43 years old (Born on May 16, 1981)
actor, musician; He is famous from Jude in Across The Universe.
Graduate of the University of Salford Top 5 favorite albums are "Check Your Head" by the Beastie Boys, "Pink Moon" by Nick Drake, the Stone Roses` self-titled album, "Demon Days" by Gorillaz, and "Rain Dogs" by Tom Waits. Prefers dogs over cats. Favorite food is ham and mushroom pizza with cheese and tomato. Top 5 favorite albums are "Check Your Head" by the Beastie Boys, "Pink Moon" by Nick Drake, the Stone Roses' self-titled album, "Demon Days" by Gorillaz, and "Rain Dogs" by Tom Waits.Jim Sturgess's Best Moments
Fun Facts About Jim Sturgess
Was ranked #15 on Entertainment Weekly`s `30 Under 30` the actors list. (2008).
Was in a band called the Dilated Spies
Was friends with Joanne Frogatt before filming "Other People's Children" (2000).
Was friends with Joanne Frogatt before filming "Other People`s Children" (2000).
Graduate of the University of Salford.
Favorite Beatles song is "A Day in the Life.".
Prefers dogs over cats.
Was in a band called the Dilated Spies.
Was ranked #15 on Entertainment Weekly's '30 Under 30' the actors list. (2008).