Welcome to John Hume's Birthday Celebration Page
John Hume got 254 balloons for his birthday! Gift him more message balloons!
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Dominic O\'Reilly
My generation now enjoy the benefits of the work that was done by John Hume and many other leaders. Your vision is - Dominic O\'Reilly (4 weeks ago)
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Happy Birthday John Hume.. \"The real border in Ireland is not a line on a map. It s in the minds and hearts of peop - Phil (3 weeks ago)
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Wayne Jacob
A person who could have held his place in any government in the world, and through any crisis. Thankfully John Hu - Wayne Jacob (4 weeks ago)
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North Trenton
And Happy Birthday to Jon Stallworthy (d. 2014), Gad Yaacobi (d. 2007), David Howell, John Hume (d. 2020), Anthony - North Trenton (4 weeks ago)
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Denis Cairns.
Happy Heavenly birthday to Mr John Hume.Respect. - Denis Cairns. (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Have a great one happy birthday John Hume birthday as well. - Nonna (4 weeks ago)
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Great thread, from a past pupil, about two giants in Civil Rights. Today is Martin Luther King day in America and h - History@Thornhill (4 weeks ago)
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Bantry Credit Union
On what would have been his 84th birthday, today we fondly remember John Hume & his contribution to the credit unio - Bantry Credit Union (4 weeks ago)
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Cllr. Sean Drew - Meath
Happy 83rd birthday this weekend to John Hume, without doubt the greatest Irishman of modern times, born 18th Janua - Cllr. Sean Drew - Meath (3 weeks ago)
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Mark Cully
A MAN beyond the present back in Derry in 1969 - a noble person with Christian beliefs which he forced into the wor - Mark Cully (3 weeks ago)
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Ursula de Brun
Happy Birthday John Hume - a towering hero to whom we all owe so much - Ursula de Brun (3 weeks ago)
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Teewhy Nyema
And Happy Birthday to Gad Yaacobi (d. 2007), David Howell, John Hume, Anthony Giddens, Basil Hoffman, Curt Flood (d - Teewhy Nyema (4 weeks ago)
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George Hutton
Happy birthday to the greatest man in Irish history. John Hume you are a giant. If only today s world leaders could - George Hutton (4 weeks ago)
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Cllr Gary McKeown
Happy Birthday John Hume. Ireland\'s Greatest - Cllr Gary McKeown (4 weeks ago)
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Happy Birthday John Hume and many more from Portstewart. - khughes52 (4 weeks ago)
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Heather Wilson
Happy Birthday to our forever leader John Hume. Ireland will never forget what you achieved for us. - Heather Wilson (4 weeks ago)
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General Michael Collins
Happy 83rd Birthday to a great man John Hume. Born 18 January 1937 - General Michael Collins (4 weeks ago)
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matt britton
A happy 83rd birthday to John Hume a man who has always respected diversity and was a promoter of peace and hope no - matt britton (4 weeks ago)
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Fin Walsh
Happy Birthday to John Hume today. One of my political heros. One of the greatest - Fin Walsh (4 weeks ago)
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Cathal Mac Coille
For too many reasons to put in one message, Happy Birthday John Hume! - Cathal Mac Coille (4 weeks ago)
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frances symington
One of the many lessons that John Hume tried to teach us. So many didn t listen-and st - frances symington (4 weeks ago)
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MEP Martina Anderson
It s John Hume s 83rd birthday today Happy Birthday John x - MEP Martina Anderson (4 weeks ago)
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Conor McArdle
I never thought in terms of being a leader. I thought very simply in terms of helping people - Happy Birthday t - Conor McArdle (4 weeks ago)
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Happy Birthday, John Hume. If you can find this film, please watch it. What this man did for us cannot be underest - Beebsy (4 weeks ago)
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Mary Darlington
Happy Birthday John Hume - Mary Darlington (4 weeks ago)
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Mark O\'Keeffe
Happy 83rd Birthday to John Hume, resident of the Pantheon of Irish Legends. Former leader, Nobel Laureat - Mark O\'Keeffe (4 weeks ago)
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Pete Byrne
Happy Birthday to Ireland\'s Greatest! \"Over the years, the barriers of the past the distrust and prejudices of the - Pete Byrne (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy Birthday to the gentleman and peacemaker that is John Hume...we wouldn\'t be where we are today without you... - U_didnt_say_that_did_u (4 weeks ago)
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Sharon Haughey-Grimley
Happy Birthday John Hume: everyday we are so thankful for your leadership, determination & patience which brought p - Sharon Haughey-Grimley (4 weeks ago)
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Gavin Duffy
Happy 83rd Birthday John Hume born 1937 - former SDLP Leader and the beating heart of winning peace in N - Gavin Duffy (4 weeks ago)
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A legend of a man who dedicated his best years to all the people of this place. Criticised, vilified and targeted b - DENISE JOHNSTON (4 weeks ago)
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Ann Marie Conlon
Happy Birthday John Hume, a man who fought for peace. Truly a great Irish Man - Ann Marie Conlon (3 weeks ago)
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Dr G
Happy Birthday John Hume! - Dr G (4 weeks ago)
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Carm(Orange Vampire)
What a wonderful man. Happy birthday John Hume. - Carm(Orange Vampire) (4 weeks ago)
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Gareth O\'Callaghan
Happy Birthday John Hume, a true genuine giant of my lifetime. You demonstrated real peace and patience. It was my - Gareth O\'Callaghan (4 weeks ago)
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Aine Lynch
Happy birthday John Hume, the very very best of us - Aine Lynch (4 weeks ago)
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Colin Mc Andrew
Happy Birthday John Hume. The nobel peace prize winner from its always a great feeling to walk through - Colin Mc Andrew (4 weeks ago)
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ethna murphy
A timely reminder of the dedication required to deliver so much. A great politician and statesman. Happy Birthday - ethna murphy (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

