Happy Birthday and thank you for these pics of our incredible show at Red Rocks 2019.
- Trysette (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday, John Fogerty!
- BestSongIHeardToday (8 months ago)
Happy birthday to John Fogerty, born in 1945. Saw him last 5 years ago, as seen here... down the road
- Metalchopz (8 months ago)
carol-ann #blm #resister#nonracist
Born on this day: novelist Patrick white 1912, musician 1944 (happy birthday Miss Knight),singer Jo
- carol-ann #blm #resister#nonracist (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday, John! Believe it or not, my family\'s just given me the album \'Willy and the Poor Boys
- MiguelQuasar (8 months ago)
Brent Harmon\'s Music Corner
Happy Birthday
- Brent Harmon\'s Music Corner (8 months ago)
Shari Gordon
Happy Birthday John! Hope it\'s been a great day! Enjoyed seeing you play at Red Rocks June 2019! That was so awesome!!!!
- Shari Gordon (8 months ago)
Happy Birthday Mr. Fogerty! Saw you with my son several years ago sharing the stage with Jimmy Buffe
- Janice (8 months ago)
Vicki- #JusticeForAshli
Oh my! My first born son shares his birthday with Rudy Giuliani And John Fogerty.
- Vicki- #JusticeForAshli (8 months ago)
Michael Haydn
Happy 76th Birthday, John! I was lead guitarist in the 113 th Army Band from 1/81-3/83 and it was goo
- Michael Haydn (8 months ago)
Low Cut Connie
Happy birthday .. You have written so many freakin timeless songs. Thanx a million - adam
- Low Cut Connie (8 months ago)
Happy birthday Wishes to a rock n roll legend keep rocking on John Music to our ears peaceful enjoyment
- trenttaylor (8 months ago)
M Reed
Happy Birthday Mr. Fogerty!
Last time I saw you was at the Troubadour. What a great night! Hope you
- M Reed (8 months ago)