Happy birthday to you Jill Biden .
- April INGRAM (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday Dr. Jill Biden, from a PhD who recognizes your accomplishments, your hard work and sacrif
- Dennis (7 months ago)
Francisco Jose Pėrez Guerra
One garden flower ? Oh my God!!! That isn\'t worthy it!!! The flower the flower. The intention yes a lot very w
- Francisco Jose Pėrez Guerra (7 months ago)
James Jedi
\"Happy 72nd Birthday to First Lady Jill Biden!
- James Jedi (7 months ago)
Susan A Stamp
Happy Birthday Jill Biden: The Worst Wife In The World - Rare
- Susan A Stamp (7 months ago)
X_Rated Generation
Happy Birthday to a First lady who has a nasty disposition, no personality, and far and away the worst
- X_Rated Generation (7 months ago)