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This Might Be A Wiki
TMBW wishes a very happy 60th birthday to John Flansburgh
- This Might Be A Wiki (10 months ago)
Happy 60th Birthday John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants.I know I m shouting this into the message vacuum but I
- Stilloob (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday John Flansburgh! Born on this day in 1960.
- abcrockpodcast (10 months ago)
As he turns 60, here are sixty reasons that John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants is the best!!! (Lmk your reason
- celebratetmbg (10 months ago)
May 6 NATIONAL NURSES DAY Shoutout to all nurses all over the world Happy Birthday 1856 Robert Edward Peary, 191
- jparsio (10 months ago)
Janine Bennett
Don\'t Let\'s Start - They Might Be Giants via Happy 60th Birthday John Flansburgh!
- Janine Bennett (10 months ago)
Max the prettyboy
It\'s John Flansburgh\'s birthday today!!! Happy birthday Flansbear! I\'ve only recently become a fan but the po
- Max the prettyboy (10 months ago)
Dr Thom Oliver
Happy 60th Birthday to / John Flansburgh today.
- Dr Thom Oliver (10 months ago)
Vicky D
Happy 60th birthday to John Flansburgh - keep rockin\' Flans!
- Vicky D (10 months ago)
Philip LaRose
Happy 60th birthday to John Flansburgh of I still stop whatever I m doing to sing along to this song wheneve
- Philip LaRose (10 months ago)
Ted Hand
Happy 60th birthday to one of my favorite songwriters, John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants! I made a play
- Ted Hand (10 months ago)
A.J. Kazlouski
Happy birthday to John Flansburgh, who has sung a lot of songs that I love very much.
- A.J. Kazlouski (9 months ago)
that dang trans punk
Happy birthday John Flansburgh once my boyfriend told me Flans reminded him of me and it\'s the most romantic
- that dang trans punk (9 months ago)
Matthew D
Happy birthday to John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants! Hope you\'re having a great one Flans!
- Matthew D (9 months ago)
Happy F. JollySeason
I like derision better because it sounds cool and crisp. Also happy birthday John Flansburgh.
- Happy F. JollySeason (9 months ago)
Radio 104.5
6pm = Happy Birthday John Flansburgh!
- Radio 104.5 (10 months ago)
jake wants to see detective pikachu
Happy Birthday John Flansburgh!
- jake wants to see detective pikachu (10 months ago)
Chris Oliveira
Happy Birthday John Flansburgh!
- Chris Oliveira (10 months ago)
The rise of Squid Head
Happy birthday to John flansburgh from my favourite band, they might be giants!
- The rise of Squid Head (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to John Flansburgh of Photo from JoCo Cruise 2019 by Jon Uleis
- JoCoCruise (10 months ago)
Daniel is Electronic
Happy Birthday to John Flansburgh of my favorite band Here is a doom metal cover of Rabid Child. Please p
- Daniel is Electronic (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday John Flansburgh (They Might Be Giants) via
- (10 months ago)
Spare the Rock
Happy birthday to Mr. John Flansburgh of He s pretty much the best.
- Spare the Rock (10 months ago)
Dont Let\'s Start: A Podcast About TMBG
Happy Birthday, John Flansburgh! From all of me at Don\'t Let\'s Start: A Podcast About They Might Be Giants
Hear h
- Dont Let\'s Start: A Podcast About TMBG (10 months ago)
It\'s a Monday swing of Kick Out The Jams on Join as she celebrates
- indie617 (10 months ago)
LINCOLN (1988)
A very happy birthday to John Flansburgh (59)
Here is Bowie
- Cincyvinylcats (10 months ago)
CD102.5 Mornings
Happy birthday to the always engaging John Flansburgh of Two songs about other artists for Ninesta
- CD102.5 Mornings (10 months ago)
Ethan (commissions)
Happy birthday john flansburgh
- Ethan (commissions) (10 months ago)
Happy birthday john flansburgh
- Ethan (10 months ago)
Aficionado Prodigiosus, Purveyor of the Strange
Happy birthday to John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants! If you get a chance to see one of their concerts, do it.
- Aficionado Prodigiosus, Purveyor of the Strange (10 months ago)
This Might Be A Radio Show
Happy Birthday, John Flansburgh! We\'ve got plenty of songs to celebrate with tonight
- This Might Be A Radio Show (10 months ago)
digorino god
Happy birthday john flansburgh
- digorino god (10 months ago)
Happy birthday, John Flansburgh! I wonder if he\'s listened to the pod... we\'ve done three JF lead vocal songs in th
- This Might Be a Podcast (10 months ago)
Happy Birthday to John Flansburgh, guitar, vocals, from American alternative rock band They Might Be Giants, best k
- RockMusicAssociation (10 months ago)
one rusty spacefox pooltoi
- one rusty spacefox pooltoi (9 months ago)
North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema)
Happy Birthday to Angela Hernandez Nunez, Tom Bergeron, Lakis Lazopoulos, Roland Wieser, Andreas Busse, Anne Parill
- North Trenton (Teewhy Nyema) (9 months ago)
Shannpire Strikes Bach
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite musicians and cat lovers on the face of this earth, Mr. John Flansburgh
- Shannpire Strikes Bach (10 months ago)
The Shannlot
Happy Birthday to one of my favorite musicians and cat lovers on the face of this earth, Mr. John Flansburgh
- The Shannlot (10 months ago)
Monica Guerra
tmbgfanpics: Happy Birthday, John Flansburgh! @ 9:30 Club in Washington, DC on 4/14/18.
- Monica Guerra (10 months ago)
Jon “JoJo” Veliky
Happy Birthday, John Flansburgh!
- Jon “JoJo” Veliky (10 months ago)
Jeff K
Happy 58th birthday! John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants
- Jeff K (10 months ago)
TMBG Fan Pics
Happy Birthday, John Flansburgh! @ 9:30 Club in Washington, DC on 4/14/18.
- TMBG Fan Pics (10 months ago)
May 6th Happy Birthday to Colin Earl - Mungo Jerry (1942), Bob Seger (1945), Mary MacGregor (1948), Robbie McIntos
- TodayinMusicHistory (10 months ago)
North Trenton
Happy Birthday to Anne Parillaud, John Flansburgh, Roma Downey, George Clooney, Gina Riley, Tom Hunter, Alessandra Ferri and Leslie Hope.
- North Trenton (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to one of the twin quasars of rock, Mr. John Flansburgh!
- Interociter (9 months ago)
The Griffin Passant
Happy Birthday John Flansburgh!!!
- The Griffin Passant (9 months ago)
David Custy
Happy Birthday, John Flansburgh! via
- David Custy (10 months ago)
A warm and heartfelt HAPPY BIRTHDAY to John Flansburgh - fellow awesome bespectacled leftie. Eat so much cake.
- Cris\'tina (10 months ago)
HAPPY PA1 Jimmie Dale Gilmore (72), Bob Seger (72), Lulu Roman (71), Mary MacGregor (69), John Flansburgh (57)
- (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
John Flansburgh will celebrate his 65 years old birthday in 2 months and 4 days! Send your greetings to him now!