Happy Birthday John Deacon, Jim Carter, Ian Gillan, David Scott-Morgan, Steve Grimm
- BRMGradio (6 months ago)
Downton Blabbey: For Downton Abbey Fans
Happy Birthday to actor Jim Carter who portrays Carson The Butler in I was thrilled meeting Mr. Car
- Downton Blabbey: For Downton Abbey Fans (6 months ago)
Wishing Jim Carter a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
- JACKIE CAPES (6 months ago)
Mark Fowler
British and Irish film/TV birthdays for 19 August
Happy birthday to Jim Carter OBE
(born 19 August 1948)
- Mark Fowler (6 months ago)
Happy birthday Jim Carter, great character actor and scene stealer in films such as Shakespeare in love.
- jhpcine (6 months ago)
Mashley at the Movies
Happy 73rd birthday to Jim Carter.
- Mashley at the Movies (6 months ago)
Aug 19 Happy Birthday part 1: LQ Jones, Debra Paget, Diana Muldaur, Jill St John, Gerald McRaney, Lillian Müller, R
- WmsbgNostalgiaFest (6 months ago)
Justin Gupana
Happy belated birthday yesterday to Downton Abbey actor Jim Carter (Mr. Carson), the onscreen head butler and the b
- Justin Gupana (6 months ago)
Brennan ミ☆
- Brennan ミ☆ (6 months ago)
Airplane! Minute!
Happy Birthday to the great Jim Carter: from Deja Vu to Mr. Carson, we will always remember you!
- Airplane! Minute! (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday, Jim Carter!
- OneMovieToday (6 months ago)
Vicki Michelle MBE
Happy Birthday to the fabulous Jim Carter. Brilliant in and a lovely man. Supporting Medical Detectio
- Vicki Michelle MBE (6 months ago)
Elizabeth Gaskell\'s House
Happy birthday Jim Carter aka Captain Brown in Cranford - the man with the best advice we know for a cow who\'s been
- Elizabeth Gaskell\'s House (6 months ago)
Robin Pope Photo
Happy eased lock down birthday to English film and tv actor Jim Carter, best known for his role in -
- Robin Pope Photo (6 months ago)
Colin Davis
Go to corporate on your birthday and demand that Jim Carter sing Happy Birthday to you.
- Colin Davis (7 months ago)
Chris Baker
Happy Birthday, Fire Captain Sam Siebert!
San José Fire Department oldest living (retired) firefighter turns 100.
- Chris Baker (6 months ago)
Hull Kingston Radio
Happy Birthday Jim Carter!
D\'you remember his curly wig in \'Dinotopia\' ?
- Hull Kingston Radio (6 months ago)
Juan Hernández
Happy birthday Jim Carter, great character actor I enjoy seeing in films such as Shakespeare in love.
- Juan Hernández (6 months ago)
Chrisanthrope the Nullifidian
Now why do I get the feeling we have wished a Happy Birthday to Jim Carter before?
Perhaps I can\'t
- Chrisanthrope the Nullifidian (6 months ago)
Stefan Petersson
Happy birthday Jim Carter .
- Stefan Petersson (6 months ago)
Susan Prendergast
Happy Birthday Jim Carter
- Susan Prendergast (6 months ago)
Hatty Burpday
August 19
Happy birthday today to
Dave Dutton (72)
Tipper Gore (71)
Jim Carter (71)
Jennie Bond (69)
Jonathan Frak
- Hatty Burpday (6 months ago)
Birthday Wishes to Jim Carter, Christina Perri and Matthew Perry Happy Birthday!
- RussellGrant.Com (6 months ago)
Celebrity Birthdays
August 19
Happy birthday today to
Tipper Gore
Jim Carter
Jennie Bond Jonathan Frakes
- Celebrity Birthdays (6 months ago)
Ronald Matter
Happy Birthday Jim Carter
- Ronald Matter (7 months ago)
U.S. Rep. Bob Latta
I was honored to celebrate Jim Carter s 80th birthday with his family and friends. A great career as Co
- U.S. Rep. Bob Latta (7 months ago)
John Mennis
Although he s not a social media man it was a pleasure to see our former chairman Jim Carter at today
- John Mennis (6 months ago)
Jon Maas
Happy Birthday, Jim Carter, who must be allowed to sit while he eats his cake.
- Jon Maas (6 months ago)
Cogman (Transformers Movie 5: The Last Knight)
Happy Birthday Jim Carter!!!
- Transformers (6 months ago)
8/19 Happy Birthday to: Jim Carter, Eric Lutes, Briana Venskus, Ethan Cutkosky
- FlamingNoseTVBlog (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Jim Carter! An immeasurable talent and fine humanitarian.
- Staci (6 months ago)
IMDb. August 19th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Adam Arkin, Callum Blue, Sara Martins, Matthew Glave, Travis Tedford, Jim Carter, Holly Lynch.
- GSmith (6 months ago)
Soap Dude 2
Happy birthday Jim Carter
- Soap Dude 2 (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday Bill Clinton, Jim Carter, Jonathan Frakes, Jill st John, Russell Kane, Darius Campbell & Sarah Burton
- maddie (6 months ago)
A very happy birthday to Jim Carter~my favourite butler in
- Sabrina (6 months ago)
Classic British TV
Jim Carter is 69 today, Happy Birthday Jim!
- Classic British TV (6 months ago)
Happy Birthday Jim Carter!
- Autovolt@Home (6 months ago)
AUG. 19 B-DAYS: Happy 69th Birthday to Actor Jim Carter!
- TReese82 (6 months ago)
Tech, Celebrity News
Happy Birthday Jim Carter: Best Moments of Downton Abbey Actor Mr. Carson
- Tech, Celebrity News (6 months ago)
Chloe Beardsall
Happy Birthday, Jim Carter! Hope your day is as marvellous as yours! (Sorry it\'s a little late)
- Chloe Beardsall (6 months ago)
A Very Happy Birthday to Jim Carter, \"Carson\" from
- Staci (6 months ago)
The Lifeline Program
We\'d also like to extend happy birthday wishes to Jim Carter, known to some of us as Mr. Carson from the hit...
- The Lifeline Program (6 months ago)
Cheryl Harness
Do be admiring Jim Carter (the conductor here & Carson the Butler), whose birthday is today, in this way-happy...
- Cheryl Harness (6 months ago)
shannon h
Photoset: solvemeacrimesherlockholmes95: Happy Birthday Jim Carter
- shannon h (6 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Jim Carter will celebrate his 77 years old birthday in 5 months and 9 days! Send your greetings to him now!