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simone de baevoir
Just realised John Updike has the same birthday as my boyfriend, and it\'s made me really happy.
- simone de baevoir (8 months ago)
Robb Lightfoot
Happy birthday to John Updike!
- Robb Lightfoot (9 months ago)
Arvin Reyes
Happy birthday, John Updike.
- Arvin Reyes (9 months ago)
Mark Okkema
Happy Birthday, John Updike.
- Mark Okkema (9 months ago)
\'No act is so private it does not seek applause.\'
Happy birthday John Updike. Thank you for giving the mundane its beautiful due.
- Kamal (9 months ago)
Happy birthday John Updike. You clever, maybe overly clever, fantastic, talented guy.
- washeteria (9 months ago)
Melanie White
Happy Birthday to one of the best, John Updike
- Melanie White (9 months ago)
Lea Lamiel-Cristobal
Happy birthday, John Updike!
- Lea Lamiel-Cristobal (9 months ago)
Mark V. Bedard
Happy birthday John Updike
- Mark V. Bedard (9 months ago)
\"The fiction writer is the ombudsman who argues our humble, dubious case in the halls of eternal record.\" Happy Birthday, John Updike
- Ben Sharbaugh (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to the late John Updike! You\'ll find his famous \"Rabbit\" novels in the Fiction shelves on the first floor.
- strathconacountylib (9 months ago)
PEN Center USA
Photo: Happy Birthday, John Updike!
- PEN Center USA (9 months ago)
Fred Weichselbaum
Happy Bday John Updike! Beautifully Mundane: 10 Bits of Everyday Wisdom from John Updike via
- Fred Weichselbaum (9 months ago)
Happy birthday, John Updike.
- (9 months ago)
Happy Birthday to John Updike, born on this day in 1932!
- Litographs (9 months ago)
Field\'s End
Happy birthday to writer John Updike! \"Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life.\"
- Field\'s End (9 months ago)
Bente Smidt
- Bente Smidt (9 months ago)
Beby Chaesara
marthamconway: Happy birthday, John Updike! via FussyLibrarian
- Beby Chaesara (9 months ago)
Happy birthday, John Updike.
Writers may be disreputable, incorrigible, early to decay or late to bloom but they...
- MadMadge (9 months ago)
PJ Braley
Happy John Updike!
- PJ Braley (9 months ago)
Photo Larry ®
Happy Birthday RIP John Updike(1932 2009) Peter Graves(Aurness 1926 2010) Ernest Gallo(1909 2007) ; Kevin (cont)
- Photo Larry ® (9 months ago)
Elmira Bayrasli
Happy birthday John Updike! My fav Updike read:
- Elmira Bayrasli (9 months ago)
American Housewife
The only people who can be themselves are babies and old bastards. - COUPLES (1968) Happy Birthday, John Updike!
- American Housewife (9 months ago)
Happy birthday to writer John Updike (March 18, 1932), author of the 1960 novel \"Rabbit, Run\" and many other notable and important works.
- Book_Addict (9 months ago)
Writer\'s Relief
Happy Birthday John Updike! What\'s your favorite Updike
- Writer\'s Relief (9 months ago)
Sean Thomas Sullivan
Happy BDay John Updike!
- Sean Thomas Sullivan (9 months ago)
Win Bassett
George Plimpton, John Updike, Wilfred Owen, and Franz Wright happy birthday, fellas.
- Win Bassett (9 months ago)
Cedar Rapids Library
Happy to John Updike!
- Cedar Rapids Library (9 months ago)
Fourth & Sycamore
Happy birthday, John Updike! He would have been 83 today.
- Fourth & Sycamore (9 months ago)
Anna Bradley
Happy Birthday to John Updike, born March 18, 1932.
- Anna Bradley (9 months ago)
Martha Conway
Happy birthday, John Updike! via
- Martha Conway (9 months ago)