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Happiest Birthday Wishes to Gomez!! Loved by All XO
- Kathy (4 years ago)
Griefbot887 APAB po/ta/to
Oh, look. It\'s John Astin, walking through a field of orgasms. Actually, that\'s probably pretty true to life. Happy
- Griefbot887 APAB po/ta/to (11 months ago)
The(e) Linda Cardwell Resister
John Astin was born March 30. 1930. Happy Belated Birthday to Mr. Adams!
- The(e) Linda Cardwell Resister (11 months ago)
John Astin and Carolyn Jones\' deliberate decision to portray Morticia and Gomez as a sexually heal
- T.R (11 months ago)
Nick Bersito
Happy birthday to the original Gomez John Astin turning 93 today
- Nick Bersito (11 months ago)
Michael Warburton
Happy 93rd Birthday John Astin
- Michael Warburton (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to actor-director John Astin (The Addams Family) who just turned 93.
- crafty1 (11 months ago)
Rhiannon Elizabeth Irons
93 years young. Happy Birthday, John Astin
- Rhiannon Elizabeth Irons (11 months ago)
JK\'s R foot⁷ - A BTS Forever ARMY fan account.
Happy Birthday, John Astin!
- JK\'s R foot⁷ - A BTS Forever ARMY fan account. (11 months ago)
Mark Lambert
Happy 93rd birthday to actor John Astin! Best known as Gomez Addams from the 1960s Addams Family TV series. I saw
- Mark Lambert (11 months ago)
- $390 DUE IN 2 DAYS! PLS RT PINNED! (11 months ago)
Bellz Webster
30.3.1930 -present - Happy Birthday to actor-director John Astin (The Addams Family) who turns 93 today.
- Bellz Webster (11 months ago)
Kurt Rosenberg
Happy Birthday John Astin!
- Kurt Rosenberg (11 months ago)
David Hollingsworth
Happy 93rd Birthday to the legendary John Astin!
- David Hollingsworth (11 months ago)
Mark Ramsey
Happy Birthday John Astin.
- Mark Ramsey (11 months ago)
sailor moonage daydream
Happy birthday to the legend and icon John Astin, who turns 93 today
the last member of the original Addams Family
- sailor moonage daydream (11 months ago)
Hartford Whalers
Happy 93rd birthday to John Astin.
- Hartford Whalers (11 months ago)
Scream Face Guy
Happy 93rd birthday to the original Gomez Addams, John Astin! and I are celebrating by watching The Ad
- Scream Face Guy (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to John Astin today, 93 years old. Morticia and Gomez Addams. Carolyn Jones, John Astin. The origi
- EdgarAllanPoe (11 months ago)
Zombies Ate My Brain
I think a fear of not wanting to look like his character from the Frighteners is what keeps John Astin going. Happy
- Zombies Ate My Brain (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to actor-director John Astin (The Addams Family) who turns 93 today.
- RahSilly (11 months ago)
John Astin (born March 30, 1930) (age 93) is an American actor who has appeared in numerous films a
- SULLY (11 months ago)
Lynn Edwards
Happy birthday to John Astin shown here as the Riddler. He\'s 93. You can love your life and claim your talents.
- Lynn Edwards (11 months ago)
Happy 93rd birthday to OG (Original Gomez) John Astin, owner of one of the most mischievous smiles ever shown on te
- @[email protected] (11 months ago)
Dorothy Eubanks
Happy Birthday dear Gomez! John Astin is 93 today!
- Dorothy Eubanks (11 months ago)
Katherine Witt
Happy birthday to actor John Astin!
- Katherine Witt (11 months ago)
Francesco Francavilla
Wishing a Very Happy 93rd Birthday to the one and only JOHN ASTIN! Hope you have a great one, sir!
- Francesco Francavilla (11 months ago)
Happy birthday John Astin
- LiberalSue1955 (11 months ago)
Franklin Thompson
Happy 93rd birthday to the great John Astin, who\'s still with us! Enjoy your day, old boy!
- Franklin Thompson (11 months ago)
Will Harris in VA
Just called John Astin to wish him a happy 93rd birthday & as we were getting off the phone, he said, \"Now you shou
- Will Harris in VA (11 months ago)
Batman: TAS
Happy birthday to the Legendary John Astin! Who portrayed the Riddler one time on the 60s Batman television series.
- Batman: TAS (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday American actor and director John Astin, now a fantastic 93 years old. Below, John as Gomez Addams in
- Masquerade (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Warren Beatty
Eric Clapton
Vincent van Gogh
Celine Dion
MC Hammer
Paul Reiser
Norah Jones
- H.A.L. (11 months ago)
Kim Wendel
Happy 93rd Birthday, John Astin! Loved \"The Addams Family\" TV show.
- Kim Wendel (11 months ago)
Melanie Ktorides ✨⭐️✨
Happy 93rd Birthday John Astin, in his familiar disguise as Gomez with co-star Carolyn Jones as Morticia in The Ad
- Melanie Ktorides ✨⭐️✨ (11 months ago)
Robert A. Easton
Happy birthday to the great comedic actor John Astin, who turns 93 today.
Whether he was playing the iconic Gomez
- Robert A. Easton (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to John Astin, who turns 93 today!
- ElTalas_43 (11 months ago)
The Jeremy Lee Show
Happy birthday to John Astin He turns 93 today He\'s most known for portraying the beloved gruesome tv dad on t
- The Jeremy Lee Show (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the first person to play Gomez Addams (1964)
John Astin
- BR88 (11 months ago)
Jennifer Long ☮️
Happy Birthday to Warren Beatty, John Astin,
- Jennifer Long ☮️ (11 months ago)
Also happy birthday John Astin
- TIMOTHY M LUCAS (11 months ago)
Happy birthday to John Astin, who turns 93 today!
- Younn (11 months ago)
Happy 93rd Birthday to John Astin
- Joe (11 months ago)
Birthdays - March 30 HAPPY BIRTHDAY Russ Von Neida
Joe Ruby
Maurice LaMarche
John Astin
- ScoobyAddict (11 months ago)
60s Batman ➐
Greetings and salutations, and Happy 93rd Birthday to John Astin!!!
- 60s Batman ➐ (11 months ago)
Sandy K
4 yrs younger than Dick Van Dyke. Happy Birthday John Astin.
- Sandy K (11 months ago)
Brian A Mullin
The Best of Gomez | The Addams Family via Happy Birthday John Astin
- Brian A Mullin (11 months ago)
jamie diana beth walenkiewicz
Happy birthday to John astin
- jamie diana beth walenkiewicz (11 months ago)
Robert L. Smoot
A Most Happy And Special Birthday Greeting to John Astin.
- Robert L. Smoot (11 months ago)
Happy Birthday, John!
John Astin is 93 today! The Cask of Amontillado with John Astin as Montessor & Mark Redfi
- MarkRedfieldStudios (11 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
John Astin will celebrate his 95 years old birthday in 21 days! Send your greetings to him now!