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Baseball History Through Stats and Pics
Happy WAR Birthday to Jim Edmonds. His 60.4 WAR is the highest of any player born on this date. A 4X All Star, 1X
- Baseball History Through Stats and Pics (8 months ago)
Ryne the Champion Lover
Happy birthday Jim Edmonds:
- Ryne the Champion Lover (8 months ago)
Nancela Danny + Doggies + Birders + Gardens
Happy Birthday, Jim Edmonds!! Have a grand day on THIS Your day!!
- Nancela Danny + Doggies + Birders + Gardens (8 months ago)
Scott Sieber
Happy Birthday to Brad Childress, Jeff Conine, Jim Edmonds, and Bobby Wagner
- Scott Sieber (8 months ago)
Pedro Mtz
Happy birthday Jim Edmonds, my favorite ballplayer
- Pedro Mtz (8 months ago)
Ken Karl Sports Art
Happy Birthday to Jim Edmonds One of the most under appreciated players of his era. Here s some old drawing s I dr
- Ken Karl Sports Art (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to former Angel Jim Edmonds. This is one of the greatest catches ever made. One of my favorite ball
- Retire_Salmons15 (8 months ago)
The Scott A. Carter Bobblehead Collection
June 27th is 4-time All-Star, 8-time Gold Glover, 2006 World Series champ & member of the Cardinals Hall of Fame Ji
- The Scott A. Carter Bobblehead Collection (8 months ago)
Cardinals Talk
Happy Birthday, Jim Edmonds.
- Cardinals Talk (8 months ago)
The Sports E-cyclopedia
Happy 53rd Birthday To Jim Edmonds! 4x All-Star 2006 WS Champion 8x Gold-Glover 2004 Silver-Slugg
- The Sports E-cyclopedia (8 months ago)
Happy 53rd birthday to one of the greats of his era, 4x all-star and 8x gold glove winner Jim Edmonds! Should th
- Bodog (8 months ago)
Tyler Iman
Happy birthday Jim Edmonds! I hope you can enjoy a full day spending time with your tenants
- Tyler Iman (8 months ago)
Tom Ackerman
Happy Birthday, Jim Edmonds!
- Tom Ackerman (8 months ago)
Jim Miloch
Happy Birthday, Jim Edmonds:
8X Gold Glove
4X All-Star
2X Top 5 NL MVP Vote
2006 World Series Champ
60.4 WAR
- Jim Miloch (8 months ago)
Peggy Carlton
- Peggy Carlton (8 months ago)
Happy WAR Birthday to Jim Edmonds. His 60.4 WAR is the highest of any player born on this date. A 4X All Star, 1x
- Rob (8 months ago)
Willie Ray
Actual first conversation between my would be best friend, and myself:
Him: You a Cardinals fan?
Me: Yep.
Him: Wh
- Willie Ray (8 months ago)
⚾ J. Daniel ⚾
Happy Birthday to Jim Edmonds!
- ⚾ J. Daniel ⚾ (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to former MLB outfielder Jim Edmonds. Born on this date in 1970.
- BASEBALLIN (8 months ago)
Callin’ Cards
Happy birthday to everyone s favorite, Jim Edmonds here s to another year of
- Callin’ Cards (8 months ago)
Happy birthday Jim Edmonds. A guy I always coveted from afar.
- Honest☘️Larry (8 months ago)
Circulo de Espera
Qué mejor manera de recordar a Jim Edmonds en su cumpleaño que con sus mejores jugadas.
Happy Birthday!!
- Circulo de Espera (8 months ago)
Augie Nash
I just got a text from a friend of mine.... 1970 - Jim Edmonds was born in Fullerton, CA.
Happy 52nd Birthda
- Augie Nash (8 months ago)
Happy birthday Baseball Player Jim Edmonds! You were born, and the world became a better place.
- (8 months ago)
Cheryl Starks
Could you show this to Jim Edmonds and wish him a Happy Birthday from Gary and Cheryl Starks
- Cheryl Starks (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday Jim Edmonds!!!!!
- Tammy (8 months ago)
Michael Toler ³
Happy birthday to Cubs great Jim Edmonds!
- Michael Toler ³ (8 months ago)
Cooper Weidenthaler
Happy birthday to jimmy ballgame
the day i turned 14, still my favorite jim edmonds memory:
- Cooper Weidenthaler (8 months ago)
STL Sports HOF
Happy birthday to Jim Edmonds. Jim was inducted into the St. Louis Sports Hall of Fame in 2012.
- STL Sports HOF (8 months ago)
Sahir Hilario
Happy Birthday\'s from One of my Favorite Baseball Player. Jim Edmonds
- Sahir Hilario (8 months ago)
Vegas’ Brett Hull
Happy 25th birthday to Cardinal HOF Jim Edmonds
- Vegas’ Brett Hull (8 months ago)
Really people!! This is a happy birthday post not a let s rip on Jim Edmonds for his commentary post Hap
- Judy (8 months ago)
Gato Salvaje
Happy birthday, Jim Edmonds!
I wish you the best! But all the more I wish you were our hitting coach! Th
- Gato Salvaje (8 months ago)
Keith Stewart
Happy Birthday Jim Edmonds!!!
For all you may sayers about his announcing- obviously you never played
- Keith Stewart (8 months ago)
Karen Low
Happy birthday Jim Edmonds
- Karen Low (8 months ago)
Jeff Niehaus
Happy Birthday, Jim Edmonds!
- Jeff Niehaus (8 months ago)
Larry in Missouri ( Leisure Suit Larry)
Happy Birthday Jim Edmonds, Jimmy Baseball , out of Fullerton, California; 17 year career, .284 lifetime ave
- Larry in Missouri ( Leisure Suit Larry) (8 months ago)
Happy birthday Jim Edmonds
- Kerrywildcats (8 months ago)
Bedfordshire Muntjacs
Happy Birthday to Jim Edmonds.
Check out a masterclass in hitting below.
- Bedfordshire Muntjacs (8 months ago)
Maureen Lane
Happy birthday, Jim Edmonds only Stl.cardinals
- Maureen Lane (8 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Draco Rosa, Jim Edmonds, John Eales, Regine Cavagnoud (d. 2001), Jo Frost, Serginho, Dawud Wharns
- North Trenton (8 months ago)
Christopher Crawford
Happy birthday to the former baseball star Jim Edmonds today and I hope you have a awesome 50th birthday today
- Christopher Crawford (8 months ago)
Happy 50th birthday to Cubs legend, Jim Edmonds!
- E-Flo (8 months ago)
Happy birthday Jim Edmonds!
- Harry (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Jim Edmonds!
- Bovada (8 months ago)
Great plays, oh how I miss baseball!. Happy Birthday Jim Edmonds.
- 2SHEA (8 months ago)
Happy 50th Birthday to Jim Edmonds
- OlSkoolSports (8 months ago)
its me Ryne
Happy birthday Jim Edmonds.
I was at this game.
- its me Ryne (8 months ago)
Stealth Sports
Happy 50th Birthday, Jim Edmonds. He made some of the greatest catches in MLB history
- Stealth Sports (8 months ago)
Baseball Almanac
MLB Network (Prime Nine / once selected the best nine centerfielders in history (pictured) -- Jim Edmo
- Baseball Almanac (8 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Jim Edmonds will celebrate his 55 years old birthday in 3 months and 13 days! Send your greetings to him now!