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St.Pete Bound
Happy Birthday to one of the greatest to ever live. Jim Clark
- St.Pete Bound (1 week ago)
1 Happy Birthday 1959 Bo\'ness Hillclimb Lotus Elite 37.4 Jim Clark
- LOTUS Japan (LCI) (1 week ago)
Mike Hull
Happy Birthday Jim Clark, grew up as a big Fan; watched Dario in Lotus 38 on an amazing Spring Day.
- Mike Hull (1 week ago)
Ulysse Delsaux
Today, it s Jim Clark birthday
You would have been 84 years old
Happy Birthday Champion
- Ulysse Delsaux (1 week ago)
Melodie Williams 2
Happy Birthday James \'Jim\' Clark Jr Ayrton clearly revered Jim Clark...
- Melodie Williams 2 (1 week ago)
The Flying Scot! - Tribute to Jim Clark via happy birthday remembered
- GARY DIXON (1 week ago)
Jori Bremer
Happy Birthday Jim Clark :), mogelijk de beste autocoureur ooit.. (fangio vond het de allerbeste ooit) en nog steed
- Jori Bremer (1 week ago)
Vine House
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jim Clark born 4 March 1936
- Vine House (1 week ago)
gordon mettam
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Jim Clark born 4 March 1936.
Help us celebrate his remarkable life and inspiration.
Visit our new
- gordon mettam (1 week ago)
Jason Canterbury
Only the greatest of them all. Happy Birthday Jim Clark.
- Jason Canterbury (1 week ago)
Chris Ratcliff
Yay! Happy birthday Dickie! Shared with Jim Clark too!
- Chris Ratcliff (1 week ago)
Red & Black Lines
Today would have been Jim Clark\'s 84th birthday.
We\'re honouring him on this year, with a photo from
- Red & Black Lines (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday Jim Clark, I m afraid we see you as one of the all time greats rather than just a good driver...
- Zoeey (1 week ago)
Kennesaw State WBB
The Owls met Coach Jim Clark (A Coach of 25 years) at our Team Dinner in Florence, AL . It was his Birthday! Happy
- Kennesaw State WBB (2 weeks ago)
Agnus Berenato
Happy Birthday Coach Jim Clark! Such a pleasure to meet you this evening in Florence , Al. Congrats on your 72nd B
- Agnus Berenato (2 weeks ago)
Julia Pearson
Happy Birthday Niki you spanned the generations Jim Clark to Lewis Hmilton
- Julia Pearson (2 weeks ago)
Lotus of Pittsburgh
Happy Birthday to Lotus legend, Jim Clark, born this week in 1936. For your chance to win a Jim Clar
- Lotus of Pittsburgh (5 days ago)
Happy birthday Jim Clark!
- Cameron (1 week ago)
Jay Wells
Happy Birthday, Jim Clark
- Jay Wells (1 week ago)
Pit Lane
True legends never die : Happy birthday Jim Clark ! Clark\'s smooth driving style, which had become his hallmark
- Pit Lane (1 week ago)
James Wood
Happy Birthday Jim Clark, would have been 83 today. A privilege to have represented such a
- James Wood (1 week ago)
Joan Darc
Jim Clark providing taxi service to Graham Hill at Montjuic Park in Barcelona 1967. Happy birthday Mr. Clark.
- Joan Darc (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday Jim Clark born 4 March 1936.
- GrégoryRonot™ (1 week ago)
Watkins Glen Int\'l
Gone, but never forgotten. Happy Birthday to 3-time USGP winner, Jim Clark.
- Watkins Glen Int\'l (1 week ago)
Calvin Morgan
Happy birthday to one of my all time heroes the great Jim Clark. The Scottish sheep farmer from Fife who went on to
- Calvin Morgan (1 week ago)
IMS Museum
Farmer. Hero. Champion.
Happy Birthday to the legendary member and 1965 Indianapolis 500 winner Jim Clark
- IMS Museum (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday Jim Clark.
A hero of mine from day 1, a legend of our sport and to many the greatest driver of all t
- JTR (1 week ago)
Snows Lotus
Happy birthday to the legend, Jim Clark Born on this day in 1936, Jim Clark made quite the name for himself in F
- Snows Lotus (1 week ago)
Die-Cast Club
Happy birthday to one of the greatest to ever do it - Jim Clark.
- Die-Cast Club (1 week ago)
Lotus Cars
Happy Birthday to Lotus legend, Jim Clark, born on this day in 1936. For your chance to win a Jim Clark Special Edi
- Lotus Cars (1 week ago)
happy birthday jim clark, the greatest f1 driver in history
- zoinks (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday to Jim Clark, who would\'ve turned 83 if he were still with us.
- LotusRaptos (1 week ago)
Live Borders
Happy birthday to the legend Jim Clark!
- Live Borders (1 week ago)
The Jim Clark Trust
Happy Birthday Jim Clark born 4 March 1936. He was the greatest driver of his era, to some he is the greatest racin
- The Jim Clark Trust (1 week ago)
Marla Mott-Smith
Happy birthday Jim Clark, Linda Van Hoorebeke-Christensen, Travis Forsgren Murdock, Jesus Torres,Janice Simpson Miz
- Marla Mott-Smith (1 month ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to John Duffey (d. 1996), Anne Haney (d. 2001), Barbara McNair (d. 2007), Sandra Reynolds, Janez Str
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (1 week ago)
James Strickland
Happy eighty-second birthday to Jim Clark. In 1965 (at 29), he became the only driver ever to win the World Cha
- James Strickland (1 week ago)
Negative Camber
A happy birthday for the late Jim Clark. Born on this day in 1936.
- Negative Camber (1 week ago)
Matt Archuleta
Happy Birthday Jim Clark
- Matt Archuleta (1 week ago)
Greg Creamer
Today is the birthday of the driver that started my passion, my obsession, with motor racing. We lost him way too y
- Greg Creamer (1 week ago)
From a farm in Scotland to F1.
Happy Birthday Jim Clark.
- HWMcNewbie (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday to my biggest racing hero, the great Jim Clark.
- @Thomsen500 (1 week ago)
Park Lane UK Ltd
Happy Birthday Jim Clark, RIP - one of the all time greats taken too young
- Park Lane UK Ltd (1 week ago)
Matt Yocum
Happy 82nd birthday to a wheelman. Two of my fav Jim Clark pics. Still the G.O.A.T.
- Matt Yocum (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday Jim Clark (1936-1968)
- BWOAH RACING (1 week ago)
F1 Admirers
Happy Birthday Jim Clark!
- F1 Admirers (1 week ago)
Shock And/Or
Happy Birthday to us! Also
- Shock And/Or (1 week ago)
Arseniy V.Spiridonov
Happy Birthday Jim Clark Jr!
- Arseniy V.Spiridonov (1 week ago)
Motorsports Tribune
The late, great Jim Clark was born on this day in 1936. Happy birthday champ.
- Motorsports Tribune (1 week ago)
Happy Birthday Jim Clark.
- Halloffamecollection (1 week ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Jim Clark just celebrated his 89 years old birthday 1 week ago. It's still not too late to say happy bday. Send your greetings to him now!
Two time World Champion Formula One driver who tragically lost his life in a Formula Two racing accident. He was named the greatest Formula One driver in 2009 by The Times.