Look on the bright side, you also share it with Harriet Beecher Stowe, and on the down side, also
- Jeff -Proud2BWoke, GOPSupportsDomesticTerrorists (7 months ago)
Wendy Rogers Report: 7h
Happy 90th birthday to the fighter who has done so muc
- James (7 months ago)
SmartCookie - Deplorable Ultra MAGA Woman
Happy 90th Birthday,
Sheriff Joe Arpaio!
- SmartCookie - Deplorable Ultra MAGA Woman (7 months ago)
Mark DeLuzio For Congress
Happy Birthday to the greatest President and Sheriff of all time, President Donald Trump and Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Th
- Mark DeLuzio For Congress (7 months ago)
Michael Russo
Happy Birthday Joe Arpaio! An American Legend! God Bless you!
- Michael Russo (7 months ago)
We got Sheriff Joe Arpaio to say ACAB and then sing what he thinks the happy birthday song is. Thank you
- mo (7 months ago)
DeSanti for AZ
Happy Birthday ! To our Flag our Army ,45th President Trump, and the toughest sheriff in the land Joe Arpaio.
- DeSanti for AZ (7 months ago)
wedge antilles
Happy birthday to my siblings awful sad birthday to joe arpaio and donald trump
- wedge antilles (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday Joe Arpaio!
May it finally be your last.
- Tartarus (7 months ago)
Happy Flag Day!
Happy Birthday President Donald J Trump.
Happy Birthday Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
MAAP Real Talk Show
- MAAP REAL TALK SHOW (7 months ago)
George Nemeh
Happy Flag Day!
Happy Birthday President Donald J Trump.
Happy Birthday Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
MAAP Real Talk Show
- George Nemeh (7 months ago)
John D
Happy Birthday President Trump you disgusting traitor!!
It can\'t be a coincidence that today, June 14th is the bir
- John D (7 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Marla Gibbs, Ross Higgins (d. 2016), Junior Walker (d. 1995), Joe Arpaio, Jerzy Kosinski (d. 1991
- North Trenton (7 months ago)
Paula Duvall
Happy birthday, Sheriff Joe Arpaio!
- Paula Duvall (7 months ago)
Irene M
Happy Belated Birthday Sheriff Joe Arpaio! Thank God Almighty That Your Wife survived the rattle
- Irene M (7 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Marla Gibbs, Ross Higgins (d. 2016), Junior Walker (d. 1995), Joe Arpaio, Jerzy Kosinski (d. 1991
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (7 months ago)
Your fren Tap!
Speaking of which, today is Joe Arpaio\'s birthday. Happy birthday you shit cunt! You s
- Your fren Tap! (7 months ago)
John Kubicek
Happy Birthday, Sheriff Joe Arpaio! I am so sorry that you didn\'t get to have your mother with you during your lifetime!
- John Kubicek (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday Mr President! (Sending a card to Joe Arpaio, too!)
- Katz (7 months ago)
Happy flag day + birthday to my niece, and all who share her birthday (except donald trump and joe arpaio, who i ho
- seandehey (7 months ago)
Robert Thomas Mastro
Happy Birthday MR PRESIDENT. A national disgrace that NO news outlet even mentions your B-Day. And a grand Happy 87
- Robert Thomas Mastro (7 months ago)
Happy birthday joe arpaio. wonder if it ll be your last one!
- leyland (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday Sheriff Joe Arpaio...May you have many many more.
- ANTHONY LUNA (7 months ago)
Lee Christensen
Happy 87th BDay to Ol\' Joe Arpaio!
Luvya, pal! HELLUVA job you did!!!
- Lee Christensen (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
- LisaCarole (7 months ago)
Larry Rider
Happy Birthday Mr. President! Thanks for all you are doing sir! Happy Flag Day, and Happy Birthday Joe Arpaio
- Larry Rider (7 months ago)
President Trump shares his birthday with Sheriff Joe Arpaio! Happy Bir
- Beth (7 months ago)
Melody Michelle
Happy birthday joe arpaio
- Melody Michelle (7 months ago)
Walt Armour
Ben Garrison Cartoons at
Verified account Best. Birthday. Ever.
- Walt Armour (7 months ago)
Bill Johnson
More atheist out here with silly messages!! Happy Birthday to the great
- Bill Johnson (7 months ago)
Patrick Amalemba
- Patrick Amalemba (7 months ago)
Paola Sada
I share a birthday with Donald Trump, Joe Arpaio and Che Guevara. Happy Birthday to me!
- Paola Sada (7 months ago)
annabelle braunstein
Happy birthday to and the american flag
worst birthday wishes to joe arpaio, do
- annabelle braunstein (7 months ago)
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Linda (7 months ago)
Leosa (Lisa)
Happy birthday to both Sheriff Joe Arpaio and president Trump. On the most appropr
- Leosa (Lisa) (7 months ago)
1_Of_We(the people)
Happy Birthday Honorable Sheriff Joe Arpaio to you and Honorable POTUS Trump !! May we be deserving of your service.
- 1_Of_We(the people) (7 months ago)
socially challenged
Happy Flag Day, happy birthday President Trump and Sheriff Joe Arpaio,
- socially challenged (7 months ago)
Also Joe Arpaio\'s 85th! Happy birthday to all!
- Judy (7 months ago)
Ronnie Gorum.
Happy birthday joe arpaio
- Ronnie Gorum. (7 months ago)
SMH Pinafore ⛵️
remember, he gets 2 scoops also, a very, very happy birthday to pamela
- SMH Pinafore ⛵️ (7 months ago)
Happy birthday to law officer Joe Arpaio (June 14,1932), author of Joe\'s Law: (2008) et al.
- Book_Addict (7 months ago)
Daniel Amare
Americas best Sheriff Joe Arpaio turned 83 today. Happy Birthday to Sheriff Joe. Married to Ava Arpaio, his wife of 57 years.God bless them.
- Daniel Amare (7 months ago)
Cdawg Leslie
Happy birthday to my friend, Joe Arpaio.
- Cdawg Leslie (7 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
Joe Arpaio will celebrate his 93 years old birthday in 4 months and 13 days! Send your greetings to him now!