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Jehosev Rafael Prime
Happy Birthday 75th Ps. John Hagee..... :D
GOD Bless You with HIS Riches Glory and Wisdom and
- Jehosev Rafael Prime (10 months ago)
Happy 75th Birthday Pastor John Hagee Ministries
Cannon County Goat Roper
- Bizboro (10 months ago)
Jerry Ariobegwo
. Happy birthday to pastor John Hagee.
- Jerry Ariobegwo (10 months ago)
Have a Very Happy Birthday Pastor John Hagee!
- SayYes2NoStress (10 months ago)
Peter De Jesus
Happy Birthday to our Pastor John Hagee!
57 years of ministry in his 75th year of life during the
- Peter De Jesus (10 months ago)
Lombe B Ng\'andu
Happy Birthday to Pastor John Hagee (born April 12, 1940).
- Lombe B Ng\'andu (10 months ago)
Zack Cherian
Happy 75th Birthday to Pastor John Hagee!
Forever grateful for his love and the opportunity to serve
- Zack Cherian (10 months ago)
Nosakhare .L. Uwa
Happy Birthday to the great teacher of our time and God will continue to strengthen you in all area of your life - Pastor John Hagee
- Nosakhare .L. Uwa (10 months ago)
Pamela Rita Kiarie
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PST JOHN HAGEE! Your Ministry has been a tremendous blessing to me!
- Pamela Rita Kiarie (10 months ago)
Aaron Dominguez
Happy Birthday John Hagee! God bless you! Ruacha, Yeshu, Shalom!
- Aaron Dominguez (10 months ago)
Dorcas MacCarthy
happy birthday :pastor John Hagee is an international blessing we all love him very much
- Dorcas MacCarthy (10 months ago)
St.Michael Onwuemene
Happy birthday to you Pastor John Hagee!
- St.Michael Onwuemene (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
John Hagee will celebrate his 85 years old birthday in 2 months and 0 day! Send your greetings to him now!