Welcome to John Cleese's Birthday Celebration Page
John Cleese got 999 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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birthday balloon

Dean M
Happy birthday dear John! One of the greatest comic actors and writers to come out of Great Britain. - Dean M (7 years ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, miss Curtis. You and Kevin Kline make the best team on screen. Actually, - DTRT (3 months ago)
birthday balloon

Nermin Tulic
Happy Birthday John Cleese - Nermin Tulic (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

steve green
Happy 83rd birthday to British actor, comedian, screenwriter and producer John Cleese (b. October 27, 1939 in Westo - steve green (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Pierre A. Larsen
Happy birthday to the brilliant John Cleese. Thank you so much for the insights and laughter over the years. - Pierre A. Larsen (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Joe Sillo
Even at three years old (way back when), I was able to recognize that John Cleese was not only funny, b - Joe Sillo (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

October 27 seeds the birthday of one of the most funniest people on the planet have a wonderful day John Cleese Happy Birthday - WorldWideNews (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wieland Witege
Happy 83rd birthday to John Cleese! - Wieland Witege (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Aleksander Kalab
Happy 83rd birthday to British actor, comedian, screenwriter and producer John Cleese (b. October 27, 1939 in Westo - Aleksander Kalab (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Candy Cooley
Happy birthday John cleese and thank you for the fun times for Monty Python and A fish cal - Candy Cooley (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Frank Baker
I typically don t bother celebrities when I ve encountered them. However, 12-14 years ago I saw walki - Frank Baker (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Clara Monnerat is reading,writing and translating
Happy 83rd birthday to British actor, comedian, screenwriter and producer John Cleese (b. October 27, 1939 in Westo - Clara Monnerat is reading,writing and translating (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

AmosMyristica #JusticeforMalkiRoth
Happy 38rd birthday to British actor, comedian, screenwriter and producer John Cleese (b. October 27, 1 - AmosMyristica #JusticeforMalkiRoth (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

SNAP!! Happy Birthday, you\'re in good company, John Cleese, Simon Le Bon and Kelly Osbourne, but to name a few - ponder (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday to John Cleese - SIXER. (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday John Cleese born on October 27, 1939. He is an English actor, and comedian. In the late 1960\'s, he c - BostonJeff60 (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

John Cleese is cute and all, but Lemurs are fricken adorable. Happy Birthday - Hawkhorn6222 (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Miguel Arcos
Happy 83rd Birthday to one of my favorite British Actors John Cleese he s been In so many roles Including King Ha - Miguel Arcos (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Allison Fitch
How fitting that the day after \'s birthday would be World Lemur Day! Happy Belated Birthday John Cleese - Allison Fitch (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Jan Hacker #FreeAssange #FREESPEECH
So, Anyway... | John Cleese | Talks at Google via Happy Birthday, Y - Jan Hacker #FreeAssange #FREESPEECH (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Eyes wide open 97
Happy birthday Mr John Cleese. Many Happy returns your a living legend - Eyes wide open 97 (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy 83rd birthday to John Cleese (Nearly Headless Nick). Respect! - #birkapmamabirkapsu (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Dennis McMahon
SAMPSON\'S in the town has a sale on genuine Moose heads. Canadian, not Japanese. Happy Birthday John Cleese. - Dennis McMahon (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Murray Miller
The Upper Class Twit of the Year OS still one of the funniest things I ve ever seen. Happy Birthday John Cleese! - Murray Miller (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday John Cleese I love your silly walk - ぽっくり建設 (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to John Cleese - LindaW (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Michael Failla
Happy Birthday John Cleese. You are still a very silly man. - Michael Failla (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Perjési Ilona
Happy Birthday John Cleese! by Kristy Ambrose - Perjési Ilona (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Cape Cod Tweetaah
Happy 83rd Birthday to John Cleese, one of the funniest human beings to ever walk the Earth. - Cape Cod Tweetaah (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

John Cleese as Robin Hood (1981) Happy birthday - shotgunsolution (4 months ago)
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Martin Burney
Brilliant happy birthday John Cleese - Martin Burney (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday John Cleese! - unicronicron (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

That SeventiesRockFan
Happy Birthday John Cleese via - That SeventiesRockFan (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Frankenstein\'s \'Ronster\'
HAPPY EIGHTY THIRD BIRTHDAY TO JOHN CLEESE - Frankenstein\'s \'Ronster\' (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Harry Potter actor John Cleese just turn 83 years old today! Happy Birthday John Cleese! I\'m glad that you we - Akemi❄ (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Wizarding World Direct
Happy birthday to John Cleese who portrayed Nearly Headless Nick in the films! - Wizarding World Direct (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Mark Patterson
Happy Birthday to John Cleese. Of course, everyone talks about Fawlty Towers, but here\'s a little bit of the excell - Mark Patterson (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Rima Gerhard
Happy Birthday John Cleese. Here\'s to freedom of thought, speech, and creative expression! (just don\'t mention the - Rima Gerhard (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to the genius John Cleese - ProgRockGrandad (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

