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Happy 69th Birthday to America\'s Most Wanted\'s John Walsh!! What do you think is... Happy 69th Birthday to...
- @mickyandonie (1 month ago)
jacob webb
Happy birthday
- jacob webb (1 month ago)
Happy 69th Birthday to America\'s Most Wanted\'s John Walsh
- doc (1 month ago)
Antenna TV
Happy 69th Birthday to America\'s Most Wanted\'s John Walsh!! What do you think is the best crime TV show?
- Antenna TV (1 month ago)
Happy Birthday!
- MamboDan (1 month ago)
Fox News Channel just wished you a Happy Birthday ! Ditto...
- Breakbadname (1 month ago)
Charlotte Gonzalez
- Charlotte Gonzalez (1 month ago)
The Daily Telegram
Happy birthday to 79; (thanks for trying to find the Skelton boys), 69; 51
- The Daily Telegram (1 month ago)
Happy Happy Birthday!
- EVE22 (1 month ago)
AMW Fans
Happy 69th birthday to and happy first birthday as host of The Hunt!
- AMW Fans (1 month ago)
Jamie Roxx
Happy Birthday. Today in 1945 John Walsh, American television host, producer, and activist, created America\'s...
- Jamie Roxx (1 month ago)
Historic Birthdays
Happy birthday to Mao Zedong, John Walsh, Jared Leto, and Kit Harrington!
- Historic Birthdays (1 month ago)
Raider Ron
Happy birthday John Walsh.
- Raider Ron (1 month ago)
Hannah Stoelting
Happy Birthday,
- Hannah Stoelting (1 month ago)
America s Most Wanted John Walsh is 69. Happy BDay!
- PingWiFi (1 month ago)
Jim Coston
Happy Birthday Dec 26th to John Walsh (69), Carlton Fisk (67) & Ossie Davis (60)
- Jim Coston (1 month ago)
Tanat \'Telepathee\'
Happy Birthday to John Walsh, Temuera Morrison, Dennis Knight, Jared Leto, Josie Ho, Chris Daughtry, and Nikolai Nikolaeff
- Tanat \'Telepathee\' (1 month ago)
Matt Russo
Ayyy Johnny Pickles happy birthday!
- Matt Russo (1 month ago)
Hello, Gift me balloons!
Let's make this birthday one to remember.
John Walsh will celebrate his 80 years old birthday in 10 months and 16 days! Send your greetings to him now!