know your in me & I\'m here cause of you, I\'m breathing cause of yo
- Dreamland ✨ (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday Jeffrey Dahmer! ✨
Happy birthday to my soul Jeffrey Dahmer! Jeff I know your in me & I\'m here cause of you, I\'m breathing cause of yo
- Happy Birthday Jeffrey Dahmer! ✨ (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday Daisy ✨
Happy birthday to my soul Jeffrey Dahmer! Jeff I know your in me & I\'m here cause of you, I\'m breathing cause of yo
- Happy Birthday Daisy ✨ (8 months ago)
Shannon Renee
Killer for killer, waiting for your Happy birthday wish to Jeffrey Dahmer still this month.
- Shannon Renee (9 months ago)
Peyton Hiscocks
Happy bday I wish we were back in Florida & spending more quality time with jeffrey dahmer!! (; anyw
- Peyton Hiscocks (9 months ago)
moira clancy
Happy birthday jeffrey dahmer!! have a good one
- moira clancy (7 months ago)
Jeffrey Dahmer about dating: \"I like my men like my coffee: ground up and in my freezer.\"
Happy birthday!
- ErinNoBra (8 months ago)
Happy belated bday to Jeffrey Dahmer (5/21)! We share the same mental illness but in the eyes of the law we\'re just
- LonePineMauled (8 months ago)
Dan Ryan
Happy Birthday Jeffrey Dahmer!
- Dan Ryan (8 months ago)
happy birthday!!! love you tons, I miss u nd our pal Jeffrey dahmer we should all hang again soon
- piper (8 months ago)
Owen Kilfeather
happy bittersweet birthday, he was a good one. on mine, Enid Blyton and Jeffrey Dahmer, which\'d be more
- Owen Kilfeather (9 months ago)
Hara Colmes
Jeffrey Dahmer was sentenced to life in prison on my first birthday! (Not counting the actual day I was born.) Happy Birthday Baby Me!
- Hara Colmes (9 months ago)
Wlik She s a beast
I call her Karma
She eats your heart out
Like Jeffrey Dahmer...
Happy birthday to
- Bazinga (8 months ago)