\"He who laughs most, learns best.\" He\'s a national treasure! Happy Birthday to actor, writer and comedic genius, J - ArrowFilmsVideo (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Archie Willoughby
Love John Cleese ... Rob Love You My Friend ... Happy Birthday John !!!! - Archie Willoughby (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Norman Peeler
Happy Birthday to actor and comedian John Cleese. (Commissions by ) - Norman Peeler (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Erica Bitterman-Ryon
Happy Birthday John Cleese - Erica Bitterman-Ryon (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Russty_Russ #Retro
A Happy Birthday to John Cleese who is celebrating his 83rd birthday, today. Source image: - Russty_Russ #Retro (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

leigh montgomery
Happy birthday John Cleese - leigh montgomery (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Joe Nubs
Happy Birthday to Glenn Hoddle, John Cleese, Scott Weiland, Teddy Roosevelt, and of course, Dick Trickle. - Joe Nubs (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Aaron Scott Cornell
- Aaron Scott Cornell (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Angle Victoria
I would wish John Cleese a happy birthday today, but of course, you can\'t even say woke stuff like that any more. - Angle Victoria (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Eric\'s Laughing Daffodils
Happy Birthday John Cleese - Eric\'s Laughing Daffodils (4 months ago)
birthday balloon

Daniel Short
Happy Birthday to John Cleese of Monty Python fame! You may know him as the complaining customer in the Dead Parro - Daniel Short (4 months ago)

85 years old (Born on October 27, 1939)

Monty Python, Fawlty Towers

John Cleese's Best Moments

\"He who laughs most, learns best.\" - happy birthday to John Cleese
Happy Birthday, John Cleese ( He played Nearly Headless Nick in Harry Potter.
October 27: Happy Birthday, John Cleese! He played Nearly Headless Nick in the first two Harry Potter films.
Iggy pop, John Cleese, Chris Evans and Spandau Ballet on Radio2 this morning..singing me Happy Birthday!
So much fun!
October 27: Happy Birthday, John Cleese ( He played Nearly Headless Nick in the films.
Happy Birthday to our very own John Cleese!

German: We did not start it! Basil: Yes you did you invaded Poland.
Happy 75th Birthday to the sensational John Cleese!
Happy birthday, John Cleese!
John Cleese is 78 today, Happy Birthday John
\"The most creative people have this childlike facility to play.\" Happy birthday, John Cleese
Happy Birthday to Basil Fawl... I mean, JOHN CLEESE!
Happy birthday, John Cleese!
Happy 80th Birthday to the hilarious John Cleese   What is your favourite film/show he has starred in?
We wish a very happy 79th birthday to comic legend John Cleese.
Happy birthday, John Cleese.
A very Happy Birthday today to actor, comedian, screenwriter, and producer John Cleese
Happy birthday to English actor, comedian, screenwriter, and producer John Cleese, born October 27, 1939.
Happy 83rd birthday to John Cleese!
Happy 75th birthday John Cleese!

Happy Birthday to John Cleese

Born 27 October 1939
Happy  all!! And Happy Birthday to Rob our lovely Support Team member/John Cleese lookalike
And now for something completely different:

happy birthday john cleese
Happy birthday to the great John Cleese ..!
Happy 82nd Birthday, John Cleese!
Happy Birthday to the genius John Cleese
Happy Birthday John Cleese
Happy birthday to John Cleese born october 27 (with George Harrison)
Happy Birthday to John Cleese who played Art Gallery Visitor in City of Death.
Happy birthday to John Cleese!
Happy birthday John Cleese!
The brilliant mind behind \Fawlty Towers\ and our beloved Basil.
Happy birthday John Cleese...
Happy birthday to John Cleese. Photo from Monty Python\s Flying Circus, 1970.
Happy 79th Birthday to actor, voice actor, comedian, screenwriter, and producer, John Cleese!
Happy Birthday to the multi-talented John Cleese!
He is 80 today.
Happy birthday, John Cleese!
Happy 80th birthday to the legendary John Cleese!
Happy birthday, John Cleese! What bizarre act are you going to do this time?
Happy Birthday, John Cleese!!
Born on this day American President Teddy Roosevelt...but enough about him...

