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Dean M
Happy birthday dear John! One of the greatest comic actors and writers to come out of Great Britain.
- Dean M (7 years ago)
Happy birthday, miss Curtis. You and Kevin Kline make the best team on screen. Actually,
- DTRT (3 months ago)
Nermin Tulic
Happy Birthday John Cleese
- Nermin Tulic (4 months ago)
steve green
Happy 83rd birthday to British actor, comedian, screenwriter and producer John Cleese (b. October 27, 1939 in Westo
- steve green (4 months ago)
Pierre A. Larsen
Happy birthday to the brilliant John Cleese. Thank you so much for the insights and laughter over the years.
- Pierre A. Larsen (4 months ago)
Joe Sillo
Even at three years old (way back when), I was able to recognize that John Cleese was not only funny, b
- Joe Sillo (4 months ago)
October 27 seeds the birthday of one of the most funniest people on the planet have a wonderful day John Cleese Happy Birthday
- WorldWideNews (4 months ago)
Wieland Witege
Happy 83rd birthday to John Cleese!
- Wieland Witege (4 months ago)
Aleksander Kalab
Happy 83rd birthday to British actor, comedian, screenwriter and producer John Cleese (b. October 27, 1939 in Westo
- Aleksander Kalab (4 months ago)
Candy Cooley
Happy birthday John cleese and thank you for the fun times for Monty Python and A fish cal
- Candy Cooley (4 months ago)
Frank Baker
I typically don t bother celebrities when I ve encountered them. However, 12-14 years ago I saw walki
- Frank Baker (4 months ago)
Clara Monnerat is reading,writing and translating
Happy 83rd birthday to British actor, comedian, screenwriter and producer John Cleese (b. October 27, 1939 in Westo
- Clara Monnerat is reading,writing and translating (4 months ago)
AmosMyristica #JusticeforMalkiRoth
Happy 38rd birthday to British actor, comedian, screenwriter and producer John Cleese (b. October 27, 1
- AmosMyristica #JusticeforMalkiRoth (4 months ago)
SNAP!! Happy Birthday, you\'re in good company, John Cleese, Simon Le Bon and Kelly Osbourne, but to name a few
- ponder (4 months ago)
Happy birthday to John Cleese
- SIXER. (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday John Cleese born on October 27, 1939. He is an English actor, and comedian. In the late 1960\'s, he c
- BostonJeff60 (4 months ago)
John Cleese is cute and all, but Lemurs are fricken adorable. Happy Birthday
- Hawkhorn6222 (4 months ago)
Miguel Arcos
Happy 83rd Birthday to one of my favorite British Actors John Cleese he s been In so many roles Including King Ha
- Miguel Arcos (4 months ago)
Allison Fitch
How fitting that the day after \'s birthday would be World Lemur Day! Happy Belated Birthday John Cleese
- Allison Fitch (4 months ago)
Jan Hacker #FreeAssange #FREESPEECH
So, Anyway... | John Cleese | Talks at Google via Happy Birthday, Y
- Jan Hacker #FreeAssange #FREESPEECH (4 months ago)
Eyes wide open 97
Happy birthday Mr John Cleese. Many Happy returns your a living legend
- Eyes wide open 97 (4 months ago)
Happy 83rd birthday to John Cleese (Nearly Headless Nick). Respect!
- #birkapmamabirkapsu (4 months ago)
Dennis McMahon
SAMPSON\'S in the town has a sale on genuine Moose heads. Canadian, not Japanese. Happy Birthday John Cleese.
- Dennis McMahon (4 months ago)
Murray Miller
The Upper Class Twit of the Year OS still one of the funniest things I ve ever seen. Happy Birthday John Cleese!
- Murray Miller (4 months ago)
Happy birthday John Cleese I love your silly walk
- ぽっくり建設 (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to John Cleese
- LindaW (4 months ago)
Michael Failla
Happy Birthday John Cleese. You are still a very silly man.
- Michael Failla (4 months ago)
Perjési Ilona
Happy Birthday John Cleese! by Kristy Ambrose
- Perjési Ilona (4 months ago)
Cape Cod Tweetaah
Happy 83rd Birthday to John Cleese, one of the funniest human beings to ever walk the Earth.
- Cape Cod Tweetaah (4 months ago)
John Cleese as Robin Hood (1981)
Happy birthday
- shotgunsolution (4 months ago)
Martin Burney
Brilliant happy birthday John Cleese
- Martin Burney (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday John Cleese!
- unicronicron (4 months ago)
That SeventiesRockFan
Happy Birthday John Cleese via
- That SeventiesRockFan (4 months ago)
Frankenstein\'s \'Ronster\'
- Frankenstein\'s \'Ronster\' (4 months ago)
Harry Potter actor John Cleese just turn 83 years old today!
Happy Birthday John Cleese! I\'m glad that you we
- Akemi❄ (4 months ago)
Wizarding World Direct
Happy birthday to John Cleese who portrayed Nearly Headless Nick in the films!
- Wizarding World Direct (4 months ago)
Mark Patterson
Happy Birthday to John Cleese. Of course, everyone talks about Fawlty Towers, but here\'s a little bit of the excell
- Mark Patterson (4 months ago)
Rima Gerhard
Happy Birthday John Cleese. Here\'s to freedom of thought, speech, and creative expression! (just don\'t mention the
- Rima Gerhard (4 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the genius John Cleese
- ProgRockGrandad (4 months ago)
\"He who laughs most, learns best.\"
He\'s a national treasure! Happy Birthday to actor, writer and comedic genius, J
- ArrowFilmsVideo (4 months ago)
Archie Willoughby
Love John Cleese ... Rob Love You My Friend ... Happy Birthday John !!!!
- Archie Willoughby (4 months ago)
Norman Peeler
Happy Birthday to actor and comedian John Cleese. (Commissions by )
- Norman Peeler (4 months ago)
Erica Bitterman-Ryon
Happy Birthday John Cleese
- Erica Bitterman-Ryon (4 months ago)
Russty_Russ #Retro
A Happy Birthday to John Cleese who is celebrating his 83rd birthday, today.
Source image:
- Russty_Russ #Retro (4 months ago)
leigh montgomery
Happy birthday John Cleese
- leigh montgomery (4 months ago)
Joe Nubs
Happy Birthday to Glenn Hoddle, John Cleese, Scott Weiland, Teddy Roosevelt, and of course, Dick Trickle.
- Joe Nubs (4 months ago)
Aaron Scott Cornell
- Aaron Scott Cornell (4 months ago)
Angle Victoria
I would wish John Cleese a happy birthday today, but of course, you can\'t even say woke stuff like that any more.
- Angle Victoria (4 months ago)