In life we meet lots of people who leave their mark on us, John Hume is such ,a giant of - Frank (4 weeks ago)
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Niall O\'Dowd
Happy birthday, John Hume! The driving force behind the Northern Ireland peace process celebrates his birthday. - Niall O\'Dowd (4 weeks ago)
birthday balloon

Happy birthday, John Hume! The driving force behind the Northern Ireland peace process celebrates his birthday. - IrishCentral (4 weeks ago)
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I really wish John Hume was with us now and pitching in. What a hero. Happy birthday. - RowenaNeville (4 weeks ago)
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freddy billington
Happy Birthday John Hume,a Man of Substance. - freddy billington (4 weeks ago)
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Sarah Thorp
Had the privilege of working with John Hume in the European Parliament (and hearing him sing on occasion). Happy bi - Sarah Thorp (4 weeks ago)
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ILCU Foundation
Happy Birthday John Hume, founding member and long time supporter of credit union movement - ILCU Foundation (4 weeks ago)
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Pauline Bradley
Actually he takes his seat then flies to Mauritius or Sri Lanka, gets su - Pauline Bradley (4 weeks ago)
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Kevin Breslin|Caoimhghín Ó Breasláin (#FBPE)
Happy Birthday Danny! I guess if Michelle can make the list, so can you. John Hume Leo - Kevin Breslin|Caoimhghín Ó Breasláin (#FBPE) (4 weeks ago)
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Happy Birthday John Hume - si1kenobi (4 weeks ago)
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Andrew Pakes
We could do with much more of the spirit of John Hume in today s world. Happy birthday - Andrew Pakes (4 weeks ago)
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Warrior for truth justice respect equality victims
Great man of peace, Happy Birthday John Hume. Derry people respect you heart and soul. Non violent man. - Warrior for truth justice respect equality victims (4 weeks ago)

88 years old (Born on January 18, 1937)

Irish politician who founded the Social Democratic and Labour Party and is one of the architects of the Northern Ireland peace process. He is the only person to receive all three major peace awards: the Nobel Peace Prize, the Martin Luther King Award, and the Gandhi Peace Prize.

John Hume's Best Moments

Happy birthday to one of Derry\s finest and greatest, John Hume, who celebrates turning 82 today.
Ireland has been wishing \visionary peacemaker\ John Hume a happy 80th birthday
It s John Hume s 83rd birthday today 

Happy Birthday John x
Happy 80th birthday John Hume!
Happy 80th Birthday to John Hume. \Blessed are the peacemakers, they shall be called children of God\
Happy birthday to a great son of Derry and one of Ireland\s great leaders -John Hume xx
Happy 80th Birthday John Hume
Today is John Hume\s birthday, a good time to say happy birthday and
Happy birthday, John Hume.
Happy 80 birthday John Hume.  A champion of civil rights and equality for all.
Happy 80th birthday, John Hume
Happy 81st Birthday to - John Hume.
Wishing a very happy birthday to John Hume on his 80th birthday today from
Happy 81st Birthday to John Hume ...poster from 1997.
Happy Birthday to the peacemaker John Hume 80 today
Happy 80th Birthday to honorary grad & recipient Dr John Hume
Happy 80th birthday John Hume,
So you didn t wish John Hume a happy birthday
Happy 80th Birthday to Ireland\s Greatest, John Hume
Happy 80th birthday to Ireland\s peacemaker, John Hume. He devoted his life to serving the Irish people.
Happy birthday John Hume. A peacemaker and one of Ireland\s true legends. Also a Derry man....just saying.
A very special Happy 80th Birthday to our Club President John Hume!
A very happy 81st birthday to John Hume today
Happy 82nd Birthday John Hume. 

A beacon of Hope- Peacemaker- Hero
Happy 83rd Birthday to a great man John Hume. Born 18 January 1937
Happy Birthday John Hume. 

Ireland\s Greatest
Many claim to be, few deserve the title but this is what a peacemaker looks like. Happy Birthday John Hume
Happy 80th birthday to John Hume, one of the outstanding Irish communicators.
Happy 80th Birthday to Ireland\s Greatest, John Hume.
Happy 80th Birthday to John Hume born on this day in 1937
Happy Birthday John Hume.
Thankyou for your Integrity, Bravery, Direction and Political Leadership.
Happy 80th Birthday to John Hume \Irelands greatest\ Peace maker and first citizen of Derry.
Happy Birthday to Nobel Laureate John Hume.
 from -  Happy 80th Birthday John Hume...
The real Border is not the line on t
Happy 80th Birthday John Hume.An Irish great.
One of John Hume\s best quotes. We are all born the same happy 80th birthday
. Happy Birthday John Hume! 80 today! Please all in take heed of these wise words!
Happy 80th Birthday John Hume.
Happy Birthday John Hume. Peacemaker. Hero
Extending best wishes for a very Happy Birthday to JOHN HUME - architect of our peace process.
Happy Birthday John Hume,a Man of Substance.
John Hume sexy 0
John Hume new pic 1
John Hume dating 2
John Hume hairstyle 3

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e.g.: grumpy cat, poem, John, hugs, kiss you, xoxo, smile, friendship, love, Jesus, OMG, beautiful, cute, funny, sexy, gorgeous, dude, biatch, holy shit


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