Happy 82nd Birthday John Cleese!
Happy birthday John Cleese, 76 today, best known of course for Fawlty Towers and Monty Python
Happy 78th Birthday to John Cleese!
Happy Birthday John Cleese!
Happy birthday to John Cleese
A very happy birthday john cleese/jack cheese today! someone get this man a celebratory cat to confuse
Happy Birthday John Cleese
Happy Birthday John Cleese
Happy Birthday John Cleese  Andy Gotts
Happy birthday to John Cleese
Happy 75th birthday to John Cleese! From John Cleese Has a Serious Side. >>
John Cleese is 76 today, Happy Birthday John!!
Happy Birthday, John Cleese!!
Happy Birthday John Cleese!
10/27: Happy 76th Birthday 2 actor/writer John Cleese! Stage+FIlm+TV! Monty Python! Basil!
Happy birthday to John Cleese! Do you have a favourite John Cleese quote?
¡Muchas felicidades al enorme y genial John Cleese por cumplir hoy 78 años!
Happy birthday
Happy Birthday, John Cleese. May you walk long and far, no matter how silly.
Happy birthday John Cleese!
Happy Birthday, John Cleese!
Happy 80th Birthday John Cleese! National Hero.
Happy birthday, John Cleese 80
Por el cumpleaños de JOHN CLEESE (happy birthday!), me he regalado esta maravilla.
Happy Birthday, John Cleese !
Happy Birthday to 

John Cleese 
K. K. Downing
Happy Birthday John Cleese
A Happy Birthday to John Cleese who is celebrating his 83rd birthday, today. 

Source image:
A very Happy 75th Birthday to Mr John Cleese.  Many happy returns sir.
Happy birthday, John Cleese!!
Happy 75th Birthday, See the actors 10 best film roles:
Happy Birthday John Cleese!
     10 27                    Happy Birthday Mr.John Cleese!!
Happy Birthday John Cleese (
Happy birthday John Cleese!A star of the big and small screen,he\s a comic genius!
Happy birthday John Cleese
10/27/1939 Happy Birthday, John Cleese, comedian,
                       actor, scriptwriter and producer
Happy birthday John Cleese. Photo from 1974.
Happy birthday John Cleese! See this star on our Comedy Greats stamps:
Happy Birthday, John Cleese!
Happy Birthday, John Cleese.
Happy Birthday to John Cleese, actor, comedian & Python, born 1938 in Weston-Super-Mare
Happy birthday to the legend that is John Cleese! 78 years awesome!
Happy birthday, John Cleese!
Happy birthday to the great John Cleese. Hope he has a great day
Happy bday John Cleese!!
Here\s wishing the great John Cleese a very happy birthday. Wow, it\s hard to believe that he is 80 today!
Happy 80th Birthday To John Cleese
Happy Birthday John Cleese!
Happy Birthday John Cleese aka \"nearly headless Nick\"
  A happy birthday to John Cleese
Happy Birthday John Cleese
Happy Birthday John Cleese   I hope you have a great birthday.
Petit rappel : nous ne sommes pas en 2021, nous sommes en 82 après John Cleese. 

Happy birthday
Happy Birthday to the great John Cleese.
Happy birthday, John Cleese, 83 today.
 Happy birthday to John Cleese who portrayed Nearly Headless Nick in the films!
Happy 83rd birthday to John Cleese (Nearly Headless Nick). Respect!
Happy 75th Birthday, John Cleese.
Happy Birthday wishes to British "funny man" - writer, producer, director John Cleese who turns 75 today!
Happy Birthday, John Cleese!
" Lost and Graham Chapman sketches 1948 found: birthday 27oct14
Happy Birthday John Cleese
De los más grandes y divertidos.
Inconmensurable en  .
Happy Birthday John Cleese. Thanks for the many laughs
Happy 75th birthday, John Cleese, great English comedian - a living legend
Happy Birthday Baaaaaaasil!..the legendary Python, Python legend Mr Cleese!
Happy 75th Birthday to John Cleese of Monty Python! Shop Collectibles:
Happy Birthday John Cleese!
 Happy 75th Birthday Cleese
Happy birthday JOHN CLEESE! Between Python & Fawlty, he may be responsible for more laughs than anyone else on earth.
Happy 75th Birthday To John Cleese!

