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Darren Dalby
Happy Birthday John Major
- Darren Dalby (10 months ago)
Andy Y
And. Happy birthday John Major, Happy Anniversary Tony (killer) Blair. Have a Happy freedom day
- Andy Y (10 months ago)
David Paxton
Happy Birthday, John Major.
- David Paxton (10 months ago)
Louise Hector
Happy birthday Sir John Major. A PM who knew how to negotiate with the EU and who would never have given in to the bastards to win election
- Louise Hector (10 months ago)
Not to forget it\'s John major\'s birthday happy Independence Day
- GRANT (10 months ago)
John Grugan
Happy Birthday, John Major - born on this day in 1943.
- John Grugan (10 months ago)
Mozaffar Rothschild
Happy Birthday to Sir John Major.
- Mozaffar Rothschild (10 months ago)
Steve Smith
Happy Birthday Sir John! March 29 is the birthday of former PM John Major
- Steve Smith (10 months ago)
Anne Louise
I would like to wish John Major a Happy Brexitday..oops sorry..a Happy Birthday for tomorrow.
- Anne Louise (10 months ago)
Simon Tompkins
Happy birthday John Major. Ta da, we are triggering
- Simon Tompkins (10 months ago)
Pete North
Oh delicious. It\'s John Major\'s birthday tomorrow. Happy Birthday mate!
- Pete North (10 months ago)
At last! Well done voters, I\'m so very proud of us! Oh, and happy birthday to John Major tomorrow! Enjoy your day!
- Manda (10 months ago)
Charles Hancock
B-Day: Article 50 March 29th
Happy birthday Sir John Major.
- Charles Hancock (10 months ago)
Sylvi Clark
March 29th happens to be the birthday of anti-Brexit former PM Sir John Major. Happy birthday!
- Sylvi Clark (10 months ago)
\'Happy Birthday John Major\' (?)
- IanG (10 months ago)
Happy birthday John Major! May to trigger Art. 50 on March 29th. So we\'re jumping. Anyone know where we\'re landing?!
- LGSPolitics (10 months ago)
Matthew Ambler
Sad that this will happen on my birthday (and Sir John Major\'s). No doubt Lord Tebbit will have a \'happy Birthday\'
- Matthew Ambler (10 months ago)
29th March is anti-Brexit Sir John Major\'s birthday.
Happy b-day!
- Westmonster (10 months ago)
Oscar A Sarceno
Happy Birthday John! Major luck to you!
- Oscar A Sarceno (9 months ago)
TT Mobile UK
TT UK 07:56
1.John Major
2. 3. 4.William Hague
5. 6.Happy Birthday Ma\'am
- TT Mobile UK (9 months ago)
TrendieUK - Trends
\"Trending UK:08:32 AM BST\"
1. John Major
2. 3. 4. William Hague
5. Happy Birthday Ma\'am
- TrendieUK - Trends (9 months ago)
John Major de Pingre
Happy, slightly belated, birthday to a man I can call my friend & one I truly respect,
- John Major de Pingre (9 months ago)
- March 29th - Elle Macpherson, 51; Brendan Gleeson, 60; Eric Idle, 72 + Sir John Major, 72. Happy birthday
- (10 months ago)
Happy birthday to former British Prime Minister John Major (March 29,1943), author of Autobiography (1999) et al.
- Book_Addict (10 months ago)
Today In History
Happy bday: Sir John Major 72, Eric Idle 72, Vangelis 72, Christopher Lawford 60, Elle Macpherson 51, Lucy Lawless 47, Jennifer Capriati 39
- Today In History (10 months ago)
Natalie C
So I share my birthday with which is great & John Major, which is not so great. Have a good one Eric! Many happy returns to us! x
- Natalie C (10 months ago)
Wesley James Eyley
Happy Birthday Sir John Major!
- Wesley James Eyley (10 months ago)
Lombe B Ng\'andu
Happy Birthday to Sir John Major (born March 29, 1943).
- Lombe B Ng\'andu (10 months ago)
Monica Madden
Happy birthday john!! major throwback to soph year hahaha
- Monica Madden (10 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
John Major will celebrate his 82 years old birthday in 2 months and 6 days! Send your greetings to him now!