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Happy Bday, a talented comedian and actor A great guy like you deserves t
- MyAgeCalculator (9 months ago)
Eduardo Serrano
Since no one is gonna do it. Happy Birthday also to John Oliver as well!
- Eduardo Serrano (9 months ago)
Ramón García
Happy birthday to John Oliver, who also turns 46
- Ramón García (9 months ago)
Amber is the color of my energy
Happy birthday to both John Cena and John Oliver, who happen to also be the exact same age
- Amber is the color of my energy (9 months ago)
Dev Solovey || Webtoon creator
Happy birthday to both John Cena and John Oliver, who happen to also be the exact same age
- Dev Solovey || Webtoon creator (9 months ago)
Ben Dreyfuss
April 23rd! What a lovely day!
Happy birthday to Shirley Temple! Lee Majors! John Oliv actually John Oliver is anno
- Ben Dreyfuss (9 months ago)
Jennifer Long ☮️
Happy Birthday to Jaime King, Lee Majors, John Hannah, John Oliv
- Jennifer Long ☮️ (9 months ago)
Paul Saunders
Today is the 23rd April, and so it\'s a Happy 46th Birthday to British born presenter and comedian John Oliver
- Paul Saunders (9 months ago)
- onett (9 months ago)
Goof Podcast
Happy Birthday John Cena and John Oliver who both turn 46 today.
- Goof Podcast (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to Charlie Rowe, Dev Patel, George Lopez, Gigi Hadid, Jaime King, John Cena, John Hannah, John Olive
- NotYourAverageMovieBuff (9 months ago)
Zardoz Myrh
Happy birthday to a royal subject who became an American John Oliver
- Zardoz Myrh (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday Dev Patel, John Oliver, John Hannah, Taio Cruz, Laura Mvula, Prince Louis,
- BRMGradio (9 months ago)
Dan Bryan Andalan
Happy birthday, Mr. John Oliver.
- Dan Bryan Andalan (9 months ago)
Is John Oliver trying to be a Poundland Ben Elton? how rude!
Happy Birthday all
- Combine (9 months ago)
Taj Day — 4.23 ♉️
I forgot to wish my birthday twins & (John Oliver) a Happy Birthday It s still though 4.23
- Taj Day — 4.23 ♉️ (9 months ago)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY APRIL 23rd; Actor David Birney,83; Actress Blair Brown,76; Music Producer Ciarán McDonald,29; Model
- BRONX POET (9 months ago)
Kevin Gysler
Happy Birthday J.C.! And happy birthday to John Oliver your identical twin.
- Kevin Gysler (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to John Oliver
- clemons8204 (9 months ago)
Happy birthday John Oliver!
- ReyVagabond (9 months ago)
Giovanna ☕
Happy birthday John Cena!!!
And happy birthday John Oliver!!!
- Giovanna ☕ (9 months ago)
Jax A. Suttcliff
Happy birthday to both John Oliver and John Cena. They were born on the same damn day, and yes I only k own that be
- Jax A. Suttcliff (9 months ago)
Jake with the Ob
Happy 45th Birthday to John Oliver! The host of Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and the actor who played Dick Pa
- Jake with the Ob (9 months ago)
clive / wes =w= leading beatlologist
Happy birthday to possibly the meowiest meow meow in all of late night television, john oliver :]]
- clive / wes =w= leading beatlologist (9 months ago)
Ebay Entrepreneur
Happy birthday we can see John Oliver\'s face but nothing else.
- Ebay Entrepreneur (9 months ago)
Joshua Mason
And happy birthday to this guy who I totally thought looked like discount
- Joshua Mason (9 months ago)
Happy birthday, John Oliver!
- Marvin (9 months ago)
Happy 45th birthday, John Oliver!
- Celeberties/Stars/Actresses/Famous (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday, John Cena & John Oliver! Hope you both have great Birthdays today!
- Annie (9 months ago)
Tran Khuong
- Tran Khuong (9 months ago)
Disney Wiki
Happy Birthday, John Oliver
For Disney, he voiced Wax Sherlock Holmes in the episode \"Headhunters\", C
- Disney Wiki (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the GOAT (not John Oliver, you John Cena)
- Eshan (9 months ago)
Cambridge in America
Happy Birthday to John Oliver (Christ\'s College 1995), who turns 45 today! He is an English comedian, writer, produ
- Cambridge in America (9 months ago)
Celebrity Born
Happy Birthday to John Oliver (English Comedian, Writer, Media Critic, Television Presenter, Actor, Television Prod
- Celebrity Born (9 months ago)
Scott Smith
Happy Birthday to this great comedian. Happy Birthday to John Oliver
- Scott Smith (9 months ago)
Happy birthday Comedian John Oliver! Forget the past; look forward to the future, for the best things are yet to co
- (9 months ago)
Steve Lamb
Happy Birthday to George Lopez, Valerie Bertinelli, Taio Cruz and John Oliver!
- Steve Lamb (9 months ago)
Omega Jim
Happy Birthday to you and not John Oliver.
- Omega Jim (9 months ago)
happy birthday john oliver cena
- MaheerMaheshwary (9 months ago)
Nicole Grant
Happy Birthday Gigi Hadid, Valerie Bertinelli, Dev Patel, Jaime King, George Lopez, Lee Majors, Michael Moore, Joan
- Nicole Grant (9 months ago)
Kristopher Morrison
I feel like this is a shot at John Oliver. Like, \"Happy birthday John. This is what someone your
- Kristopher Morrison (9 months ago)
wendy 2
And to John Oliver s favourite queen: Happy Birthday!!(21/4)
- wendy 2 (10 months ago)
Juliet Bennett Rylah
The John Oliver capitalism discussion reminds me of this boyfriend I had who, after I made him a birthday cake and
- Juliet Bennett Rylah (10 months ago)
Wow, that s amazing. First time I ve laughed at something John Oliver said. What s the next thing he s g
- adam (9 months ago)
Steven Sharp
Happy 43rd Birthday today to former minor league (MiLB) outfielder John Oliver!
- Steven Sharp (9 months ago)
Lincoln D. Meidas
please say Happy Birthday to who is friends with
- Lincoln D. Meidas (9 months ago)
Ross Vegas
Happy late birthday to John Oliver and John Cena who I have just found out have the exact same birthday on the exac
- Ross Vegas (9 months ago)
Hey I m going to be 75 and I still teach Zumba four times a week you re right ages just a
- arosenfeld1@verizonn (9 months ago)
Darlene from Animal Crossing
Happy Birthday John Oliver and John Cena! AaaAAAhhHHH
- Darlene from Animal Crossing (9 months ago)
Kathy Coss
Happy Birthday to one of my very favorite people, John Oliver! John Cena, you\'re okay, too.
- Kathy Coss (9 months ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
John Oliver will celebrate his 48 years old birthday in 2 months and 8 days! Send your greetings to him now!