  Happy Birthday to Monty Python alum and star of Fawlty Towers, John Cleese ...
And now for something completely different Happy Birthday John Cleese, 75 today.
Happy 75th Birthday
Happy birthday to Monty Python star John Cleese!
Happy Birthday John Cleese! :D
Tis but a scratch
Happy birthday to John Cleese!
A British actor who played in Harry Potter and is also known from Fawlty Towers.
Happy birthday, John Cleese.
Happy birthday, John Cleese!
Happy 75th birthday to the creator of the John Cleese.
Happy birthday actor John Cleese born 1939!
Happy Bday, Nearly Basil born In
Happy Birthday!! John Cleese tv profile   photo from
Happy 75th Birthday John Cleese!
Happy Roberto BENIGNI & John CLEESE
 in 1939 John Cleese, actor, comedian, writer and film producer was born. Happy birthday!
Felicitemos hoy al gran John Cleese, uno de los estupendos por sus 76 años
Happy birthday
Happy birthday John Cleese!!!
Today in history: happy birthday (1939) to Monty Python\s own John Cleese. And he was just in Orlando!
Happy Birthday John Cleese. Your Birthday too..? Your special for today:
Happy birthday John Cleese, he\s 76 today. Here he is with Graham Chapman on the set of \The Holy Grail\ (1975).
 Happy Birthday to actor/writer John Cleese 76 October 27th
 : BFI: \"He who laughs most, learns best.\" - happy birthday to John Cleese
Happy bday to python-er John Cleese, the original walk this way man.  b. Oct 27, 1939
Happy birthday John Cleese actor from England
John Cleese, Happy Birthday!
 Cleese Happy birthday. Older or younger than you? I have a lot riding on this, so consider carefully...
Happy Birthday to John Cleese who turns 78 today!
Happy Birthday John Cleese (1939)
Good afternoon & happy birthday John Cleese, 78.
Happy Birthday John Cleese
Wish a happy birthday to   and more!
New happy birthday shot What movie is it? 5 min to answer! (5 points) [John Cleese, 78]
Happy Birthday to Byron Allred of the Steve Miller Band & John Cleese of Monty Python (coming to Omaha)
Happy 78th Birthday to one of the funniest comedy actors John Cleese
Happy Birthday to John Cleese who turns 78 today
Pictured here silly walking....
Happy Birthday John Cleese (Monty Python)!
Happy 42nd Martian Birthday John Cleese!   Remessage
Happy Birthday to John Cleese!
 Happy Birthday John Cleese!!!
Happy birthday to veteran actor and comedian John Cleese
Happy Birthday John Cleese, born this day in 1939.
Happy Birthday to John Cleese who was born on this day in 1939.
Happy birthday John Cleese !
 Happy birthday to John Cleese!
Happy Birthday dear John Cleese!
Happy birthday to John Cleese!
Happy birthday, John Cleese
 Happy Birthday John Cleese. You haven\t changed a bit...
Today, John Cleese strides into his 79th year. Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday, John Cleese! 79, today!
Happy Birthday to John Cleese, and possibly his twin.
October 27:Happy 80th birthday to actor,John Cleese (\"Fawlty Towers\")
Happy Birthday John Cleese. 80 today.
Seen here with the superb Joan Sanderson as Mrs Richards.
And Now For Something Completely Different:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to John Cleese!
Ahhhh Happy Birthday John Cleese years of laughter because of you
Happy Birthday 
John Cleese
Happy Birthday to the extremely funny and talented John Cleese!!!
Happy birthday to John Cleese!
 Happy birthday John Cleese. Thank you so much
Happy 80th birthday to the not yet late but still great John Cleese!
Happy birthday John Cleese
Happy birthday John Cleese
Happy birthday to John Cleese.
Happy Birthday, John Cleese.
Happy 80th birthday to John Cleese.
Here he is, walking in Shepherd\s Bush earlier.
Happy birthday John Cleese, whom I first saw in Mary Shelley s Frankenstein.
Happy Birthday actor/comedian John Cleese
Happy Birthday John Cleese!
Happy 80th birthday John Cleese! The icon and comedy legend!
 Happy birthday John Cleese 80th BasilFAWLTY
Happy Birthday, John Cleese!
Happy 80th Birthday John Cleese! is A comedy legend! Thank you for a lifetime of laughter!
Happy birthday to the comic messiah himself, our lord, Mr. John Cleese!
    Happy birthday Sir John Cleese
Happy birthday to John Cleese whose 82 years young today
Happy birthday to John Cleese. Torquay\s finest.
Happy birthday, John Cleese!
Happy birthday John Cleese!!
Happy birthday to John Cleese and Chris Tavare, who are still pretending they are two different people.
Happy birthday to John Cleese! 82 years old
Hoy cumple años el actor John Cleese (82). Happy Birthday ! Aquí mi Ranking:
Happy Birthday John Cleese - 1970
Happy Birthday, John Cleese!
Happy Belated Birthday to John Cleese!
Happy Birthday, John Cleese!  Let\s see all of those silly walks!
Happy Birthday, John Cleese!
Happy Birthday John Cleese
Happy birthday to Monty Python star John Cleese cwho turns 82 today.
john cleese monty python 0
john cleese wife 1
john cleese fawlty towers 2
john cleese fish called wanda 3

Gift A Birthday Balloon

e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, John, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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